Uncomfortable Sporting Search Results

How To: Perform a great neck and shoulder massage for anyone

Whether male or female, being able to give someone a massage is great for making that certain someone like you just that much more, or helps to relieve stress in a stressful situation for them. If you only seem to be making them feel uncomfortable when you do it, you're probably doing it wrong. In this video you will learn how to perform a basic back and shoulder massage with tips for location and set up.

How To: Recognize and avoid poison ivy

Life is not always a walk in the woods, but when it is, make sure you don’t step in the poison ivy. Leaves of three, don't touch me or Leaves of three, let it be is a pretty good rule of thumb as poison ivy comes in many colors and varieties. This video nature safety tutorial shows how to look out for and prevent the uncomfortable burning that results from any contact with poison ivy.

How To: Turn off Places in the Facebook account privacy settings panel

Uncomfortable with Facebook's new geo-tracking feature, Places? Disable it! This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're completely new to the Facebook's popular social networking site or simply require a small amount of clarification on how to deal with the Places feature, you're sure to benefit from this helpful video guide. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Remove Google and its services from your life

Feeling a little bit uncomfortable with how pervasive Google and its myriad products like Gmail and YouTube have become in your life? This clip from the folks at CNET TV will show you how to do just that. For more information, as well to get started divorcing yourself from said Silicon Valley giant, give this guide a gander.

How To: Treat your furniture for bed bugs

Nothing is worse than bed bugs, right? Those pesky little creatures can make you seriously uncomfortable and cost you tons of money replacing furniture. But you can treat your furniture without spending money or having to throw it out. You will need to inspect everything thoroughly and make sure to to follow every step properly. This video will show you how to treat furniture for bed bugs.

How To: Bring home a date when you have a roommate

Having a date over to your place for the first time is nerve-racking enough without having to worry about your embarrassing roommate. With these easy steps, an uncomfortable situation can be smoothed over. Watch this dating advice video and learn how to bring home a date when you have a roommate.

How To: Cure jock itch

Jock itch is one of the unpleasant physical side effects of manhood, and dealing with it properly will make your life much more enjoyable. Watch this video for tips on identifying and curing crotch rot so you can live an active life without fear of embarrassing and uncomfortable crotch itching.

How To: Get the best seat on an airplane

The politics of getting a good seat on a commercial flight are difficult to navigate and not fighting for a good seat can leave you uncomfortable for hours and wrecked when you arrive at your destination. This video features a travel expert outlining some tips for getting good seats on airplanes. Tips include joining a frequent flyer program and buying your tickets online, where you can often pick your seats.

How To: Achieve flawless skin, without foundation

Sometimes it may not be the best idea to apply foundation before going out. It may sweat away, get all over you clothes, or just be uncomfortable on those hot and humid days. This video will show you exactly how to achieve a flawless, concealed look without using any foundations; just moisturizers and powders.

How To: Identify poorly fitting bras

These are tell tale signs that your lingerie or underwear is poorly fitting. It should not be uncomfortable, too loose or too tight. Your breasts can only look their best in a properly fitting bra.

How To: Do a sports massage

There are 8 short videos all together to show you the 8 different therapies of sports massage. Sports therapy massage is an integral part of athletics. Massage can be a very crucial aspect to an athletes performance and competition.

How To: Deal with a flirtatious boss or sexual harassment

He's not exactly demanding sexual favors, but his flirting is getting really gross. What's a girl who likes her job to do? You will need diplomacy and documentation. Assess his behavior. Now, don’t be offended, but we have to ask: Is he really coming on to you, or is he just a sociable, flirtatious kind of guy? If it’s the latter, just ignore it. Do your part to keep the relationship professional. Don't chat about how your last two boyfriends cheated on you and then expect him to know that di...

How To: Pose people for photos with Erin Manning

When it comes to working with people, the photographer can face quite a challenge. Everyone has a mind of their own, and with these few tips you will know how to advise your subject so they look fantastic in a picture. Join Erin Manning, professional photographer, as she shows us 5 handy tips for working with people.

How To: Turn a girl at the club for beginners

Have you ever tried to play lothario to a girl at a club and turned her ever so gracefully, only to misjudge her height and clotheslining her in the face? With minimal lighting and swarming, uncomfortable crowds of people, it's no surprise that any sort of graceful dancing at all is difficult in a club, but it's possible to avoid lawsuits if you learn the dance move presented in this video.

How To: Figure out the right type of bike for you

This video discusses how to find the right type of bike for you. There are four different types of bikes: road racing, multisport, comfort sport and flat bar road bikes. Road racing bikes typically have lighter weight frames. They have steeper angles for more aerodynamic positions and higher components. Multisports also have light weight frames and higher components. They also have more aerodynamic tubesets in the fork and airwires which allow for a more aggressive position for races. Comfort...

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