Kipkay Search Results

How To: Charge your car battery with red wine

If you ever need to start your car but the battery is dead, Kipkay has the answer in this how-to video. All you need to charge it is a little red wine. This is not an excuse to drink and drive. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to charge your car battery with red wine.

How To: Hack a single-use digital camera for continual usage

In the digital age, camera's have gotten better, more advanced and more expensive. Even those throw-away cameras have taken the leap to digital-ness, which means more money. But you don't have to be confined by the one-time use of these single-use digital cameras anymore. Kipkay teaches you how to hack a one-time-use digital camera so that you can use it over and over again— for only twenty dollars. There is a connector behind a sticker, so you have to peel the sticker off and then you must f...

How To: Make bio diesel

Make your own backyard biodiesel with the help of Kipkay. It's easy to make a small batch that will work in any diesel engine. You won't need any special equipment--an old juice bottle will serve as the "reactor" vessel--and on such a small scale, you can quickly refine your technique and perform further experiments. Thanks go to Rob Elam for the original article in Make Volume 3To download Making Biodiesel MP4 click here or subscribe in iTunes. Check out the complete Making Biodiesel article...

How To: Build a portable stink pen

In this how-to video, Kipkay shows you how to build a portable stink pen and you need a cheap pen, a bobby pin, and matches. Take apart the pen, save the spring, put the bobby pin through the center of the pen, and bend the edge of the bobby pin. Pull the pin back to fire and create one gross smell. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to build a portable stink pen for practical jokes. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Build your own stilts

Tired of always having to ask tall folks to help you get stuff down from the top shelf? In this tutorial from Make Magazine, Kipkay teaches you how to build your own stilts. But while these stilts will make you taller, we don't suggest wearing them on the basketball court.

How To: Play a crazy keyboard prank on your friends

Kip "Kipkay" Kedersha is known for his intriguing and clever how-to and prank videos, even when he teams up with MAKE Magazine. He will show you how to tweak, hack, mod, and bend any technology to your hacking needs. No electronic device, gadget, or household item can stand the test of Kipkay's hacks and mods.

How To: Turn an Old Scanner into a Keyboard Light

Do-it-yourselfer Kipkay salvaged parts from an old parallel port scanner and made a flexible, super-bright light in this how-to video. The modification is done by extracting the lamp and running it through clear tubing. He mounted the new lamp above his keyboard for night typing. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to turn an old scanner into a keyboard light.

How To: Save gas

Learn how to save gas, the secret the oil companies and car manufacturers don't want you to know about! This how-to video explains common causes for your car to be sapping gas faster than it should, how to make some simple adjustments, and maximize your gas. Don't be a slave to high gas prices or go into debt buying a hybrid car you can't afford. Learn how to double your gas mileage the KipKay way by watching this instructional video.

How To: Make char cloth to start your fire

In this weekend project, MAKE and KipKay show you how to make a char cloth to start a campfire in a hurry. Char cloth is cheap and effective stuff. You need a metal container, an old t-shirt, and a can of Sterno, and then you're pretty much good to go.

How To: Recycle junk CDs and DVDs into a miniature disco ball

So, AOL might not be mailing as many internet CDs as they did in the past, but chances are you have a few of those junk discs lying around. Chances are you have tons of junk CDs and DVDs laying around, not necessarily from AOL. And now... it's time to turn them into something useful, or at least fun! Kipkay shows you how to build a mini-disco ball from those recycled discs, with scissors, hot glue and a styrofoam ball also needed.

How To: Trigger traffic lights to change from red to green

This instructional video shows how change traffic lights from red to green, using science, and without actually having to know anything about magnetic fields or properties! Save gas, time, and frustration in your car and during your commute! Works great! See the test results! Yay for Kipkay! The trick in this video hacking tutorial will teach you how to get green lights on your bike or motorcycle that is too small or light to trigger the traffic light.