Realistic Preferences Search Results

How To: Splatter blood & make a muzzle flash in film

In this tutorial, we learn how to splatter blood & make a muzzle flash in film. First, you will need to grab a starter pistol for anywhere on the internet. Then, take a shot of your shooting the gun and someone else pretending like they are taking the bullet. Then, load this clip into the software you use and place a light coming from the end of the gun to make it look realistic. When you are finished fixing the lighting with this, you can edit and then you will have a finished product! Save ...

How To: Film realistic, bloody gun shots

In this tutorial, we learn how to film realistic and bloody gun shots. You will first need to gather up all the materials you need to make this happen. Once you have everything ready, set it all into place. Make sure you have the fake blood placed in the shirt where the person is pointing the gun, and also make sure you have a good actor. After this, use a firecracker to make the sound of a gunshot. As soon as this goes off and the person pulls the fake trigger, have the other person push on ...

How To: Make a cheap but realistic goose call

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a realistic goose call. The materials required for this project are: a plastic bottle cap, scissors, rubber band and a piece of paper. Begin by making a small hole in the bottle cap. Then wrap the paper around the other side of the bottle cap and secure it with the rubber band. Now just blow in the hole and make a humming sound to create a goose call. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy goose hunting, and would like to learn how to...

How To: Make mud and rubble in a WW2 diorama

In this tutorial, we learn how to make mud and rubble in a WW2 diorama. You can use corks as the rubble after you paint it and rip it into different pieces to make it look like destroyed buildings. You can purchase realistic water and gloss gel medium to look like water that is on the battlefield. If you mix them together with some chunky material, and then add in brown food coloring, it will look like mud. Using these tips and tricks, your diorama can look more realistic and look fantastic! ...

How To: Subtly change eye color in Photoshop

Yanik Chauvin continues his online photo school with this video on how to change eye color in Photoshop. Yanik makes this complicated program seem simple as he shows exactly what steps to take to make realistic color change in the eyes of a person. He creates a layer that will be used to edit the eyes, then zooms in on and selects them. He picks a nice green color to use, shows what settings to use to make it look realistic, then applies final touches by changing the opacity of the new color....

How To: Set email preferences with MailTips in MS Outlook 2010

David Rivers is back to give us some more tricks on using MS Outlook 2010. In this video he tells us how you can avoid sending email to the wrong person by setting up some email preferences in MailTips. MailTips actually has the ability to alert you when you are about to send an email under certain conditions. Don't worry about sending an email to your boss that was meant for your co-worker. Your MailTips folder contains many options that you can use to restrict some of your outgoing mail and...

Make edible prop bodily fluids: poop, vomit, snot, and blood

The human body is full of different kinds of fluids, most of which are either gross or dangerous to remove from a person for use in one of your films. Fortunately, most of them are pretty easy to replicate using household materials. This video will show you how to make edible prop fake blood, feces, vomit, and snot. They all look great, are safe, and will make you movie much more realistic.

How to Make 2 props: a laser pistol and a gas mask

This video is a 2-for-1 special. It will teach you how to make not one, but TWO cool props for a film or costume. They are, in no particular order, a gas mask / ventilator and a laser pistol. Both look very cool, require some materials and carpentry skills, and are sure to make your next sci-fi film much more realistic and enjoyable to watch.

How To: Make a fake cut with theatrical makeup

Finally, the professionals are weighing in on how to create fake wounds! This video features a makeup artist from the BBC demonstrating how to make a really realistic fake cut on the hand of an actor using theatrical makeup. The plastic pieces from a CD jewel case that resemble broken glass really set this cut apart from the other fake cuts on the site, along with the professionalism of the presenter.

How To: Create hair with highlights in Adobe Photoshop CS4/CS5

Learn how to make beautiful, wavy, realistic hair in Adobe Photoshop using custom brushes. Whether you're new to computer graphics, new to Adobe Photoshop CS4 or a seasoned design professional just looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to like this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started making your own digital hair in Photoshop, watch this guide!

How To: Create a fiery explosion with filters in Photoshop CS3

Want to create a realistic-looking fiery explosion? With Photoshop, it's easy. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular image editing software or simply looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from TutVids. For more information, including step-by-step instructions on how to create your own custom three-dimensional shapes and how to create a fireball in Photoshop CS3, watch this graphic designer's guide.

How To: Give a good, personalized head massage

Head massages are great releases after a long day. They are easy to learn and easy to give once you know how. When giving a head massage, it's important to remember that personal preference for the amount of pressure used varies greatly from person to person. Learn about giving a good head massage with help from Gretchen Rivas, a massage therapist from Relax Wilmington in Wilmington, NC. Learn these professional secrets from a masseuse in one of America's loveliest cities.

