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News: Welcome to the Google+ Insider's Guide!

Google+ is the most exciting new social network to come around this decade, and the only product with a chance of challenging the monopolies we know as Facebook and Twitter. As an Internet addict, I've joined every major social network there is - from Friendster (who?) to MySpace (so ugly) to LinkedIn (yawn) to Twitter (irritating) and Facebook (annoying to manage). Competition is delicious, especially between well-financed monopolies. Google+ really seems to have identified an Achille's heel...

News: Naughty Prank Ideas

If one of your is really messy then you can try this prank on them. It actually happened with me and believe me it works!! If the person concerned just doesn’t clean up his or her mess and from table or bed and you really find it irritating since that is the situation with most of us when we live in school or college hostels or when we share a flat. So to teach a lesson stick a sign on the bed and the wardrobe, which would say that the wardrobe and the bed are meant for piling waste and when ...

How To: Make A Homemade Medical Remedy For All Abdominal Disorders

Everyone in these days have so many pressures. Either he or she is a working professional or student and these pressures create tension which can cause stomach disorders. As I myself experience very chaotic routines in my life, I've suffered with stomach disorders for ten years of my life. I have tried each and every type of medicine from allopathic to homeopathic and found no results. I lost hope. By chance I discovered something very simple to cure my troubled stomach and since then I have ...

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