Recognized Health Search Results

How To: Keep seniors from falling at home

As our parents and grandparents age, they begins to loose balance and coordination. Recognizing when seniors might fall is important to their health and safety. This how to video gives you seven great tips to keep your elderly loved ones from falling. Remember to have adequate lighting, space, handles, and walking aids for your seniors.

How To: Identify bipolar disorder

Almost six million American adults have bipolar disorder, which can cause severe mood swings, from manic depression to intense euphoria, on a regular basis. Although this condition is one of the more confusing mood disorders, this video can help.

How To: Boost your brain

Could you boost your brain power by eating a banana? Improve your memory and IQ by pressing certain points on your body? Absolutely! In this video, we'll show you how to amp up intelligence using super simple natural remedies.

How To: Fix your computer when it won't recognize your CD or DVD disc drive

One of the most annoying of the many annoying types of errors on Windows computers is when you computer won't recognize parts that have always been a part of it, like the drives or keyboard. If your computer has stopped recognizing your CD or DVD disc drive, watch this video. As long as the drive is still connected, the steps in this video should allow you to fix the problem and continue using your drive.

How To: Overcome health anxiety (hypochondria)

In this video, we learn how to overcome health anxiety with Robert Taylor. People who learn as much as they can about their condition will most likely overcome it. You should know that there are millions of Americans that have been diagnosed with hypochondria, and you are not alone. You should also not Google your symptoms to diagnose yourself, you will most likely be wrong. Someone with health anxiety will most likely also have clinical depression and general anxiety as well. Doctors often h...

How To: Use a health glitch to beat the Ancient Rock Wraith in Dragon Age 2 easily

The Ancient Rock Wraith in Dragon Age 2 is a really impressive boss, and will probably beat you mercilessly the first time you fight him. Especially if you're playing on Nightmare. This video demonstrates a successful pwning of the Ancient Rock Wraith on Nightmare so you can learn from the creator's success. You'll also see how to use a health glitch in the game that allows you to make this fight a lot easier by taking advantage of teleporting enemies.

How To: Recognize the best possible hand in Texas Hold'em

Can you recognize the nuts after the flop in Texas Hold'em? If you are a beginner poker player this how to video is an excellent way to learn how to tell which poker hand is the best (the nuts) after the flop cards have been dealt. Learn to recognize the best possible hand and never be fooled again with this Texas Hold'em poker tutorial.

How To: Import Your Health Records onto Your iPhone

Mobile phones are not only essential for work and communication, they're quickly becoming an integral asset to our health. Your iPhone can store valuable data about fitness, nutrition, heart health, and so much more. And since iOS 11.3, your iPhone can even import a list of allergies, medications, immunizations, hospital visits, and other health information from your doctor or hospital.

How To: Diagnose adult dyslexia

Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, and spell - no matter what intelligence level. Dyslexia is most often charactarized by reading and writing letters backwards. Watch and learn how to recognize the characteristics of adult Dyslexia.

How To: Check your Green Iguana for health problems

You don't have to have a university degree to understand the basics of Iguana health and wellness. Let our expert show you in this first section on iguana health how to examine the animal's body, from teeth to tail tip, to determine its measure of health and how to deal with problems. Ron also advises on when it is best to consult a veterinarian.

How To: Recognize a backwards knitting stitch

In this tutorial, we learn how to recognize a backwards knitting stitch. Sometimes if you have to undo stitches, you may need to recognize where the stitches are so you can fix the problem. The front leg will be sitting in front of the one in the back when it's done correctly. If done backwards, you will be able to see the front leg in the back of the back leg. To fix this, you can simply take the stitch off, turn it around, and orient it correctly. Or, you can knit through the back loop to t...

How To: "Hop" in Swype for harder to recognize words

There are some words that Swype has trouble with. While Swype will still be able to recognize these words, it will make you choose from a list of options. For example, you will run into this problem with the words "put" "pit" and "pot" because on a QWERTY keypad the letters "TYUIOP" are all in a line. In these situations, you may want to "hop" so that your texting stays up to super speeds. Check out this clip for an explanation of "hopping" from the makers of Swype and keep on texting!

How To: Make iTunes recognize your iPod without restoring

If you've had an iPod for long enough, chances are you've had issues with iTunes recognizing it at one point or another, and the threat of having to delete all of your MP3s and other files has loomed large. Well worry no more! This video contains instructions for how to make iTunes recognize the device again without having to delete all of your files! All you need to do is gain access to your hidden folders, get into the iPod's folder, and replace the firmware. Brilliant!

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