Variation Search Results

How To: Tie a twisted dropper loop for fishing

The Twisted Dropper Loop is a variation of the dropper loop. As the dropper loop the twisted dropper loop forms a loop which is off to the side of the line. In the this variation the line is twisted before the loop is created. This stiffens the line and make it stand nicely off to the side. The twisted dropper loop can be used anytime a loop is needed in the middle of your leader. Follow along with this fishing HowTo video to learn how to tie a twisted dropper loop for fishing.

How To: Make a Metropolitan

Learn how to make a metropolitan from skilled bartender Anthony Caporale. Spice up your cocktail with a variation of a Manhattan: the Metropolitan. Make sure you grab the brandy and not the bourbon for this martini.

How To: Play the "On Top of Spaghetti" song on the ukulele

Want to play "On Top of Spaghetti (All Covered with Cheese)" on your ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson from Ukulele Mike, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and its chords. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertor...

How To: Create cute and flirty looped pigtails

It's some sort of unspoken rule that a girl can't wear pigtails over the age of seven. But with Pippi Longstocking as our muse, we beg to disagree! While pigtails may not be the most office appropriate hairstyle out there, they work well for humid and hot summer days to keep hair out of your face and off your neck.

How To: Make conventional shadow puppets

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make shadow puppets. Users will need a good, strong light and good positioning of the light. It is recommended to use white or any bright colored walls. Users learn how to do 2 types of shadow puppets in this video. The first type is a swan. Simply hook the arm out. The forearm will be the neck and the biceps will be the body and feathers. Then flap the 4 fingers and thumb like a beak. The second type can be a variation of animals. Simply stick out...

How To: Measure the spread of a data set with Excel's AVEDEV

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 97th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to use the AVEDEV function to measure the spread (variation) in a data set. Also see the STDEV function and learn how to measure whether a mean represents its data points fairly.

How To: Make a vegan tamale pie

Jason Gaskins, Executive Chef with Roots Restaurant, and James Ehrlich with Hippy Gourmet demonstrate how to make a vegan tamale pie. First, dice an onion and add it to a pan of hot oil. Then, dice a tomato. Add de-skinned, freshly stewed tomatoes to the onion. Add roasted pepper and the fresh tomato to the pan. Next, add black trumpet mushroom or a mushroom of your choosing to the pan. Stir in fresh garlic, pepper, salt, paprika, cayenne pepper and cumin. Dice up cornbread and place it on an...

How To: Tie a decorative snowflake knot

This video will show you how to tie a thick string or cord into a snowflake-like knot. Be sure to take your time, as there are a lot of loops to make. Also, you'll have to lightly pull the knots into shape a few times to retain the snowflake style. The instructor takes extended pauses to ensure that you can follow along easily. Near the end of the video, there is also a variation on the last few steps to make a slightly different knot. Whether you're a pro or novice at knot tying, you'll be m...

How To: Write punctuation marks in calligraphy copperplate

Have you ever tried to write in calligraphy copperplate?Let's start with the basics-punctuation marks. First we nee a book and a pen to write in calligraphy. The letter '&' looks similar but has a long tail. The question mark,exclamation mark and brackets look similar like in a normal font except all have the similar properties of calligraphy i.e., the variation in thickness. This will add a unique style in hand written documents as well as to add some charm in your letters.

How To: Multiply integers

This video shows the basics of multiplying integers. The main point that people can struggle with is the variation of signs. When multiplying integers you must always be aware of the positive and negative numbers. When you multiply two numbers that have the same signs, both positive or both negative numbers, this will always generate a positive answer. If there is one positive and one negative number this will always lead to a negative answer. This video shows very basic problems of multiplyi...

How To: Do the Heavy Chain Stitch

The heavy chain stitch used in hand embroidery is a variation of the regular chain stitch, but it creates a wider, thicker chain stitch band. It's an easy stitch to execute. When you want a bolder line, you can substitute it for the regular chain stitch. This video tutorial will show you the basic concept of creating a heavy chain stitch band. Watch this video from Needle 'n Thread to see how it's done.

How To: Create a dragon illusion

This is an amazing video of the dragon illusion (a variation of the hollow face illusion) in effect, and also includes a great video on how to make it. You can download a PDF and save it to your computer. Then you can print so you too can build your own dragon illusion. No matter where you walk around the room your dragon is in, it will follow you by watching you. Its eyes seem to trace your every move. Freak out your friends with this magical marvel.

How To: Securely erase files on a Mac

Did you know that even after you've emptied your Mac's trash can, the data still has not been permanently removed from your system? Anyone who knew where to look could easily unearth this data. You can prevent this by using the secure empty trash option on your Mac. Whenever you put something in the trash, instead of pressing delete, go into 'finder' up top and press 'secure empty trash'. What this will do is replace the data that is left behind on your hard drive with random ones and zeros. ...