Remedies Search Results

How To: Cure acne with a homemade mask

Take care of that acne without any expensive products that dry you out. This proven method only requires three ingredients: Oatmeal, honey and bioyogurt. This all natural remedy is all you need to have beautiful, clear skin again. This video will show you how make a natural homemade acne mask.

How To: Reduce cold sores (herpes simplex)

This video shows you how to reduce cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus. You will see small blisters, or cold sores, on your lips. Most people are infected with this virus as children. It can recur at any point later in life. This is type one. There is a second type called type two, and this causes blisters in the genital area. The first symptoms come with in two or three weeks of first contact. The blisters usually last for seven to ten days and will subside on their own. Topical me...

How To: Survive a hangover

TVLesson has created a video on how to survive a hangover in two simple lessons, lesson one is drinking knowledge and preparation, and lesson 2 is drinking tips and hangover remedies. Lesson one breaks down what alcohol does to your body and how to prepare for heavy drinking. Lesson two breaks down what to do after you've had a lot to drink and that all you'll need to prevent yourself from having a bad hangover is patience, juices, ibuprofen, and a lot of rest. So if you're looking to prevent...

How To: Make natural elderberry syrup for cold and flu season

Learn how to harvest your elder tree! If you have an elder in your backyard, you can finally do something special with those elderberries. Mountain Rose Herb shows you the steps required to make delicious elderberry syrup with this video recipe. This herbal syrup can be used for colds, flu and coughs. It's a simple natural home remedy with dried elderberries.

How To: Stop snoring

It may not bother you so much, but think about your significant other, or your children, your mother… your dog. You may be keeping them all up with your noisy nose. Snoring is no joke, especially if you're the one trying to sleep on the other side of the bed. Here's author and leading ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Jordan Josephson with some tips to stop snoring. If you want to stop snoring, these tips are your best best. Get more information at Howdini.

How To: Remove a tick

A hungry tick is a determined little bugger—it wants to find its way into your skin if it’s the last thing it does. Here’s how to make sure it is the last thing it does.

How To: Take a child's measurements in pediatric nursing

Studying to be a pediatric nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to take a child's measurements. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to measure the head, chest, abdomen and length in cm. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

How To: Treat athlete's foot with vinegar and Listerine

Red, itchy, scaly, and cracking feet can only mean one thing, athlete's foot. Watch this how to video and learn how to treat athlete's with a simple home remedy from Pharmacologist Joe Graedon. He shows you over the counter products that you can buy and how to use a solution of vinegar, Listerine and Vick's Vapor Rub to help the foot fungus go away.

How To: Hack a hangover

Note that is always best to try and avoid a hangover in the first place by pacing yourself and drinking lots of water before sleeping. But if you find yourself hungover follow our directions for a faster route to feeling better.

How To: Make a heating pad

At a loss for what to do with that unmatched sock? Apparently you fill it with rice and zap it in the microwave and presto chango you have a heating pad. Learn how to make this sock heating pad by watching this crafty video.

How To: Cure jock itch

Jock itch is one of the unpleasant physical side effects of manhood, and dealing with it properly will make your life much more enjoyable. Watch this video for tips on identifying and curing crotch rot so you can live an active life without fear of embarrassing and uncomfortable crotch itching.

How To: Get better sleep as you age

Older adults may sometimes have more difficulties sleeping as they grow into their mature years. Follow these tips to get good, healthy sleep at any age! Create a calm, peaceful environment so your bedroom can become a great place to get well needed rest.

How To: Recover your voice

Singing too much? Had a bad fight? Your voice is trashed right? How do you get it back into tip top shape? This video will give you all of the hot tips and tricks on getting your body to heal more quickly and get you back into fighting shape!

How To: Get water out of your ear

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to get water of their ear. The materials required for this task are a towel and rubbing alcohol. Begin by laying out the towel on a table. Then place the head on the towel and cover part of the towel over the face. Have another person pour the alcohol into the bottle's lid and then pour it into the patient's ear. Now move the ear and wait for several seconds. Then turn the head over. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy swimming, and would ...

How To: Cleanse toxins from your body

In order to cleanse your body of toxins, you first need to determine the types of toxins you've been exposed to. This can be done with blood screening or urinalysis or liver function tests. If the liver isn't functioning properly, then there will need to be some steps taken or the benefits of cleansing won't last very long.

How To: Cure bronchitis & heartburn with a home remedy

In this Diet & Health video tutorial you will learn how to cure bronchitis & heartburn with a home remedy. Jane tells you about 2 home remedy tricks that are all natural. To neutralize the acid in the stomach, all you need is baking soda. Take 1/2 a tea spoon of baking soda, add a little bit of lemon and water and drink it. Do this about one hour before or after the meals. To cure bronchitis, take the skin of two ripe eggfruits, put it in a quart of water and let it simmer over heat for about...

How To: Treat psoriasis

Almost 125 million people worldwide suffer from what is known as psoriasis, the skin disease that's marked by red, itchy, and scaly patches that are hurtful, if not visually god-awful. There can be a little hope though for psoriasis sufferers. Though you can treat and control psoriasis, characterized by dry scaly patches of skin, the progress is often erratic and cyclical, so be patient and consistent in executing these steps.

How To: Eat a breakfast that will lower your blood pressure

In this tutorial, we are shown what type of breakfast will help lower blood pressure. If you have lower blood pressure, you will reduce your risk of stroke and improve your overall health. If you start your day with a cereal of whole grains, you can add in a banana to mix in even more nutrition. After this, you can add in fat free milk and berries to have the most nutritious cereal that is not only healthy and filled with vitamins, it also has extremely low cholesterol and can help lower your...

How To: Use acupressure points on the legs to induce labor

Acupressure is a method of massage that some say can help relax and even heal certain parts of the body. In this case, help induce labor. There are many areas of the body that supposedly help this process, but this video tutorial will show you different areas of the legs and where to apply the most pressure in order to help a preganant woman lose a whole lot of weight. And by weight, a baby. Enjoy!

How To: Use acupressure to induce labor with the shoulder/back

There are many different methods that are used to help induce labor. Some work and others don't. One of the hit and miss methods is acupressure. The acupressure points along the back and near the shoulders are great targets for helping induce labor. They are also just great point for helping relax someone who may be pregnant when they are having the baby or just had the baby. So if you're interested in using a home remedie to help induce labor,this video is for you. Sit back and enjoy!

How To: Lower your cholesterol naturally without medication

Cholesterol is an important aspect of health that people need to be aware of and watch. Not doing so can result in major damages to your health and can seriously end your life. One of the main ways to lower cholesterol is by taking medication. But there are other ways as well. In this tutorial, find out those other ways to lower your cholesterol without the need of medication. Enjoy!

How To: Get rid of a soar throat with a home remedy

Sore throats are terrible, aren't they? You can't talk, you can't swallow and even eating your favorite comfort foods is painful. If you are looking for an all natural way to clear up that scratchy throat fast, check out this tutorial. In it, you will learn a very simple home remedy than anyone can do. You will need to take this elixer once a day, around bedtime. Get well soon!