How To: Apply costume vampire makeup for Halloween

Looking for some tips on how to apply this year's vampire makeup? Look no further. In this excellent makeup tutorial, learn how to apply professional costume makeup to give yourself a realistic vampiress makeover! Perfect for fans of Twilight, Bella Swan, and Edward Cullen!

How To: Create a 3D shadow matte in 3ds Max

In this tutorial, we learn how to create a 3D shadow matte in 3ds Max. If you have a scene where you need a realistic looking background, you can trick doing this by using 3ds Max. First, go up to the rendering and go to environment. Add an environment map and then click on bitmap and find the image that you want to use. From here, make sure your map is highlighted, then right click and show the background. If you render this out, you will have a picture of the background you want. After this...

How To: Make a cheap realistic blood splatter

In this video, we learn how to make a cheap and realistic blood splatter. After you have made your blood, you will need to make sure it's the right color you need for blood. Now, take Kleenex and rip it into five different parts. Then, stick these into a tube and grab a pesticide sprayer. After this, stick the blood into the bucket for the sprayer. Now, when you shoot the blood splatter the Kleenex tissue will turn the color of the blood and look like brains or parts of the body that have bee...

How To: Create a Photoshop layout in GIMP

In this video we learn how to create a Photoshop layout in GIMP. First, open up GIMP and then add a new tab. From here, you will open up the brushes tab and choose the brush that you want. After this, create the template size that you want for your page. Then, open up the preferences section and choose what you would like. Then, show the layer boundary on the page and fill it in with the color of your choice. Create toolboxes and add in the text that you would like. Use preferences whenever y...

How To: Draw lips and teeth

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw lips and teeth. First, you will need to draw the sketch or outline of the picture. You will need to make sure you take your time to create realistic lines for the lips and the teeth as well. From here, you will add in more lines on the lips to make it look more realistic. Then, add in the teeth in the middle of the lips and shade in the areas that are in between them. When you are finished with this you can add in more shading and lines into this and you...

How To: Draw eyes with pencil

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw eyes with a pencil. First, draw the outline of the eye, giving it an almond type of shape. From here, you will add in the lines to the eyes and shade it in to make it look more realistic. Add in the crease above and below the eye, then draw another line on the bottom for the lash line. Then, darken in the areas around the eyes, then add in the lashes to the top and the bottom of the eyes. Shade in the pupil, then use lines to create a more realistic insi...

How To: Draw a fairly realistic eye

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a fairly realistic eye. Start with a pen and draw a wispy line for the eye, like a football shape. Then, you will draw the pupil inside the eyes and the ring around it. Draw in lines around the pupil and the eye to show where the colors and shades of the eye come into play. Then, shade in the entire eye lightly. From here, darken up the upper lash and create a create on the eye. Then, make the eyelid crease on the bottom of the eye and add in the inner c...

How To: Draw realistic lips and teeth

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw realistic lips and teeth. First, draw on your outline for the lips and teeth, using a light pencil. Try your best to get it as natural looking as possible. Now, draw in the shadows and the mid-tones for the lips. Also add in reflective lights and draw in the teeth. Add in details to the teeth and use darker lines to separate them. Use dark creases to form the lips and then continue to add in additional details. When you're finished, darken around the mou...

How To: Draw manga bodies

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw manga bodies. Start out by drawing circles for the body. These circles will start at the head, then go to the shoulders, arms, stomach, hips, knees, and ankles. After you do this, draw lines to connect them all together and make out the basic shape of the body. Now star to use a bolder line to create the realistic outline of the body. When you're finished with this, you will be able to do the fun part. You can fill in these spaces with color and lines to...

How To: Draw a basic dragon

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a basic dragon. Start off by drawing the head of the dragon, then draw the neck and the rest of the body in a simple outline. Use circles throughout the body of the character to create a large body that looks realistic. Next, draw in details of the body of the character and the fur that is on the outside of it as well. Draw in the claws on the feet and the lines along the body to create a more realistic look. As you continue, erase any background lines a...

How To: Cut your friends in half with film effects

In this tutorial, we learn how to cut your friends in half with film effects. To do this, you will need an actor, a still frame of blood, and some gory looking meat. Have your wounded actor lay on the floor with another actor laying next to him. Then, have them all leave the frame. Next, bring all the footage in After Effects and bring in the meat picture as well. Add blood and the meat in the pictures and remove the lower half of the body. Play with the colors to make it look more realistic,...

How To: Draw a palm tree

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a palm tree. Start off by drawing the ground on the bottom, then draw the base of the tree. Make it curved, so it looks more realistic. Two lines will be going up until you start to draw the leaves on the tree. After this, you will want to start in and shade one side of the tree that the sun will have touched more than the other. Add lines to the tree as well, so you can see the textures that are on it. When drawing the leaves, make sure you are drawing ...