Healthy Smoothies Search Results

How To: Make a healthy fruit smoothie

Want a fruit smoothie? While we can't recommend asparagus or cheddar-flavored drinks, we encourage you to experiment, using this road map to the ultimate healthy blended beverage. Remember to be creative -- mix a variety of fruity flavors.

How To: Blend a healthy peanut butter split smoothie

Beat the snack attacks with this healthy banana and peanut butter favorite. You'll love how simple and quick this fruit smoothie is to prepare. This cooking how-to video is part of Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger show hosted by Ellie Krieger. Cooking healthy food can be quick, easy, but most of all, delicious. Nutritionist and author Ellie Krieger has created fast and simple healthy recipes for the real world. She'll show you how simple it can be to stay on the healthy track no matter how...

How To: Make a smoothie for healthy, glowing skin

In order to make a smoothie that will give you healthy and glowing skin, you should begin by considering the nutritional value and restorative nature of certain fruits. To make a smoothie that will support your collagen, elasticity, and your complexion, combine the following fruit in a smoothie: blueberries, oranges, strawberries, mango, bananas, and water. These will also provide beta keratin and antioxidants.

How To: Make a strawberry, bananna and mango smoothie

Learn how to make your own healthy fruit smoothie within seconds. Using a knife, chop a large strawberry, half a banana and a slice of mango and place in a blender. Add enough milk to cover the fruit and blend for a few seconds until the mixture turns into a thick smoothie. These ingredients are enough to create one portion of smoothie.

How To: Lose weight quickly with a raw food diet & juicing

The person describes many different foods you can eat and what you can make from all the diet and healthy foods. The viewer can learn how to lose weight and keep it off with an easy diet. This is important because of the increasing number of overweight and obese people in this country. He describes how to make a healthy smoothie for those who are over weight or just want to be more healthy.

How To: Make a orange, strawberry, banana, and lime smoothie

There are a lot of different fruit smoothie recipes out there. This particularly delicious-looking recipe includes the traditional smoothie fruits strawberries, bananas, and oranges, with a bit of lime and salt to give it a bit of a kick that many of the other recipes out there lack. Cool yourself off and get healthy at the same time with this delicious recipe.

How To: Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...

How To: Grow pawpaws in your home garden

Pawpaws are a little-known American fruit. With their unusual texture and tropical flavor, pawpaws make a great addition to a lot of recipes. They're easy to grow at home, too, in almost any climate! Here is everything you need to know about growing pawpaws, plus a recipe for a delicious and healthy smoothie!

How To: Make a fast breakfast wrap

Make a five minute breakfast. This instructional cooking video demonstrates how to make a fast and healthy breakfast burrito and a breakfast smoothie. It's also a good idea to keep Eggology egg whites in the refrigerator for a microwaveable, low-fat omelet.

How To: Make a chocolate smoothie milkshake

Those are some yummy chocolate smoothie milkshake but how do you prepare those? Now here are the steps to prepare chocolate smoothie/milk shake. The ingredients required for preparing the milkshake, 1/4 cup of chocolate syrup,1/2 cup of milk and 2 cups vanilla ice-cream and blender (blendtec).

How To: Make a delicious mixed fruit smoothie

This video shows you how to make a delicious fruit smoothie. To make a smoothie you will need the following: Three fresh bananas, a bag of frozen raspberries, 0.5 L orange juice, one teaspoon vanilla, one spoon of honey, some ice cubes and a blender. Slice the bananas and add to the blender. Add the vanilla, honey, orange juice, raspberries and ice. Blend well and serve.

How To: Make a banana and strawberry fruit smoothie

Its always fun to make smoothie that are less expensive than those sold at smoothie shops. Watch this how to video to learn how to make a simple yet very delicious summer fruit smoothie. Some of the ingredients for this strawberry and banana smoothie are: strawberries, bananas, mint, milk, sugar, and ice cream.

