Stability Switch Search Results

How To: Build up the strength to perform pushups on a Reformer

This clip goes over some Reformer exercises that can help you or your clients increase your or their strength and stability, gradually working towards full push-ups. Whether you're toying with the idea of opening up your own Pilates studio or merely need some help tackling a certain pedagogical or administrative problem, you're certain to be well served by this free video tutorial from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For more (and more comprehensive) information, take a look.

How To: Do a shoulder stability routine with a PIlates arc

Target your shoulder girdle with this effective Pilates arc routine. With Pilates, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. Whether you're looking to slim down or merely tighten up your core, you're sure to be well served by this home fitness how-to from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For complete instructions, give this free exercise video a gander

How To: Do the side leg lifts series

Katherine and Kimberly Corp show you how to do the side leg lifts series or the banana pilates exercise. This exercise is used for strengthening your obliques, inner thigh, and glutes to help improve stability and balance.

How To: Perform a frontside 720 on a snowboard

Snowboarding: Hit the Slopes With Style There was a time when simply riding a snowboard made you the extreme guy on the slopes. But now, with more people strapping on a board instead of skis, the stakes have been raised. Fortunately, we've lined up this video tutorial to keep you on the cutting edge. See how to perform a frontside 720 on a snowboard.

How To: Perform the swimmer's stretch exercise

Back exercises can greatly increase the condition of your spine and posture. Learn how to do the swimmer's stretch exercise with this tutorial. The swimmer's stretch is a great back and core stability strengthening exercise. Watch this how to video and you will be able to perform the swimmer's stretch exercise.

How To: Relax with a restorative yoga spinal twist

In this yoga how-to video we explore an easy restorative supported spinal twist. Restorative yoga is designed to offer support and stability to the nervous system to encourage ease and relaxation. Twisting assists in digestion and increase in intuition. Watch and learn how to relax with this restorative spinal twist.

How To: Clamp and glue a wobbly chair

Learn how to repair a broken or loose joint on your chairs or other furniture for long-lasting stability. Chairs take a real beating over time and it's only natural that over time one of those glue joints is going to fail. What do you need? Well to start with you need some common, everyday carpenters' glue.

How To: Improve your credit score, even in a recession

Now more than ever, people everywhere are suffering from bad credit. Credit is important. You need it to take out loans, buy a house, rent an apartment, get a car, almost anything! Check out this two part video, presented by Daniel Medina from United Credit Education Services, and listen along as he offers you tips on how to improve your credit - even in a recession. This helpful and informative video can start you on the right track to financial stability, no matter what the circumstances.

How To: Do the "super abs" workout

This video shows you how to perform a superset of abdominal exercises. The instructor calls this workout the Super Abs workout. The 1st exercise is dumbbell crunches. To perform dumbbell crunches , lay flat on a stability ball with a suitable weight held behind your head and do normal crunches. Do not jerk your neck. Do up to 15-25 reps. Next exercise is hanging knee raises. You hang onto a pull-up bar and raise your knees up to your chest. Do 15-25 reps. The 3rd exercise is ball roll-ins. Pl...

How To: Style Apostolic/Pentecostal haistyles for long hair

To create an apostolic or pentecostal hairstyle, start with a poof in the front of the hair. It can be ratted behind for stability. Use two bobby pins to secure the back corner of the poof. Squirt the hair with hairspray before moving on. Then create a low ponytail in the back of the hair, pulling the top up and out slightly while forming the ponytail so it creates another poof in the back of the head. Spray the ponytail with hairspray then smooth out the hair on the top of the ponytail. Wrap...

How To: Do a BOSU ball leg workout

Three movements on the bosu ball will challenge your balance and stability. They will also build strength in your lower body. First, warm up. Then, do a simple back squat on the bosu ball. Stand on the bosu ball with our feet in front of you, extend your arms, and squat. Do eight to ten repetitions. Then, do a one legged squat. Place one foot in the middle of the ball and extend the other leg back. Squat down and up. Do ten to twelve repetitions. The final exercise is a lateral one legged squ...

