Unattractive Search Results

How To: Be a good kisser

Nine out of ten people say they would refuse to date someone who is a bad kisser, while one out of five say they’d date someone unattractive if that person was a great kisser. So let’s get started. You will need a practice partner, fresh breath, and lots of moves. Tip: keep it wet, but not a wash out. Nobody likes to be slobbered on. For men, try holding her face in your hands as you kiss her - women love that!

How To: Get rid of cellulite

Cellulite are unattractive fat deposits found around the upper legs. You can lessen the appearance of cellulite by eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly and using a good firming cream. These tips will help you reduce or get rid of cellulite altogether.

How To: Use Excel round function & number formatting

In this video the instructor shows how to use the Round function and also format numbers in Microsoft Excel. Normally while calculating formulas in Excel, the formatting of numbers can get you into a lot of trouble and to get around this problem you need to use the Round function. To do this take some sample data in a Excel work book and apply any formula that you want on the data to arrive at some calculation. Now because of this formatting some times you can arrive at a wrong result as show...

How To: Choose the best belt for an outfit

Don't just use a belt for keeping your pants up, use it to give you some style! As important an accessory as a handbag, a belt doesn’t just hold up your pants or pull in your tummy. Change your look by creatively matching your belt with your outfit.

How To: Conquer an eating disorder with Deepak Chopra

"How does one conquer an eating disorder? Deepak explains that people with eating disorders usually have a poor self-image. They see themselves as unlovable and unattractive. To combat this illusion, he suggests practicing the "mirror technique" where one can look at oneself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful, I love myself, and thank you God for making me exactly

How To: Rock a strapless dress

The hottest outfits you could rock at a party or gala is a strapless dress. In order to keep that strapless dress up, you probably need a bit of cleavage, but what else can be done to make sure it looks right and works? The key to looking sexy in a strapless frock? A flawless fit.

How To: Record Your iPhone's Screen Without the Annoying Red Bar or Bubble

Native screen recording, one of the hottest features that Apple included in iOS 11 and later, is easily started from the optional Control Center toggle on your iPhone. From there, you can stop recording from the same place or from the red status bar or bubble. It's a very convenient addition to iOS, but there's one obvious downside — that red indicator, which can appear in your recordings.

How To: Remove caulk

If you’re doing some spring cleaning and decide to throw in a little home improvement in as well you may want to remove old caulk. As we all know, old caulk is unattractive and will make areas look dirty or unfinished.

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