Ivy League Search Results

How To: Get an Ivy League scholarship

Ivy League schools are a students wet dream, but not everyone can get into them. Even fewer get scholarships for them. But in recent years, Ivy League universities have raised the number of scholarships they award to students. More students are seeking awards, making the application process for these scholarships very competitive.

How To: Make Cornell chicken

Cornell chicken—named for its creator, a professor at the Ivy League school of the same name—, is both delicious and easy to prepare. For more information, including a full recipe and step-by-step instructions on how to grill Cornell-style chicken on your own barbeque, watch this free video cooking lesson.

How To: Grow ivy plants

Every one knows what ivy is, but most think of it as the poisonous ivy that gives a horrible itchy rash, but poison ivy isn't the only kind out there. There's beautiful ivy that can make your home more elegant than ever. Growing the prolific ivy plant will convince you that you have a green thumb while adding fresh beauty around your house, indoors and outdoors.

How To: Recognize and avoid poison ivy

Life is not always a walk in the woods, but when it is, make sure you don’t step in the poison ivy. Leaves of three, don't touch me or Leaves of three, let it be is a pretty good rule of thumb as poison ivy comes in many colors and varieties. This video nature safety tutorial shows how to look out for and prevent the uncomfortable burning that results from any contact with poison ivy.

How To: Prevent poison ivy

Poison ivy is a real pain. And it is especially bad to have poison ivy in your garden. Learn how to identify and remove poison ivy with little to no risk to your skin with this gardening tutorial. Remember to be careful and wear long pants and gloves when handling poison ivy

How To: Get the Poison Ivy Uma Thurman inspired makeup look

Poison Ivy is a villainess in the Batman comic books, a seductive femme fatale with poisonous blood and the ability to control plants. She makes excellent inspiration for a Halloween costume. Make you sexier and more beautiful. Hair: Poison Ivy is portrayed as a beautiful redhead, contrasting with the green of her outfit. Buy a red wig or use hair dye to dye your hair red. Body: Purchase a cheap green leotard, bodysuit, or swimsuit, along with 30 or so fake ivy leaves. Using a needle and thre...

How To: Recognize poison ivy

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are a problem throughout the United States. The resin on the leaves is what bothers us, causing acute dermatitis (a bad rash). If you happen to come in contact with it, quickly wash with hot soapy water, that should at least reduce the amount of irritation. Poison Ivy has three leaves and a little bit of red where the leaf merges with the stem. There is a new product made especially for eradicating Poison Ivy and tough brush. To use this product, spray the leaves tho...

How To: Treat poison ivy with alcohol and menthol cream

Uh, did you just sit in a patch of poison ivy? Yeah you did! Now what? Watch this how to video to learn how to treat poison ivy. You will need alcohol, cool water, soap, hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion, cotton balls, menthol cream and cool compresses. Make the itch from poison ivy go away with these helpful tips.

How To: Identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants. John White presents this video along with Virginia Owens. Spittle bug on rosemary can be removed with a strong blast of water. You can also add a little bit of soap to it. You also have to be persistent with this. Scale is a kind of insect that forms carnication on Spanish Broom. This can be treated with dormant oil in the summer. Ivy gets burnt when exposed to hot sun. So, you go...

How To: Treat poison ivy, oak, and sumac with jewel weed

Jewel weed is found in swamps lakes and wet places. This how-to video demonstrates using the jewel weed stems on the infected area until the bumps or blisters break open. Jewel weed has a chemical that neutralizes poison ivy, oak, or sumac oil, so it's okay to scratch with Jewel Weed. Jewel weed also works well on mosquito bites, burns, and skin diseases. Find out how to treat posion ivy, oak, or sumac with jewel weed by watching this video outdoor safety video.

How To: Join or create a league in ESPN Fantasy Football

If you're interested in joining or creating a fantasy football league, take a look at this guide on how to use leagues in ESPN Fantasy Football and learn the differences between the leagues. You can choose to play in a public or private league, depending on if you want to limit your fantasy league to your friends and family or if you want to play against other team owners you meet online.

How To: Build Corki with a Trinity Force in League of Legends

If you like to carry your team by doing a ton of damage, and you like the idea of flying around in a flying machine, try out Corki, the Daring Bombadier in League of Legends. In this champion spotlight, Phreak from Riot Games builds Corki with a Trinity Force to do a ton of damage and attack quick. He also overviews what abilties, masteries, and runes to get on Corki.

How To: Create a sexy Poison Ivy costume for Halloween

Before Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan there was the original "Batman" with with George Clooney as the masked hero and Uma Thurman as the villainous Poison Ivy. While the movie is ranked as one of the worst superhero flicks of all time, Uma Thurman's getup was probably one of the most fascinating and beautiful superhero costumes we've ever seen.

How To: Play a powerful summoner in League of Legends

Your summoner is the core character in your League of Legends game, the one who summons the champions to fight on your behalf on the Fields of Justice. Going screenshot by screenshot, the summoner aspect of the game is explained. Stay up to date on your score, monitor your champions and keep track of your points!

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