News: Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model AirplanesYoung C. Park, retired dentist of Honolulu, Hawaii, has satisfied a life long interest in model airplanes with his meticulous, incredibly detailed models of the Corsair and P-51 Mustang. Pictured below is Young Park's Corsair.

Via the Internet Craftsmanship Museum,

"The wings fold, the wheels and hook retract and the controls work. This aircraft took about 6000 hours over a period of 5 years to build...

Using tweezers, the controls can be moved. All cables and linkages are in place to work the wing control surfaces as well. Young Park has since carved a pilot's face and hands from solid aluminum and built an articulated pilot to sit in the cockpit."

Amazing work. Click through for more info on Park and his process.

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

Ex-Dentist Crafts Insanely Anal Model Airplanes

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Put some fuel and a mouse in there and you could probably fly the little thing.

this might cost a lot....

My eyes are blurry just thinking about doing this...

would be awesome if the machine guns worked :D

That guy should get a job in aviation and make their models.......................... I'm pretty sure he could make some better models than who ever does it now.

ty5r6tt tguyg 78ty667 uy5re57uy 5ed

ty5r6tt tguyg 78ty667 uy5re57uy 5ed

This thing is incredible!

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