Pack Abs Search Results

How To: Get six pack abs in 12 weeks

In this video, Jeff Cavalier demonstrates how the viewer can obtain six pack abs in just twelve weeks while training at home. He begins by explaining that he will show the viewer five separate work outs techniques. The first exercise is called a X-man crunch. To complete this exercise you must lay on your back, with your body in an "X" shape. You then tighten your stomach muscles and bring your legs and your arms together towards the middle. The second exercise is called Heels to the Heavens....

How To: Do a bodybuilding crunch exercise for 6-pack abs

Don't let the TV ads convince you to buy some bulky contraption that will gather dust in your closet, crunches are safe and effective! This how-to video shows how to do crunches with varying degrees of difficulty based on your ability. Remember that ab exercises alone will not give you abs! If you have the best abs in the world they will be completely invisible if you are overweight. Aerobic exercise and proper diet are even more important than ab exercises in getting that sought after 6-pack...

How To: Use Photoshop to create six pack abs

Who has time to go to the gym any more? Not to mention the money. And then there's all that heavy lifting if you do get there. Why not just fire up Photoshop and turn that 96 lb weakling into a gym monkey beefcake? This Photoshop editing technique for giving a similar look dodging and burning only a lot quicker. This is a technique was developed by Photoshop Guru Calvin Hollywood. This tutorial will show you how it's done. In no time at all you'll be faking out people with your touched up pho...

How To: Make fake six pack abs using makeup

Go out on the beach with confidence this summer, even if you haven't had the time to hit the gym. In this tutorial, learn a cool shortcut to six pack abs using makeup! These techniques are exactly what the stars do whenever they wear something revealing, so try this out and look like a celeb in your bikini this year!

How To: Exercise to get 6-pack abs

In order to get 6-pack abs, the most important part of this process is to lose weight. You can do that by increasing cardio exercise and decreasing your caloric intake. There is an iPhone app that can help you called "LoseIt". It will keep up with your weight loss and your plan. It will tell you your calorie budget for the day. It keeps up with your calories. It keeps track of your food intake. It will keep track of your exercise.

How To: Get six pack abs through bench crunches

Six pack abs are possible, if you put in the time and work. This instructional video demonstrates simple exercises you can do to sculpt your abs. Rememeber, abs don't just happen over night, but stick to it. Llittle can compare with the satisfaction of looking down at your own washboard stomach.

How To: Get six pack abs in less than a month

Watch as Joshrulz77 Shows your how to get Six pack abs in just one month! Depending on how much you need to lose you can achieve it in one week or up to one month. One exercise you can do is to hold on to the bottom of a bed or a couch with your hands and then use your abs to lift up your legs in the air and then back down. Remember to keep your legs straight and move them slowly and controlled. Remember to also not let them touch the ground when going down but just about a few inches off of ...

How To: Eat a diet to help get you closer to six pack abs

With this video, we learn how to eat a diet to help get you closer to six pack abs. At the end of the day, calorie counting is a pain and not worth it. You can spend hours using charts trying to find the calories in each little thing that you buy. For a diet to lose fat, you need to eat whole foods. You will need nutrient dense food instead of foods that have sugar and fat instead of them. If you are eating whole foods, then you will not need to count the calories because you can't go wrong w...

How To: Get six pack abs without a single crunch

Do you hate doing crunches but desire six pack abs? Well, most would say "good luck!" but this video from Turbulence Training Secrets is here to tell you different. Learn how to do ab-working core circuit training without laying on the ground and doing endless reps of crunches and sit-ups that can hurt your lower back. Learn how to get rid of that buldge on your belly with help from this video!

How To: Get six pack abs with cardio & strength training

In this video, Yuri Elkaim will teach you how to get six pack abs using cardio and strength training. He breaks down the discussion of cardio vs. strength training for burning fat and building muscle. In the video, Elkaim stresses high-intensity interval training (HIIT), in which he says you will burn more calories, and therefore lose more fat if that is your aim. Furthermore, working at a higher intensity for longer periods of time increases your cardiovascular strength to an even higher deg...

How To: Do 3 exercises on a Swiss Ball for six pack abs

In this video, Yuri Elkaim teaches three abdominal exercises on a stability ball. First, he demonstrates a variation of the plank exercise, rolling back and forth on the ball, and then two other exercises. Learn tips on how to do these exercises correctly to be safe and avoid injury. You will also learn ideas for an abs workout routine. Learn these interesting and challenging exercises for a stronger core and better defined abs. This video will teach you a new workout routine (or just new exe...

How To: Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. This article's purpose is to give you the hard truths, advice, and workout for gaining a hard body and new look.

How To: Get awesome abs plank exercises

Interested in getting those six pack abs that will blow away the ladies? The main reason to workout abs is because strong abs will stabilize your lower back and prevent you from an injury... but as a side benefit, a 6-pack looks great! In this video presented by Fat Loss Lifestyle, learn how to do the "Face Down and Side Plank" core exercise. It is a functional, athletic movement for athletes sure to get you the abs you've always dreamed of!

How To: Know the truth (and myths) about ab workouts

In this video, we learn the truth and myths about ab workouts. The first myth is that you can get six pack abs just by doing ab exercises. This is not true. You need to eat less and work out more to lose fat on your body that will show the abs underneath your fat. It doesn't matter if you do a super ab workout, unless you get rid of body fat, you won't be able to see your abs. You also need to learn that you cannot do spot fat removal, fat will fall off your body when you start to lose weight...

How To: Work out your lower abs

If you are trying to strengthen your midsection, check out this video from the experts at In this tutorial, learn some stretches and floor exercises that you can do to work out your lower abs and get closer to that six pack you've always dreamed of. These exercises are easy enough for beginners but will definitely leave even the most seasoned gym bunny feeling the burn.

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