Prenatal Search Results

How To: Open the shoulders and chest with prenatal yoga

During pregnancy the natural curves of the spine become exaggerated causing the lower back to sway as well as the upper back and shoulders to round. This rolling forward of the shoulders causes the ribcage to collapse down compressing the lungs and diaphragm which results in a breathless feeling along with feeling like there is very little space left for the baby. Another unfortunate result of the ribcage compressing the stomach area is the stomach acid gets pushed up the esophagus resulting ...

How To: Open hips with prenatal yoga poses

This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates prenatal yoga poses to help open the hips. Prenatal yoga hip opening poses help to facilitate the opening of the pelvis to prepare for the baby to descend through the birth canal. They increase flexibility in the muscles that attach to the pelvis that will need to be elastic during labor and delivery. When the hips are more open it allows for the sacrum and pelvic to be better aligned. This will make daily activities like walking, sitting, standing...

How To: Alleviate back pain with prenatal yoga

Back pain is a common discomfort that women experience during and after pregnancy. Though a short, effective standing and seated series, this yoga how to video concentrates on alleviating some of these common aches and pains. Side bending poses help release lower back pain by stretching the latissimus dorsi (lower back) muscles. Forward bend and hip openers release and extend the lower back, hip and hamstring muscles. Twisting poses help stretch and release the back and shoulder muscles, crea...

How To: Do prenatal aerobics

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but it can strain the body. Exercise can help prenatal women release stress and increase overall health. Learn how to do prenatal aerobics in this exercise tutorial. When doing prenatal aerobics you should do a basic side-step, keep arms at chest level, keep movements soft, and stretch before & after prenatal workout. With this how to video you can do prenatal aerobics safely and effectively.

How To: Make a gift basket of healthy stuff for a pregnant mom

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a gift basket of healthy stuff for a pregnant mom. First, go to Whole Foods Market, which carries everything that you need! First, think about what your mommy needs and what she is going to need after she has a baby! First, place in some books that have to do with pregnancy. Then, stock the basket with some supplements, prenatal vitamins, organic teas, a loofa, ginger pills, and bath salts. Once you give this to your expecting mom, she will thank you and...

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