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How To: Kill bed bugs by using boric acid

Boric Acid is often used to treat or eradicate bedbugs. However, it doesn't work particularly well. It has to be ingested to kill them, but they don't necessarily consume it. There would need to be a bait that they can ingest that contains boric acid. Unfortunately, people are the bait that they respond to. Cockroaches, on the other hand, ingest it, because they clean themselves. Therefore, it gets ingested in that way.

How To: Set up an intravenous line

This video tutorial shows how to set up an intravenous line, or intravenous drip. Most are familiar with IVs, as a way of providing people undergoing medical treatment that are otherwise unable to ingest food with vital nutrients. Watch this educational medical science video and learn how to set up and insert an intravenous line.

How To: Ingest vitamin D and minerals to fight MS

It is argued that sun exposure and warm weather helps people cope with and fight multiple sclerosis. Sun is important to produce vitamin D. There are arguments that vitamin D deficiency is connected with cases of multiple sclerosis. Get a blood test to make sure your vitamin levels are optimum and you are suffering from no mineral or vitamin toxicity.

How To: Make a chicken salad

Franklin Chef Becker shows you how to prepare a great chicken salad with off the shelf products. To make this salad, wash your lettuce, then add lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil. Mix peppers, cucumbers, scallions, salad, and chicken to complete this low carbohydrate dish for health watchers. Don't ingest any e-coli.

How To: Install a three-way switch on a lamp

Any lamp can be converted to use a three-way lamp switch, and Ron Hazelton shows you how easy it is to do in this how-to video. Three-way switches allow for a variety of lighting options, so you never have to choose between an overly bright light and darkness. Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to turn a lamp into a three-way lamp.

How To: Make a masculine birthday card

Classy Craft Quickies are video tutorials for cards that can be made in 10 minutes or less. This step by step guide features a masculine themed birthday card. Watch this instructional video and learn how to make a man-friendly greeting or birthday card that can be sent to anyone wary of overly cutesy cards.

How To: Origami a flowery container

Follow this simple yet clear example to make your own origami flower shaped box. The step by step process will allow you to complete some of the more difficult folds that go into creating this tulip shaped container. Unlike other origami containers, this tulip cup is neither boxy nor overly complex.

How To: Say 'hello' to someone in French

This video teaches you how to say hello to someone in French. When you approach a female, you should say “Bonjour, Madame”. The first word has two (2) syllables. The first syllable is pronounced the same as the word bone is pronounced in English. The second syllable of the first word is pronounced like the English word Jew: i.e. bone-Jew. The j sound in Jew should be overly exaggerated. To say hello to a male, you should say “Bonjour, Monsieur”. This is a formal way to say hello.

How To: Understand the basics of apple tree pruning

Each year an apple tree should produce three things: new growth, fruit buds on last year's and older growth, and fruit on those fruit buds formed in previous years. In order to keep an apple tree in balance and fruiting, one must prune. However, pruning is too often done poorly. In this, the second installment of his series on practical apple tree pruning, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Heritage Apples looks goes over what to look for in a good secateurs, or pruning shears, and how to thin out sp...

How To: Use gravimetric analysis to analyze sulfuric acid

This video is based on a chemistry experiment. This video is going to explain to us how to use gravimetric analysis in order to analyze sulfuric acid. This experiment should not be done for those who do not have a fundamental knowledge of chemical compounds, reactions and chemical safety. He explains first what he is about to do before he does it. Sulfuric acid is acidic and can be toxic if ingested or in contact with the eyes. Take extreme care with this experiment.

How To: Debone a pork leg

Somewhat rare today, the leg of pork is often regarded as one of the best pork roasts you will ever ingest in your human life. In this three-part video, aspiring butchers may learn how to debone a pork leg efficiently. Add some fresh herbs to your pork leg, and you have yourself a dinner fit for a king!

How To: Get rid of fleas the natural way

To get rid of fleas start by giving your pet a bath every other week. Another good thing to do every other week is to wash all your pet's bedding in hot water. Vacuum all of your carpets once a week to get rid of any flea eggs, baby fleas, and adult fleas that are in the carpet. Flea collars are a problem because they leave a residue on your pets. When you pet your pet you get that residue on your hands and if you put your hands in your mouth you will ingest those chemicals. Natural methods a...

