In this video the tutor shows how to read a tree diagram. He shows an example of a tree diagram and says that tree diagram represents the choices made by a student in a cafeteria by ordering different kinds of foods and the chain in which the they are ordered. Now every combination that a student can choose at their lunch is mapped out in the form of a tree diagram. Now any choice a real student takes at the cafeteria can be mapped out to the tree diagram through the different branches. Now t...
In this video the instructor shows how to do a ice breaker by offering to palm read. He shows you the figure of a palm with various curves and labels them with different names. He claims that these various lines relates to the facts of our life and we can easily read them. He points to the various lines like Lifeline line, success curve, love line and other kind of lines. He further explains in depth about these various lines and how to interpret them. This video shows how to palm read someon...
In this Spirituality video tutorial you will learn how to palm read with Peter John. If the heart line, the first line on top of the palm, is well formed and curves around towards the center of the first finger, the person is quite good and balanced. If the head line is quite long along the palm and bends towards the lower part of the palm, the person is more practical and mathematical. When you see more than one line on the mount of Apollo or the mount of Sun, the person could take more than...
This is a Hobbies and Toys video tutorial where you will learn how to use a Micrometer. Micrometers are precision measuring tools and they can be calibrated in inches or in metric system. There are also digital micrometers available where the reading switches back and forth. Generally they are right handed. The micrometer shown in the video is calibrated in inch. Each division is one thousandth of an inch. A whole rotation of the knob is 25,000 and one division is seen on the bell. Two rotati...
The first thing anybody really thinks about after watching Rear Window is how much they want their own telephoto lens. These days, they aren't cheap, so how do you go about spying on your neighbors without putting down so much dough?
In this Business & Money video tutorial you will learn how to read a balance sheet in accounting. Yu can learn to read it quickly and easily as to where the company’s came from, where it went and where it is now. There are four main financial statements; balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and statements of shareholder equity. In the balance sheet, under assets are listed things that the company owns that have value. Liabilities are amounts of money company owes to other...
In the studio world, and the ensemble scene, you're going to be handed ALOT of sheet music, sometimes it has only a few notes for a specific melody, and sometimes it's a whole lot of notes for the entire song. Knowing how to read these notes are important, and it can be very daunting at first, but if you practice every day anybody can read. In this video you will learn the basics of reading the notes on the staff with the note names for the treble clef.
In this video, we learn how to palm read the straight heart line and head line. If the thumb is farther away from the hand this means they like to spend money a lot and don't hold onto it. The line across the top of the hand that is straight is very rare. Islands on this line mean there is a setback in this person's life doing with love. Lines underneath the fingers shows someone who is helpful and hard working. The heart line shows the emotions of someone and how they feel about themselves o...
In this tutorial we learn how to draw a graffiti alphabet for beginners. To draw the graffiti letters, you will first need to have a visual to look at while you are drawing them. Each of the different letters have a different look to them. They may be hard to read at first, but they each have a unique look. You will make the letters bubble letters, but have an edge to the bottom and top of each of them. To practice this further, you can trace along different letters to get a feel for how the ...
Learn how to recognize some basic Hiragana Japanese characters and the sounds they represent, as well as some very common phrases and how they're written.
Want to know what secrets are hidden in the palm of the late Michael Jackson? In this twelve-part video series by Palmistry expert & professor, Peter John, go inside the lines and creases present in the King of Pop's ever-telling hand. You'll be surprised by what Peter John finds!
When filtered through the prism of the top stories of the year, the business of augmented reality 2019 was defined as much by epic failures of AR startups as it was by the promising developments that propelled the industry forward into 2020.
Welcome back! Sorry for the dry spell, but I've been rather busy setting up some side projects! If you remember back to a few training sessions ago, we covered basic file I/O. This is a very important step in making our scripts applicable in a real life scenario, and today we're going to further these concepts.
Being able to read an electrical diagram will greatly aide your ability to correctly diagnose car problems. If you need some help with it, watch this video for a detailed explanation of how to read an example map for the clutch start switch on a Toyota.
Reading people's minds is something that most inquisitive and sensitive people have wished that they could do at some point. Well, what if you could? This video will show you a great multipurpose bar trick that will allow you to appear to read the mind or body of people in a variety of situations. It's really remarkable how easy this is and how well it works.
Learn how to teach children to read with these video lessons. Teaching reading to kids has never been easier!
It's the holiday season, and the tech industry is giving consumers several AR products and apps as gift-giving options.
Google's text-to-speech engine is getting pretty good these days. In a recent update, the computerized voice that reads on screen text (like Google Now search results) got an audio quality bump that brought its clarity up to its highest level yet. And with each update, that robotic voice becomes a bit more human.
