Strategically Search Results

How To: Strategically buy stocks in a bear market

In this video we learn how to strategically buy stocks in a bear market. In the last bear market, we were able to buy high quality stocks for a great price. These are great times for value investors to purchase cheap stocks and see their share prices go up as the economy becomes better. You also want the company to rise and become more popular so you are getting more of a return after the stocks that you have bough in the first place. When you do this, you can reinvest after this and get a lo...

How To: Buy strategically on eBay

When you really want an item on eBay, you no longer can just place your bid and hope. If you're going to beat out the competition for your favorite auction, you need to follow these strategies to win big.

How To: Insulate garage doors with foam board insulation for a warmer winter

When it comes to winter weather, the garage should not be neglected, especially if you have a room directly above it. Neglecting to properly insulate and seal your garage doors will create a constant rush of cold air inside, making the garage really cold, in turn making the floor upstairs really cold. This will drive up your gas or electric bill in no time during the winter months. But you can fight higher heating costs with some DIY ingenuity, and Dave Mars will show you how!

How To: Use gobos in photography

Here is a Harper Point Photography video on gobos for fashion photography. Nathan gives a simple but effective photo tip for creating dynamic light with a cardboard 'go-bo.' The gobo is a lighting element that texturizes lighting by blocking in strategically. Apply these directly to a light to shine texture or to light with words as a projector would.

How To: Slipping out of zip ties

You're a prisoner of some dangerous people, and they tell you to hold out your wrists so they can bind them together using zip ties. What you do next could mean the difference between life and death. This tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical will teach you how to strategically get your wrists tied in a way that's easy to escape from.

How To: Use an adjustment gradient in Lightroom to add focus

Sometimes there is a part of the photo that needs a little more emphasis than other bits. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the photo editing program, Lightroom, to add focus and emphasis to certain parts of your images. Learn how to strategically darken and lighten areas of your photos to highlight whatever you choose. This clip is hosted by a professional and you will get tons of great advice.

How To: Spray paint graffiti

To spray paint graffiti, you will need the following: 2 cans of spray paint and a mask. You will need to have an idea of the design you want to paint, before you begin this project, because you will need to work quickly. Put on your safety/protective gear. Paint an outline of your design, first, with one can of spray paint. Then, you will want to strategically fill in the design. One can is primarily for filling it in and achieving light and shadow. Therefore, you will need a dark shade and a...

How To: Perform a cross-court shot in raquetball

This video demonstrates the cross court backhand shot in a Racquetball match. It demonstrates the proper form and timing in an actual racquetball match. It provides helpful tips: for example, the cross court backhand shot should be employed strategically. The best time to consider using the cross court backhand shot is when you see your opponent leaning on the down line: i.e. use the cross court backhand, if it appears that your opponent has already committed to a line of attack. If it appear...

How To: Improve your bike's night visibility

In some places, it's illegal to ride your bike at night without lights or reflectors, so if you plan on going for a joyride on your street bike, then you need to be prepared to share the road with vehicles and be seen. Appropriate gear and lighting are essential for safety when riding a bike at night.

How To: Know what lighting a DJ needs

Want to mix and scratch like a professional DJ? To be a good DJ you need to understand the concepts of mixing tracks, adding cool effects, and of course you need a good sense of rhythm to line up the beats. This how to video explains where you should place lights around your DJ booth. Learn where to place lights and what you would need in a small, med and large room. Watch this DJ tutorial and you can learn how to strategically place your lights when DJ-ing a gig.

News: Microsoft Research Shows Off Mobile Holoportation

In recent years, wave after wave of technological advancement has led us down roads that are beginning to look more and more like science fiction stories. In their efforts to bring us from science fiction to science fact, Microsoft Research showed us a new communication medium called Holoportation earlier this year—and now they have found a way to make this highly complex holographic system far more mobile.

How To: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet: Today and Now, How It All Connects

In the first part of this series, we took a factual and technical look at the history of the Internet. I explained how all of these wires and servers got here in the first place. Obviously, a firm did not just create and build the Internet around 1995! Now that we know how the Internet came to be, we can get into the really fun stuff—what the Internet looks like now! Well, that's not quite the network design I was talking about, but it does show what the Internet looked like back in 2007 befo...

How To: Organize Your Fridge More Efficiently

The fridge is the heart of the kitchen; take it away, and the whole operation falls apart. Yet, despite this, the fridge is also one of the most overlooked appliances in any kitchen. Most people organize their drawers and shelves for maximum efficiency, while many others buy islands simply to make their culinary playground more space efficient. Heck, I know some people who have passed up on otherwise great apartments because the counter space simply wasn't large enough.

How To: Move App Icons Anywhere on Your iPhone's Home Screen Without Jailbreaking

Your iPhone's home screen is a tricky thing. You can sort your collection of apps in any order you'd like, but where you place those apps is a totally different story. App and folder placement follows a strict grid on iOS from left to right, top to bottom. No exceptions, and that's how Apple wants it. So you might think without a jailbreak you're stuck with this layout — but you're wrong.

Halloween Food Hacks: Easy Spooktacular Hors D'Oeuvres

It's never too early to start planning for the best holiday of the year, right? We've already shown you how to make chillingly creepy cocktails, shrunken heads out of apples and potatoes, and a slew of DIY costumes, whether you want to go as Groot or an emoji. Now it's time to think about the most important part of any good Halloween party: the food. If you need inspiration for some spookily tasty Halloween hors d'oeuvres, just read on.

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