How To: Ride a mountain bike out out on the trails

After watching this video you will have a better understanding of this sport and how to ride your bike in the best way possible. Balance is key to solid bike riding. The girls go over fore and aft movement, side-to-side lateral movement, and up/down movement which is used for better pressure control used for better weight control on the wheels. You can see how your body should be positioned for better control and stability taking corners or riding over rocks in this short discussion of the ba...

How To: Do weighted shoulder exercises using a stability ball

Also known as a Swiss ball or an exercise ball, this workout prop breaks up your routine. Learn exercises and stretches for your workout routine in this fitness video. Take action: keep back straight and abs tight, hold ball in place, while a partner presses down. Tom Clifford, the instructor in this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health from Eastern Michigan University, where he ran track and cross-country. Tom has worked as a personal trainer for two years. He...

How To: Position your feet when shooting a ball

In this video, Tom tells us how to position your feet when shooting a ball. Momentum when you are shooting has to be controlled. You will have to plan how you are going to use your feet and what your lead and stop foot will be. You want to make sure the foot that is closest to the basket is facing it and not facing another way. You also want to create stability when you are shooting baskets. Establish your stop foot with the one closest to the basket. Once you get your feet down in the right ...

How To: Do an acid grind on rollerblades

Kyle of Aggressivemall teaches you how to land an acid grind with aggressive skates.You should first go to your favorite curve to practice it as a stall. When doing an acid grind, your soul foot (or the one you use for balance) is placed along the grind bar and the other foot is placed like in a backslide. Once you get comfortable with the stall, you can start practicing the grind itself. For starters, you should approach the grind bar with a slight angle and moderate speed. While grinding, b...

How To: Do various pilate ball exercises

Get the most out of your Pilates ball, by picking up a few of these Pilates exercises outlined in this tutorial by Pilates instructor Ann Arnoult. For stability, do the plank exercise with your feet on the ball and your hands on the floor which forces you to use your abdominal muscles to maintain that position. Another exercise is to sit on the ball. You will need to sit with your back straight and tall on the ball. Bring your hands behind your back. Inhale and then exhale, but while exhaling...

How To: Know if you have the overpronation gait pattern

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about overproduction and if they have a overproduction gait pattern. Overproduction is when, after heel-strike, the foot rolls more than 15 degrees inward to meet the ground. Overproduction is more typical in runners with low arches. To check if you have a overproduction pattern, check the wear marks on the bottom of your shoes. Overproduction causes heavy wear along the heel and inside of the forefoot. Overproduction is natural and can cause injuries. Vi...

How To: Do 3 exercises on a Swiss Ball for six pack abs

In this video, Yuri Elkaim teaches three abdominal exercises on a stability ball. First, he demonstrates a variation of the plank exercise, rolling back and forth on the ball, and then two other exercises. Learn tips on how to do these exercises correctly to be safe and avoid injury. You will also learn ideas for an abs workout routine. Learn these interesting and challenging exercises for a stronger core and better defined abs. This video will teach you a new workout routine (or just new exe...

How To: Build a superfast paper airplane

Follow this video to learn how to make your own paper airplane that can really fly. Acquire a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half. Afterwards fold two of the edges towards the center line set out when folding. These should be folded in the form of two triangles. After doing so fold them downwards, towards the center line lower down. Fold another two triangles towards the center, one from each side. At this point a small edge will be formed at the tip of the two folds. Simply fold it upwards...

How To: Use crawl control on the 2010 Toyota 4Runner

Have you ever driven your car on rough terrains? Seems difficult to handle it. You can now steer, brake and accelerate at the same time with the new 2010 Toyota 4Runner. It has introduced a new technology called crawl control which helps determine optimum combination of speed and traction. It processes inputs from wheel speed sensors, vehicle's stability control computer, G-sensor and the engine control unit. To start this system, shift the transmission to neutral and then the transfer case t...