Kipkay Search Results

How To: Get free stuff

There is a web site that you can go to and get stuff that is absolutely free from anywhere in the world. The web site is called and the first thing you do is choose your country and your state. Kipkay demonstrates.

How To: Surf the web secretly

Kipkay details how to surf the web secretly and leave no trace behind on your computer. Many websites collect personal data without you knowing it and you should surf anonymously.

How To: Trace any email

Kipkay explains how to trace any email and then see a map of where it came from. Go to your mail service, click on options, look for received from, and copy what is listed.

How To: Make a pecan crusher out of junk parts

MAKE zine brings the DIY mindset to the technology in your life, encouraging you to break things apart and put them back together in a new and better way. In this video, MAKE and KipKay show you how to build a pecan crusher out of junk parts. Pecans are delicious, but their shells can be maddeningly tough to break into. This video introduces you to an enterprising gent who built a pecan smasher using various gizmos he had around in his garage. Now you can be like him, and use science to show ...

How To: Make five dollars doing a trick

Kipkay demonstrates how you can make five dollars by doing a bar trick and you bet your friend that you can lift a half full shot glass up with the palm of your hand. You have to use 100 percent liquor and when the flame goes out the glass will stick to your hand.

How To: Charge Your Cell Phone with Fire

There are plenty of times when we need to charge our phones but don't have access to electricity. Whether the power is out do to storms, you're camping and run out of juice, or you're in a Tom-Hanks-like Castaway situation, it's important to have a charged phone in case of an emergency.

How To: Hack Your Car's Cassette Deck into a Wireless Bluetooth Music Player

Still have an old tape deck installed in your car? This nifty hack lets you upgrade to the digital age without sacrificing your love for cassettes. There's nothing wrong with some low-fidelity tunes in your car every now and then, but if you want to listen to the tunes on your iPod or smartphone too, it's a lot easier (and cheaper) than buying a new in-dash player that supports line-in connections. Just add some wireless capabilities to you tape deck! All you need is a cheap cassette adapter,...

How To: Make an optical theremin to play music

Watch as Kipkay from MAKE Magazine shows you how to make something really cool for your music skills, with parts from RadioShack. Everybody's heard of them, but nobody has one or knows how to play one... a theremin. You could be the exception as you see how to build your very own optical theremin to play the air around you. Wait, this is optical which means you'll be making that beautiful music with light, like a flashlight.

How To: Illuminate a regular computer keyboard

Light up your keyboard with this illuminating tutorial from Make Magazine's Kipkay. To get started on this hack, which should take roughly a half an hour and cost no more than $5, you'll need the following: (1) a regular computer keyboard (most any model will do), (2) a screwdriver, (3) a drill, (4) telephone wire, (5) heat shrink tubing, and (6) two 5 mm high-brightness, white LEDs. For comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on building your own light-up keyboard, simply watch this hacker'...

How To: Build a beeping electronic practical joke

Watch as Kipkay from MAKE Magazine shows you how to make something really cool for the office, with parts from RadioShack. One of the original practical jokes is the gravity activated subwoofer simulator, or better known as the Whoopee Cushion. See how to make a high tech prank... the Joke-A-Tron. This electronic prank device will beep and beep to keep your enemies on their toes.

How To: Make a rumble pipe sound effect machine

You can learn how to make a rumble pipe sound effect machine and you need to cut a pvc pipe to seven inches. Glue a piece of drum skin to the end of the pvc pipe and then check it out. Video is brought to you by KipKay. Make a rumble pipe sound effect machine.

News: Ignite Prey and Light Cigarettes With a Laser Burner

Looking for an (explosively) fun Thanksgiving project this week? Something that involves fire and lasers? Check it out. YouTube creator StyroPyro lights ten matches in 9 seconds with a modded laser. One word: Awesome. Luckily both StyroPyro and Kipkay provide HowTo's. First, How to building a burning blue/violet laser. Below, Kipkay demonstrates how to build one with a cheap Bic lighter casing (as well as store bought parts). Have fun.

News: Save gas

Listen to KipKay. He's quite the crafty how-to guru. Suggestions vary from adding acetone to your gas tank (a practice banned in Vietnam for it's damage to engines) to emptying your trunk of all it's unnecessary junk. Save gas.