Wall Space Search Results

How To: Install a home wall safe

Mary from VLine industries shows up how to Install a wall safe into a closet wall. For this example, she used a DOJ approved Wall Safe from VLine. The first step to the installation is to find where the studs are in the wall and make sure there is no electrical or plumbing behind the wall. Next, after locating the studs with a stud finder or by knocking on the wall, you measure and mark the space you will need for the wall safe. Use your dry wall knife to cut the space for the wall safe out b...

How To: Create a cute DIY purse wall hanger on a budget

If you have an endless supply of purses and a limitless supply of wall empty wall space, it's about time you made some DIY purse racks. In this video, you'll see a very easy (and cheap) way to hang all of your purses (and please your boyfriend). For this DIY purse rack, you'll need some coat and hat hangers (hooks), feather boas, screwdriver and a tape measure.

How To: Embellish wall decals with polymer clay

Ilysa Bierer and Kira Slye with Polymer Clay TV demonstrate how to embellish wall decals with polymer clay. Wall decals come in a variety of styles. You can embellish wall decals in a variety of ways to make them your own. Take transfer paper and use parts of the design to incorporate into your polymer clay figures. Cookie cutters are handy ways to cut out polymer clay shapes. After you cut out your shapes with the cookie cutter, you can use the piece of clay with the negative space and place...

How To: Paint quicker and more evenly with a roller

To save time and get a more uniform result when painting with a roller pour your paint in a five gallon bucket rather than a roller pan. Put a painters screen down into the bucket and hook it over the edges of the bucket. Dip the roller into the bucket and roll the excess off of the roller by rolling it on the screen in the bucket. This allows you to have far less stops refilling the pan and if you keep the bucket near the wall you save time loading the roller with paint. When you are ready t...

How To: Create a plate wall

To build your plate display you will need a plate collection, some plate hangers, and a hammer. A good part of hanging plates on the wall is you can use cracked and chipped plates in your display. To get the plates ready to hang all you have to do is make sure they are clean and measured correctly so that you can get the right hangers for the plates. When purchasing plate hangers go with the smaller size. If the plate is 10 inches buy the 7-10 inch hanger rather than the 10-14 inch hanger. Yo...

How To: Install a kitchen backsplash with glass tile accents

This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category where you will learn how to install a kitchen backsplash with glass tile accents. A tile can be attached to walls with the help of mastic. It doesn't require mixing and it is stronger than mortar. Before applying mastic, sand the wall surface lightly. Don't sand away the paint. Clean the surface with damp cloth. Layout the tile pattern below the space and measure the dimensions. Do the marking on the wall of the centerline. Apply a thin lay...

How To: Build a French cleat storage system

The Wood Whisperer is Marc J. Spagnuolo, a professional and passionate furniture maker, who also contributes to Fine Woodworking and Popular Woodworking. In this video, Spagnuolo shows us how to build a French cleat storage system. It's a very versatile unit, and gives you plenty of storage space without cluttering up a room.

How To: Install a decorative tile border

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to install a decorative tile border. Decorative borders add a beautiful accent to any room. Start by setting the "measure right pro' tool. Slide the tool open to cover the entire tile and the width of the border. Next move out one eighth for the wall space and lock the tool. Now place the fill tiles on top of the set tiles. Then you slide the "measure right pro' along the wall and mark the tiles. Write the sequence numbers on the tiles a...

How To: Prevent yellow jackets from nesting in your home walls

Rick Steinau with Ask the Exterminator demonstrates how to prevent yellow jackets from nesting in your home's walls. In mid to late summer yellow jacket populations increase. Yellow jackets can find spaces in the veneer or in cracks in bricks or siding. You can hear scratching noises in your walls as the wasps move. Observe wasp activity late in the day when they return to their nest for the night. Treat reachable holes with pesticide dust and a bellows. Leave the hole open to let the wasps f...

How To: Install a wall mount to install a flat-screen tv

One of the biggest perks of having a flat panel television is that you don't have to take up any space in your living room with it! In this tutorial, learn how to buy, install and mount a TV in your living room. By mounting your boob tube, you will save tons of space and also create a very cool piece of 'art' for your bare walls. So, make sure you have the right mounts for your TV and any tools you may need and get started. You will love the new look of your room.

How To: Lay Straight Tile with a Crooked Wall

Tiling always looks so easy when you see it done on a straight wall! But how do you do it with a crooked wall? Use a Measureright Pro to get the angle right. So if you've tiled from a straight right angle and you're just reaching the 'odd' shaped spaces between your last row of tiles and your crooked wall, you can use the tool to mark your final row of tiles so that when you cut them, they will fit right into the irregular shaped spaces between your final row of tiles and the slanting wall. T...

How To: Attract more business with feng shui

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to attract more business with feng shui. To attract more business you need helpful people to hire you or to spread the word about your goods and services. The travel of information is also important in business. Your house should address these areas. First, find the focus room on your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The travel and helpful people area is in the lower right corner of your home, standing i...