How To: Forage for wild edible plants

There are probably wild plants growing in your own backyard—or at least in a nearby public park—just waiting to become a free, tasty meal. Watch this video to make sure they’re actually edible. Survive in the wild with these plant identification tips.

How To: Do the wrap dance move to start grinding with a girl

If you've ever wanted to take your dancing to the next level with a girl at a club (i.e. if you've ever wanted to start grinding pronto), then you know how frustrating it can be. If you move to fast to grinding the girl, she'll get freaked out and think you're a pervert. But if you take your time and only dance with her from a safe distance, she'll star to become disinterested and think that you are too.

How To: Use shadow & highlight to correct a dark foreground

For anyone who has taken a picture and forgotten to turn on the flash, the result is usually a picture that is too dark. In this video, learn how to use the shadow highlight feature in Photoshop to correct images that are too dark. The tool can be automatically applied and is used specifically to brighten the foreground of a picture. You can play around in Photoshop to lighten the foreground yourself instead of doing it automatically. The next time a picture turns out too dark, don't throw it...

How To: Make stove-top popcorn

Sure, you can stick a lumpy little packet into the microwave and punch a few buttons. But once you learn to pop your own corn on the stove, you'll never want the fake-tasting kind again. It might seem like an overly old-timey way to make popcorn, but the results are worth it. You will need 3 tbsp. oil, a large pot with a lid, 1/3-1/2 cup popcorn kernels, salt, butter, and a bowl, as well as any spices or seasonings to taste. Watch this video snack-making tutorial and learn how to cook up stov...

How To: Know why your partner gets frustrated & yells

Most of the time when a partner is quick to yell at you or wants to control you, it is because that person is upset with themselves. It also seems that maybe the partner is overly stressed due to new situations. Tell your partner how you feel. You need to find out what is bothering him/her or else the relationship might be over. When you express how you feel, talk about your feelings, it helps the relationship. It is not helpful if you accuse your partner. Accusations are only going to create...

How To: Know how long it takes to lose abdominal fat

This video describes the ways people hold onto fat. There are three main types of bodies. There are naturally skinny, round with an easy time gaining weight and overly round with a hard time losing weight. Each person is different but in certain body groups there is an easier time to maintain a lean appearance. Fat cells in your body also play a part in you getting fat and staying thin. It is said that all of your fat cells have been fully grown in your puberty years. There are some new studi...

How To: Add volume to short hair

This video shows how to add volume to short hair for anyone with flat or fine hair. Dean Banowetz shows how to add volume using the InStyler Rotating hot iron in this video tutorial. To use this tool, take a section of hair and then curl under to create body at the root of hairs. Do this all around the crown and sides. Then, repeat the same steps for the lower parts of the hair making sure to curl the hair to frame the face. You can fluff up the hair after you have curled a section to avoid h...

How To: Teach a pet rat to walk on back legs

Watch this instructional video to teach a pet rat to walk on its back legs. When trying this, don't spend too long training the rat each day, 5 minutes a day is long enough and even at that they are clever enough to pick this up in a few days. This is important too to make sure they are not over-fed during training. Also, don't be in too much of a hurry to increase the step count, take time to get the rats used to the trick and it will make increasing the steps later easier and more stable. B...

How To: Make an epoxy face mask

Sure, epoxy is poisonous if ingested, an eye irritant, and probably carcinogenic, but you can still make a mask out of it anyway. The flexible quality of epoxy, allows to make an exact mold of your, or any desired face. Watch this video sculpting tutorial and learn how to make an epoxy face mask.

How To: Import footage from Sony's XCAM EX into Final Cut Pro

Do you have some footage from the Sony XDCAM EX digital camera memory card that you need to get into Final Cut Pro? Well, check out this brief tutorial on ingesting that XDCAM EX footage into Final Cut Pro with ease by downloading some software, like upgrades. You'll need the Sony camera and a USB cable, then just watch the video to see how it's all done in Final Cut Pro. This will work with Sony EX1 or EX3.

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