Perfect Coffee Search Results

How To: Make a perfect cup of coffee

This video shows you in 6 simple steps how to make a perfect cup of coffee. You should buy whole coffee beans that you keep in an airtight container. You will need a coffee grinder. You can find them in kitchen stores. You should run the water you use through a filter before making your coffee. You want to use 2 tablespoons of coffee grinds per cup. 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt will take out any bitterness. 6 oz of water per cup is what you should use. You can now make your coffee.

How To: Make perfect aeropressed coffee

If you have an Aeropress and are loving the taste of the coffee that it makes, but are wondering how to make the perfect cup of coffee with it? Well, a girl from Denmark, named Marie Hagemeister, won the World Aeropress Championships with an inverted Aeropress technique that ended up also taking her all the way through the Danish Aeropress Championships. In this video you will learn what techniques are used and also the temperature of the water and the brewing time used. Make perfect aeropres...

How To: Make Thai iced coffee with Kai

Man, it's hot outside. And what the better way of cooling down than sitting by the pool sipping a drink. Here is the perfect summertime beverage - Thai iced coffee. For this recipe, you will need sugar, Thai coffee, and half and half. Watch this video beverage-making tutorial and learn how to make iced coffee with Thai chef Kai.

How To: Make iced coffee

Does your iced coffee get watered down from adding in ice cubes? Enjoy a tastier iced coffee at home with these handy tips. Take a pot of hot coffee and pour it into an ice tray and make cubes. Whenever you want ice coffee, just pull out your coffee cubes. A secret for sugar users..put your sugar in first, then a bit of coffee, then your ice coffee cubes and a bit more coffee. Perfect ice coffee.

How To: Make a superb cup of coffee

Now, this may only be one man's process for the perfect cup of coffee, but we're going to guess it must be pretty good. Watch and learn how to make a superb cup of coffee according to Ian at ShowMeDo. Oh, if you plan to try this yourself, make sure you have a french press coffee maker.

How To: Make a latte with US barista champ Heather Perry

This is a video showing how to make a perfect latte at home. First the coffee is ground and then she pours some milk. The presenter says that 1/3 of the daily requirement of milk can be found in a latte. Once the coffee is ground it is brewed. She uses a lot of coffee so that it is richer. While the espresso is being made, the milk is steamed. The espresso should drip out like honey. The steamed milk is then poured over the coffee.

How To: Revolutionize Your Coffee Game with These Cold Brew Hacks

Summer is right around the corner, which means it's time to switch from perfect hot coffee to perfect cold coffee. A nice icy glass of cold coffee is wildly refreshing and just plain delicious. In my opinion, it's the key to enjoying any sunny day (warning: if you don't already drink cold coffee, you may find yourself drinking four or five glasses a day very quickly).

How To: Embroider customized coffee sleeves

In-the-embroidery hoop coffee sleeves will add a little flavor to your morning cup o' Joe. Low-loft batting protects hands from hot cups. The embroidery designs are available in a variety of fun and fashionable themes and styles. The embroidered coffee sleeves also make perfect gifts for the coffee drinkers in your family! Learn how to make one today.

How To: Make classic tiramisu with mascarpone & coffee liqueur

Tiramisù is the world's most popular Italian dessert, with delicious layers of sponge cake and brandy (or liqueur), usually with powdered chocolate and mascarpone cheese. This particular classic Italian dessert is the perfect balance of fresh whipped cream, mascarpone cheese and coffee liqueur. Check out the entire video recipe for this tasty classic style tiramisu dessert.

How To: 6 Delicious Ways to Cook with Coffee

No offense to water, but if I could survive on coffee alone, I would. I swear I'm not addicted... I just really, really, really love the taste of a cuppa joe, whether it's hot, cold, frothed, milked, flavored, plain, whatever! And while my favorite thing to do with coffee will always be to drink it, recently I've become crazy about using coffee in cooking.

How To: 3 Amazing Non-Coffee Uses for Your French Press

My French press is one of the most important tools in my kitchen. It's indispensable, and it's no small exaggeration when I say that I use it on a daily basis thanks to my coffee addiction. However, it gets used for a lot more than just my morning cuppa (and my second morning cuppa, and my late morning cuppa, and my... well, you get the picture).

How To: Make a coffee cup sleeve and stitch markers

Get your sewing tools ready, because it's time for another great tutorial. In this video you'll learn how to make two cool objects easily. One being a stitch marker that helps mark a certain place in a row when knitting. The other object is a coffee cup sleeve that is perfect for making sure you hands don't get burned. A big improvements over the ones that you can throw away and never use again.

How To: Reuse Old Coffee Grounds

Many people start their day with a fresh, hot cup of coffee. They purchase their coffee with care and enjoy it greatly. But what do you do with those grounds once you’ve drunk your coffee? Here are some uses for those used coffee grounds! Note: It's always easiest to handle coffee grounds when they're cool, so wait a couple of hours after you've switched off the coffee pot to try any of these!

How To: Build a beautiful cedar log coffee table using a chainsaw

If you loved the cedar log bench, try out your chainsaw skills on something for the inside of your home— a log coffee table. Using a chainsaw as your primary woodworking tool is dangerously unusual, but the results are well worth the risk! In this two-part video, learn the techniques to chainsawing your way to a beautiful log coffee table made from scraps. It's great for any outdoorsman's living room or den.

How To: Make cold brew coffee

Making cold brew coffee can be done simply with only a jar, water, a coffee filter, and ground up coffee. Though it seems like it would be more complex, the procedure to making cold brew coffee can be easily achieved in just a couple basic steps. The steps do not require too much work and can be done in a matter of minutes. Simple measures are taken to making cold brewed coffee, such as by mixing the coffee and water through shaking up the jar. Using a coffee filter, just pouring the mixed gr...

How To: Make a teapot cake

Get creative - Stray away from the same old cakes and add a new cake shape to your resume! In this cake decorating tutorial, learn how to make a teapot shaped cake! Perfect for a Alice in Wonderland themed party or for someone who loves tea and or coffee!

How To: Make an awesome cup of coffee for cheap

Kelly Sutton shows How to make awsome coffee for five bucks. Coffee only needs two ingrediants to be good, purified water, and good coffee. Get a cup, coffee holder, and coffee filters. Grind your coffee right before you make your cup for the best flavor. Fold the filter and put it in the coffee holder, then put your coffee grounds in it. Now boil the water and let it cool off a bit. You want it to be around 180-190 degrees. Pour the water into the filter that has your coffee in it, and stir ...

How To: Bake low-fat lemon shortbread cookies or bars

Take the saturated fat out of a shortbread cookie?! What would be left? Cooking Light has accomplished what seems impossible! A low(er) in fat recipe for shortbread cookies. This Cooking Light recipe reduces the fat and calories without sacrificing the taste of these mouth-watering lemon shortbread cookies, perfect for an after-dinner dessert with coffee.

How To: French press a faux latte

Do you want to have the latte experience without having to buy an espresso machine? Follow along with this coffee how-to video as Alton uses the French press to create the perfect faux latte. You'll love this latte technique, and you won't be shelling out money to go to Starbucks or to buy an espresso machine.

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