How To: Tile a custom ceramic tile shower

Start by putting tile backer board tape on all the joints on the wall board and then put mortar over the backer board tape. Let the mortar dry and then you can begin the tile job. Install a ledger board at the base of the shower stall about one tile high. Draw some vertical and horizontal lines on the wall to help keep the tile going straight. Also use tile spacers to help keep the tile going straight. Mix up some thin set mortar. Put the thin set mortar on the wall. Apply it with the flat si...

How To: Use an outdoor green screen

Tom Skowronski teaches the secrets of using an outdoor green screen. An excellent summary is given below. First check the advantages of using green screen outdoor like a lot of space, sufficient light. In the same way check some disadvantages like noises from birds, children. For the screen materials you can use paper which is cheaper but it cannot be controlled if wind blow. You can also use a board or even paint a wall green which will be better. Now to set up the screen use the screen rods...

How To: Make a bicycle rack out of repurposed closet racks

Danny Lipford and Joe demonstrate how to make a bicycle rack out of repurposed closet racks. Closet brackets can be used to store bicycles. Instead of hanging the bicycle on the ceiling for long term storage, fasten closet brackets to your garage wall to more practically easily access your bicycles on an everyday basis. First, drive drywall screws into the wall studs. Space the brackets about 16 inches apart. Hang the bike right on its crossbar from the brackets. This method only works with b...

How To: Add strength to a landscape patio wall

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to add strength to a landscape patio wall. For reinforcement, users should insert metal pipes down through the wall. To do this, users will need a sledgehammer, 1/3" pipe and a large diameter pipe cutter. Determine the length of the pipe by adding 2 feet to the actual length of the wall. Cut the pipe to the length and insert the pipe down through a large diameter hole on the wall. Remove the surrounding blocks and use the sledgehammer to drive the pip...

How To: Throw up when doing graffiti (paint on a wall)

This is your basis step by step on how to do graffiti on walls - in your house for decoration, of course, not on the streets for vandalism! The best spray paint is made with krypotnite added into the paint. While you will want to paint directly on the surface, you don't want to be exposed to excessive winds or temperature when doing your graffiti, so you may be somewhat at the mercy of mother nature. Start by sketching your design with pencil, making sure that it takes the maximum amount of s...

How To: Tile a diagonal cut tile

Tile RIGHT demonstrates how to tile a diagonally cut tile. First set the Measure Right Pro to the appropriate setting, extending it from corner to corner along your tile. Account for your grout line and the space up against the wall. Then, lock the tool. Next, place the tiles you're going to use on top of your set tiles. Slide the Measure Right Pro along the wall and mark the tiles. Place the sections in the appropriate place. Then, cut your tiles. Lay the tiles where you've previously marked...

How To: Prune tall hedges

We next discuss trimming regular hedges. Most people just want a hedge that's tidy and neat, one that performs a function of blocking a view. We discuss some newly planted Boxwoods. Glenn planted these several months ago and wants to keep these low growing, about the height of the wall behind them. When the new growth starts to come up and the plant has reached its desired height, he prunes them. Glenn leaves an open space between the plant and the wall, this allows for good air circulation, ...

How To: Build patio walls with posts

Instructions for building wall panels and posts using Alan Block materials. This is How-to Sheet #190, for the Courtyard Collection. Combine walls and posts in a three step process: build a post, build one wall off the post, then build a second wall off the first. Corner blocks help make perfect corners, and have one long and one short side. Offset the vertical seems by alternating. Blocks used for the wall include Dublin center-split, Dublin end-split, and York center-split. You will need to...

How To: Make a piece of graphic wall art with Threadbanger

In this video, Meg shows us how to make a piece of graphic wall art with Threadbanger. First, gather stencils in the letters that you want. Then, place them on contact paper and trace them with a permanent marker. After this, cut the letters out and put them on the wall where you want them. Next, mark your wall with a ruler to make sure it's a straight bottom. From here, place your letters onto your canvas. Now, paint over your canvas and allow to dry. Once dried, very carefully remove each l...

How To: Step down or end your patio wall

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to step down or end your patio wall. This video is from www.allanblock.com. Get the installation details and the location of the nearest dealer from the website. The instructions are on How-to sheet #160. The easiest way to create step down is to create corner blocks. Simply place corner blocks at the end of each course overlapping the block as the wall steps down. Finish the wall with wall caps. Once the wall caps are in place, you can ...

How To: Decorate your walls with no nails and no paint

Are your white walls closing in on you? Are you moving into a dorm room or have a strict landlord or parental unit? No worries, we have no-nail and no-paint wall solutions for you in this episode. This week, we will make DIY wall decals that are easy, movable and stylish. With a full wall decal guide and peeks into how other nesters DIY their wall decor.

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