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How To: Prune tomatoes for stronger plants

Pruning tomatoes, though not required, will create stronger vines, which produce larger, fuller tomatoes during the growing season. Trim back a tomato plant in the winter with instructions from a sustainable gardener in this free video on gardening. No need to go crazy, even trimming the plant down by a third will give you a bigger, better tomato. Follow along with the tips in this gardening video and learn how to prune a tomato plant.

How To: Trim a ceramic pot on a wheel

English pottery instructor Simon Leach has stepped out onto his lovely deck to teach us how to trim our ceramic pots on the wheel. His example piece is small cup or pot that begins the video as plain as vanilla and ends it as a wonderfully detailed piece after only 10 minutes or so of work.

How To: Stretch a canvas

It's no secret, artists are broke. That's why they're referred to as "starving artists". One day these artists will achieve unimaginable success, but for most of their lives, they'll be struggling to survive… struggling to keep their vision alive. That's why they need to work cheap. And that's why they stretch their own canvases, not buy pre-made ones or have the hobby shop do it. If you’re a starving artist, save a few bucks, hone your carpentry skills, and stretch your own canvas.

How To: Slim your legs and waist

Get slim, strong and satisfied with these exercise moves. This workout will dissolve that leg and waist fat. Trim the waistline like a Rockette. Start with your hands under hand and lift your leg. Then dip alternate legs. Bring up your elbow to the knee.

How To: Get skinny legs with squat exercises

Do feel as if your legs are the bulkiest part of your body? It tends to be a huge complaint according to Trainer Josh. In this video, learn how to get those skinny legs you desire through the power of squats! This is a great quick circuit to throw into your workouts that will help cut out the bulkiness and start to trim your legs down so you can finally fit into those skinny jeans!

How To: Make goblets

Watch this ceramics tutorial video to learn how to make goblets start to finish, including the throwing, trimming, and putting together. Use thick clay to make your goblet so it doesn't have to be really thick to stand up on its own. The detailed instructions in this helpful how-to video will help intermediate potters make beautiful goblets in no time.

How To: Trim your beard from 3" to 1/2"

November is officially Movember, a month that brings light to men's health issues, especially prostate cancer. "Mo" is the Australian slang for mustache, which is appropriate because during November the quest of Movember is to have guys lay off the shaving for a month and grow mustaches to spread awareness.

How To: Extract numbers from a text string with Excel's LEFT, SEARCH & TRIM functions

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 706th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to to use the LEFT, SEARCH and TRIM function to eaxtract numbers from a text string that can then be used in a calculating formula.

How To: Make a juggling prop rack

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a juggling prop rack. The materials required for this project are: 2x4 pieces of lumber with proper length and space for the props, L-brackets, drawer pulls and trim. The 2x4 pieces of lumber are the shelves that will hold up all of the props. The L-brackets will mount the racks onto the wall. The drawer pulls will specifically hold clubs. The trims will decorate the shelf and provides re-enforcement. This video will benefit those viewers who ...

How To: Calculate a trimmed mean in Microsoft Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 36th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate a trimmed mean, which is used when there are extreme values in the data set that might skew the mean.

How To: Cut layers into your own hair

The video looks at how to trim your own hair to keep it looking stylish because you know exactly how much you would want to cut off. Your top hair should be pinned to the top of your head. Sections should be cut off by first wetting the comb and running the comb through the section of your hair you want to trim. A handy Hair Shaper Razor is used. Take a section of hair and jerk the razor slowly downwards at the preferred length. Do it on both sides - making sure that both sides are even. Take...

How To: Prune a peach tree & trim raspberry plants

Curtis Smith, Extension Horticulturist, and Rick Daniel, Bernalillo County Horticulture Agent, demonstrate how to prune a peach tree and trim raspberry plants. If a branch is in the way and causing problems or if it is unhealthy, cut it off at anytime. Cut outside of the bark collar when pruning branches. Make three cuts by first making an undercut on the bottom side so the bark doesn't strip off too far. Put on gloves when working with raspberry bushes. Cut the bushes down to the ground each...

How To: Groom, style, and trim a long-haired dog

Long-haired dogs require extra attention when grooming. Thick fur can become matted, which not only looks messy, but can actually be painful and even unhealthy for the dog. Watch this video pet grooming tutorial and learn how to style and trim a long-haired dog's coat.

How To: Trim a rabbits teeth

Sometimes a rabbits teeth are mis-aligned. This can happen by pulling on a cage, a fall or from a congenital condition. They overlap, grow too long and can interfere with eating - to the point of death. These teeth need to be trimmed frequently, here's how to do it.

How To: Have Strong Healthy Nails

Do you want strong, healthy nails? With just a little time and basic care you will find that you have fingernails that others admire. Growing strong, healthy fingernails can be done with just a little time and care. One of the keys to healthy nails is to make sure you get enough protein in your diet. Take time to think about your nutrition. Are you eating enough protein? Even if you are a vegetarian you can get plenty of protein with beans, nuts and tofu. Also, are you drinking enough water? ...

How To: Portion a beef tenderloin

BBQTalk shows how to properly portion a whole beef tenderloin. Your beef tenderloin may come already trimmed, but you may have to trim away most of the sinewy silver skin and outside fat yourself. After cutting away the fat and silver skin, a lengthwise natural cut called the cap will be revealed. This cut should come away by hand easily with minimal cutting. This cut is ideal for beef tips and stir frying after trimming. Turn the tenderloin over and trim away any extra fat or silver skin on ...