If you have a hard time remembering what you've just read on your iPad or Kindle, try changing the font next time. The typeface you use to read books, newspapers, and online articles is either hurting or helping your memory, and you'll be surprised which ones are killing your brain cells.
Check out this Korean language tutorial to learn how to read and write Hangul. This is the native alphabet of the Korean language. Watch the first video in the series, "How to Read and Write Hangul." Romanization is not the most effective method of writing Korean, so learn how to read and write the Hangul alphabet with this instructional Korean video.
Watch this music how-to video to learn how to read musical notation or sight read. This instructional video is very detailed and includes types of notes, tempo, and the staff. Reading music will be easy once you've watched this helpful music notation tutorial video.
Kris leads you through a technique to help increase your speed reading skills in this 2-part lesson.
Basic instructions on how to troubleshoot the heater blower motor of a Saturn S-series. The heater blower motor is located behind the glove compartment of your vehicle. Disconnect the negative and positive power supply. (The black wire is usually the negative.) Using a multimeter set on the Ohm scale, use the positive lead and test the black wire. To check the purple wire for current, use your ignition key and turn it to the run setting, turn the heater power to full power and set the multime...
Learn to play the harmonica and jam with your friends. Step 1: Hold the harmonica properly
Watch this introductory lesson for reading tarot cards. Enjoy this video tutorial for improving your divination skills.
It was a long time coming, but we finally have a meaningful conclusion to the legal case against augmented reality startup Meta Company.
Reading piano notes can be an important step toward understanding and playing the beautiful instrument. There are many different symbols and marks that make up certain pieces of music. So knowing how to read it is a big help, especially if you're learning to play it for the first time. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to read piano notes on a bass clef. Good luck and enjoy!
In this beginner guitar lesson, learn how to read chord lines - a very popular way to write out chords that is used in the guitar playing community.
Step1. Make sure you get your facts straight. Note down the dates, names, and numbers, what was said etc while talking over the phone. It is also essential that when you present your letter of complaint that it is chalked full of facts so that when it reaches a decision maker you may get justice properly. Do not write a novel that is 30 pages. Keep it short and write in bullets. Remember that they are interested in facts only.
You don’t have to be a psychic to read someone’s mind – or, at least, to make them think you’re reading their mind, as shown in this how-to video. You will need one card with an "X" on back, an envelope with "you will choose (blank card)," a duplicate of the third card, and a flat surface. Watch this video magic tutorial and create the illusion of reading someone's mind while performing a card trick.
Are you having trouble with your green reading? It's not an easy task, but you can learn it. Green reading doesn't start when you get to the green. In fact it starts when you approach the green. In this video, Rick Sessinghaus divides the art of green reading into four parts, from approaching the green to standing over the ball. See how to read the green on a golf course.
In this video, we learn how to take a reading comprehension test. First, you need to learn how to deal with the questions that are asked on the test. To help, you should learn how to read quickly instead of reading the entire paragraph. Read the questions first so you know what to look out for as you are reading the paragraph presented to you. This will save you a lot of time when you are taking the test and give you some time to go over the questions. When finished, you will get a great grad...
Electrical diagrams are hard to read for all but the most mechanically-inclined, and the ones for the power windows on cars are notoriously complicated. This three-part video will teach you how to read these diagrams and make sense of what you see.
When playing a musical instrument, one of the most important aspect about it, is being able to read sheet music. It's used to record and guide someone when they play a particular song. In some music, it's required to be memorized, but when playing classical music with other performers, it's required to know how to read it. In this three part tutorial, you'll find out how to read and write out sheet music easily. Enjoy!
In this video, you are shown how to create a paper airplane and most importantly, how to make it fly farther. You will need a paper airplane, a stapler, and some tape and scissors. You staple the paper airplane all the way to the back without hitting either wing. You create three rows of these staples. This will make the airplane "closed" so it will glide farther. To get even balanced weight which will make it glide further, first tape along the entire top ridge, then you use scissors and mak...
Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explains the significance of the thumb, highlighting the areas on a detailed map of the hand. Watch this instructional palm-reading video and learn how to interpret the meaning behind the thumb.
Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explains the significance of the mount of Venus, highlighting the areas on a detailed map of the hand. Watch this instructional palm-reading video and learn how to interpret the meaning behind the mount of Venus
Check out how to read a binary clock in this how to video. You'll see how to read the BCD (binary-coded decimal) format like so many can't. Just watch this if you have trouble determining the hours, minutes, or seconds on your binary clock. You can read it in standard or military time if you'd like.
Some of the leading big tech companies are still working in the lab on actual products, but at least some of their leadership did have some thoughts to share on the future direction of the technology this week.
While the big names in augmented reality demonstrated the breadth of opportunities in the industry's landscape this week, one new startup showed off what is possible further in the future.