Public Entity Search Results

News: Apple's iOS 13.5 Public Beta 3 for iPhone Introduces Updated COVID-19 Exposure Logging Settings

Apple released the third public beta for iOS 13.5 today, Wednesday, May 6. This latest public beta update comes exactly one week after Apple released iOS 13.5 public beta 2, which, among other things, introduced Apple and Google's joint COVID-19 exposure notification API. Public beta 3 updates that settings page to show a more detailed "Exposure Logging" option instead.

How To: The Easy Way to Use PGP for Encrypting Emails on Windows, Mac & Linux

In order to increase the security and harden the integrity of an email account and its content, you'll want to use PGP on your Windows, macOS, or Linux computer. This is usually the first thing security analysts do to protect communications with encryption, and everyone else should consider it too, especially since there's an easy way to incorporate PGP that anyone can follow.

How To: Get the Menace to Society achievement in Fable II

In this video, we learn how to get the Menace to Society achievement in Fable II. This requires you to commit an act of public indecency. So, start off the level completely naked and approach people in public places. Then, go purchase The Perv's Handbook from the worker and head out of the book store. Now, you will go down to items and read this to learn it. From here, you will continue to run around and find some whores that don't like being yelled at. Then, dance around showing people our n...

News: Apple Just Released iOS 12.3 Public Beta 1 for iPhone, Includes Updated TV App with Subscription Channels

If you're a public beta tester, your Thursday just got awesome. Apple just released the first public beta for iOS 12.3 today, March 28. This update comes right on the heels of the first developer beta for 12.3, which itself released just one day ago. Thanks to that release, we know that this update contains a new TV app with updated layouts, Apple TV Channels subscriptions, a new logo, and more.

How To: 3 Great Apps for Reverse Phone Number Lookup on Android

As much as you try to safeguard your personal information, you may have made a small mistake by giving your phone number to the wrong entity, and now you're being bombarded with dozens of spam calls every day. To help parse your call log and reject the proper numbers without answering or trudging through voicemail, a good reverse phone lookup app is needed.