Scratch and Dent Search Results

How To: Pimp my ride even with dents and scratches

This was a cool video to watch because you get to see how a car is repaired after minor scratches and dents without having to get a new paint job on the whole car. It's not a how to do it yourself video but shows you can pimp your ride at a resonable price. It also gives out helpful facts on selling or trading in your car after repairs Pimp my ride even with dents and scratches.

How To: Crochet an iPod sock

Is your iPod getting cold? Warm it up with an iPod sock! ... huh? In all seriousness, an iPod sock is a cute and stylish way to protect your iPod, iTouch, or iPhone from get scratched or dented. In this Crochet Mania tutorial, learn how to crochet an iPod sock from start to finish!

How To: Block sand body filler using hand bricks for a car

This video tutorial is in the Autos, Motorcycles & Planes category which will show you how to block sand body filler using hand bricks for a car. First repair the dent and apply the body filler. Blocks come in different sizes. Normally you would like to use the biggest block depending on the size of the dent. For a smaller dent, use a smaller block. There are different grades of sand paper. You would generally start out with 36 for a big dent. But, for a smaller dent you can start with 80. In...

How To: Inspect hail weather car damage

In this Autos, Motorcycles & Planes video tutorial you will learn how to inspect hail weather car damage. Paint loss dent repair is the most common method used for this purpose. The first thing to do is to count the number of dents based on half dollar, quarter, dime and nickel size. All you need to do is to place the coins over the dents and count how many dents are there of various sizes. Once you have this information, you are on your way to handle the hail loss assessment correctly. If th...

How To: Fix a Car Dent with Dry Ice

After seeing many posts online about dry ice removing car dents, we put it to the test. It worked pretty well. The heat versus cold forces the panel of the car to constrict and suck out the dent. This is great for avoiding ridiculous costs of auto paint and auto body repair companies. DIY dent repair is as cheap as buying some dry ice. You can also look into using canned air (Dust Off) as it has a similar effect.

How To: Judge & estimate a car repair time

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to judge when it's time to repair a car. This topic is subjective, but it also depends on how big the dent is, how deep the dent is, how wide the dent is and many other factors. A way to find out is to place a 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper and place it over the dent. If the dent surrounds that whole area, that is about 2 hours of repair. This video will benefit those viewers who have a vehicle and just had an accident, and would like to learn how to est...

How To: Fix a Huge Dent in Your Car at Home Without Ruining the Paint Job

There are two options when it comes to a dent in your car — live with it, cringing each time it enters your view, or get rid of it. While the latter is obviously the best option, most of us will probably just live with dents and dings since spare money is better spent on the actual functionality of the vehicle. However, there is a way to knock out automobile dents yourself with relatively little cash in the bank.

News: Will Dry Ice Work for Dent Repair

I have always heard about how dry ice can repair dents. I have been asked this question, so I put it to the test. I got some dry ice on a hot day and even used a hair drier to heat the surface more. Do you think it worked for me? Well, watch the video to find out.

How To: Create a home made scratch drawing board for kids

An entertaining way of inspiring creativity and also doing something far beyond the norm with just coloring on white paper is creating a scratch drawing board. Basically it is initially black, and then when you scratch it with a pen, or other small, pointy object, it creates a multitude of colors as your lines, allowing you to create fantastic images with that much more creativity! In this video you will learn how to create your own scratch drawing board step-by-step!

How To: Paint a room properly

This instructional painting video demonstrates how to prep and paint a room. First, go through the room and spackle any holes or dents in the wall. Sand it down after the joint compound dries. Paint the ceilings first. Follow these step by step instructions to paint a room; trim, window sills and all.

How To: Remove scratches on an LCD or CD with an egg

Make the magic remover cloth shown in this how-to video which will remove all the scratches on your favorite CDs, your LCD display or just remove some scratches on plastic. You'll need egg whites of and a microfiber cloth. Don't throw away anymore CDs, DVDs, or lose important files. The trick in this video tutorial will rescue scratched CDs so you can still keep using them.

How To: BeatBox the crab & record scratching technique

This beatboxing tutorial shows you how to use your hand and breathing techniques to produce a record scratching illusion. This is known as the crab scratch or record scratch technique. It's extremely easy to do, but it's one of the noises that awes spectators. Practice and improve your beatboxing skills!

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