How To: Make multiple delicious smoothies

Chef Merlin teaches us how to make multiple delicious smoothies in this video. To make a tropicolada, add ice, 3/8 tsp coconut cream, 3 tbsp yogurt, fresh pineapple (however much you would like) and pieces of a banana. Then, put the top on and blend this until everything is combined. For the next smoothie, add in milk and ice to the bottom of the blender, then add in yogurt, honey, and a banana. Now, place the cap on and blend this until well combined! For the last smoothie, combine vanilla y...

How To: Blend greens into a nutritious smoothie

In this tutorial, we learn how to blend greens into a nutritious smoothie. The key to making a smoothie with a lot of greens is to balance it out with fruit to mask the taste of all the vegetables. A great recipe will have things in it including: spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, bananas, apples, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and more. If there is a whole fruit or vegetable near you, try using it in your smoothie as you make it! This can make you feel much more healthier and live ...

How To: Make a nutritious banana smoothie

Learn how to make a nutritious banana smoothie in simple steps from this video. First add a cup of ice to your blender. Peel out six ripe bananas and put them in a high powered blender. Now crack open two young coconuts and pour the coconut water to the blender. Add some kale to the blender by tearing them using your hands. Finally blend everything together well and enjoy the smoothie when done.

How To: Blend a homemade smoothie

In this tutorial, we learn how to blend a homemade smoothie. You will first need to grab some frozen fruits of your choice and place them into a blender. Some good fruits to use include: strawberries, pineapples, papaya, and blueberries. After this, add in strawberry ice cream to the blender and two fresh bananas. Add in 1 c of mango juice, then place the top on the blender. Blend this on high until all of the ingredients have combined together. You may need to stir during the middle of the p...

How To: Make a papaya smoothie

In this video, we learn how to make a papaya smoothie. You will need to first take a fresh papaya and cut it into small cubes. After this, grab a can of evaporated milk, regular milk, dark brown sugar, and vanilla and add into the blender. Add in cubes of the papaya, then blend this on high until the mixture is completely blended. You can add in ice cream or ice if you want this to be thicker. When this is finished, you will have a delicious drink that you can spice up with alcohol if you wan...

How To: Make Trinidadian mango chow

Mango is a tropical fruit that goes well with many dishes and can be made several different ways. Mango salsa, smoothies, and even martinis are just some of the most common ways to use a mango. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to make a Trinidadian mango chow that is easy to make and looks delicious. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Make a 'manly' smoothie

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a manly smoothie. First, start with orange juice that is freshly juiced, then pour into a glass. Next, add in some strawberries to the glass. After this, cut some pineapple into small pieces, then place those inside of the glass on top of the strawberries. Next, add grapes to the glass as well. You can also add in blueberries with juice into the glass after this. Push the ingredients down with a spoon to get them to all fit. After this, pour everything i...

How To: Blend a raw aloe vera smoothie

Raw dishes often entail food that is unprocessed and uncooked. This how-to video will show you great raw recipes to make at home. Watch and learn how to prepare a raw aloe smoothie. All you need for this refreshingly raw drink is: aloe, banana, water, agave, cacao powder, chocolate bliss powder, coconut oil, and cinnamon. Try this healthy alternative to any other type of smoothie.

How To: 12 Tofu Hacks That Even Tofu-Haters Can Appreciate

Tofu has been a staple food in Asia for over 2,000 years, but due to the health craze of recent years, it's enjoyed a surge of popularity in the Western world. Derived from the milk of soy beans and typically coagulated by calcium or magnesium salts, tofu can be found in consistencies ranging from extra-soft or silken to extra-firm. Based on which firmness you prefer, there are a myriad of ways to prepare your tofu for consumption.

How To: Sprout nuts and seeds

Wants to add more nuts and seeds to your diet but don't know the best way to incorporate them? With this video tutorial, let Kardena from Kardena's Kitchen show you how to get the most out of a variety of nuts and seeds for maximum flavor and nutritional value.

How To: Make a healthy chicken wrap for your kid's lunchbox

With obesity now a confirmed epidemic in the United States, we should be putting more emphasis than ever on how we feed our children and what they consume at school. While many educational instititions sell salads and healthier options like apples and carrot sticks, these foods often don't catch your kids' attention when they're placed side-by-side with cheeseburgers and calzones.

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