Sports Ths Search Results

How To: Dynamically Warm Up Youth Sport Players with Exercises

When playing sports, warming up is an integral pre-game must, and with kids, there's an entirely different approach to coaching them through warmup drills. This video will help coaches keep their team in good condition by talking about the process of teaching your youth players to successfully complete dynamic warmups. The biggest part is to prevent injury. The muscles have to be warm upped, the blood needs to flow, and the heart rate need to be up as well. See all of the necessary exercises ...

How To: Prevent Staph Infections in Young Sports Athletes

More and more, young athletes are developing staph infections. It's a serious topic and every coach or parent should know the basics of staph infections and preventative methods to make sure young athletes stay safe and healthy. Staph infection is MRSA — Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It's a staph bacteria that, overtime, has developed resistance to antibiotics like penicillins (methicillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin) and cephalosporins. Learn more about staph infectio...

How To: Stop Drinking Sports Drinks & Start Spitting Them Out Instead

Whether you're a serious, sweating athlete or just need to recover after a night of drinking, chances are you've replenished your body's fluids with a sports drink at some point. Those electrolytes aren't the only thing entering your systems, though. Sports drinks are sugary, sweet, and loaded with calories—but there's a way you can still recharge your body without ingesting the unhealthy additives.

How To: Use sports massage therapy techniques

Sports massage therapy can help to relieve common sports injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, football spinal and neck injuries, pulled hamstrings, and more. Learn sports massage therapy techniques for common athletic injuries in this free series of massage video lessons.

How To: Coach Young Sports Players with Differing Abilities

On sports teams, especially youth sports teams, the players are never one and the same. Young athletes are all different, which means they all have different skills and abilities out on the field or in the arena. As a coach, you can't treat them as a whole, but you need to treat these young players as individuals of a whole. This video covers some practices and techniques, as well as gives advice for better coaching skills for teaching a "team". This is coach psychology.

How To: Make a stuffed cabbage

Expand your dinner table selection, with help from ths wonderful and easy recipe for stuffed cabbage. Include this as a side dish to a main meat dish, and nobody will leave your dining table unsatisified. For this recipe you will need: cabbage, white wine, chicken broth, carrots, tomato sauce, onions, tomato, cooked rice, celery, garlic, and ground beef.

How To: Paint nails in a neon yellow and orange art design

This video will illustrate us how to paint our nails in neon yellow and orange art design. Here are the following steps:Step 1: first off all take nail paint remover and rub your nails with it to remove any previous application .Step 2: Now take the neon yellow paint and apply a very thin coat of this paint on all the nails. Now let it dry.Step 3: Again take the yellow paint and apply the second coat.Step 4: Now take the orange paint and apply polka dots of ths pain t on all the nails. Let it...

How To: Do a sports massage

There are 8 short videos all together to show you the 8 different therapies of sports massage. Sports therapy massage is an integral part of athletics. Massage can be a very crucial aspect to an athletes performance and competition.

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