Fruit Veggies Search Results

How To: Supreme a citrus fruit

To supreme a citrus fruit is to remove the fruit's fleshy sections from the skin, pith, membranes, and seeds. This creates glittery wedges that are the perfect addition to fruit salads and other delicious desserts. Check out this how to video to learn how to prepare these citrus-y segments with the supreme technique.

How To: Wrap and store melons for long-lasting fresh fruit snacks

What's the best way to make sure your fruits, specifically melons, are staying fresh and tasty? Wrapping and storing your melons properly is the key to freshness. YouProduceGuy has the tips you need to make sure you wrap your melons perfectly for long-lasting fruit delight, so you can have it ready for a quick healthy snack from the fridge, or even have on display before you cut into them for a party.

How To: Cut a pomegranate open

Ever wanted to enjoy the sweet taste of pomegranate but were confused about how to actually get to the fruit? Use this simple method to cut open your fruit. Take a small, sharp knife such as a paring knife or pocketknife. Slice a thin round off the top, stem end. This will leave several tops of fruit sections visible. Cut a small cone shape out of the center about 3/4 of an inch deep. Use the knife to slice from one end of the fruit to the other along the white pith dividing the segments of t...

How To: Eat a pomegranate the "right & proper way"

Pomegranates are very delicious fruits. They are very nutritious, too. This instructional video teaches you how to eat a pomegranate in the right and proper way. It teaches you how to eat pomegranate with using a juicer, glass or knife. First you should start crushing the fruit from the middle top of it. You have to go on crushing it slowly and gradually with out applying too much pressure on the fruit. at one stage you will get a small hole on the surface and you can start drinking the juice...

How To: Chop dried fruit

Use this quick and easy tip for chopping sticky dried fruit. The dried fruit can often stick to itself and become very difficult to chop into distinct pieces. This is important for baking cakes or other dessert recipes that require the ingredient.

How To: Cut fancy citrus fruit wedges

Check out this short video tutorial from Rouxbe on how to cut fancy citrus fruit wedges. This video will support your cooking experience and will provide you with additional relevant information during your culinary time cutting citrus wedges.

How To: Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator

I grew up in a rural town, and that meant that we dehydrated a lot of food. Even with a hungry family of five, there was no way that we could eat all of the season's tomatoes before they molded, or all of the orchard's apples before they grew soft, or all of the wild mushrooms that we picked. And so our dehydrator was always getting a good workout.

How To: Clean fruit with vinegar

Keeping things clean is very important to prevent food born illnesses. Washing fruit is important. You can take care of many problems by just running them under water. You can use white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to clean fruit. Start by spraying some white vinegar on the fruit and then a little hydrogen peroxide. After you spray the fruit with white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide rinse it in water and that will wash all the vinegar and peroxide off of the fruit. The vinegar and peroxide wi...

How To: Make edible fruit bouquets and arrangements

This video demonstrates how to make edible fruit bouquets and arrangements. you can use any fruit and chocolate. Start with a ceramic base. Also, you'll need a Styrofoam ball about 2 inches larger than the base, a hot glue gun, flower shaped cookie cutters, a pack of toothpicks, wire cutters. The video demonstration plans a layer of dates, topped by a layer of chocolate truffles, pineapple and then apricots. Begin by placing artificial leaves to the base, gluing them on. Then hot glue the Sty...

How To: Steam vegetables in the microwave

Do you always burn yourself or over-steam your veggies? In this video, get free advice on how to perfectly steam your veggies so they're cooked, but not "too cooked". You will need a plate, a plastic Ziplock sandwich bag, the vegetable of your choice, and a pat of butter.

How To: Cut pineapples

This video shows you how to cut your own pineapple, which is the fifth most consumed fruit in the United States. The easiest way to tell if a pineapple is fresh is by pulling out the center leaf. If the leaf comes out easily, then you know that it is good to serve. You will need a cutting board, a sharp knife, a peeler, and a pineapple. Before you serve a pineapple, it should be refrigerated for thirty minutes upside down. This way, all the sugar that has rested at the bottom of the pineapple...

How To: Make healthy tuna salad and veggies

In this video, Jennifer DiDonato shows us how to make healthy tuna salad and veggie dip. To begin, drain a can of your favorite tuna and place it into a bowl. Then, add in 2 tbsp fat free cream cheese, 1 tbsp mustard, dash of dill weed, salt, pepper, and your choice of diced veggies, and mix everything together until well combined. A half cup of this only contains 145 calories and has tons of nutritional value to it. It has a lot of protein so it will fill you up easily, without having to eat...

How To: De-seed a pomegranate

First, cut through the pomegranate horizontally with a knife. Then, cut small divots between every section of seeds on the fruit. Then, hold the pomegranate so that your palm is facing your work surface. Take a pestle and lightly hit the back rind portion of the pomegranate over a bowl until all of the seeds are out. The seeds and the fruit are edible.

How To: Use your soda charger to carbonate fruit

Carbonating fruit is simple and delicious. First, get a soda charger with two chargers ready. Next, put in berries such as blueberries or strawberries and fuse the gas. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Use as a garnish for desserts, salads, mixed drinks, or as a snack.

How To: Make carbonated fruit

Learn how to make fruit that crackles and fizzes in your mouth. The process is a mix of science and cooking that employs the use of dry ice. This is a narrated video that also discusses the necessary safety precautions of using dry ice.

How To: Easily serve veggies in ramekins

If you're hosting a dinner party or get together with friends or family, using ramekins. If you don't know what they are, ramekins are small glazed ceramic or glass serving bowls. They range in different sizes, colors, and sometimes shapes. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to easily serve veggies using a ramekin. Enjoy!

How To: Make collard greens & dressing

There are few veggies more delicious than collard greens. These classic Southern leaves can be prepared in a ton of ways and are very versatile. In this tutorial, from Miss Donna, you will learn how to cook your collards like a true country mama - with a creamy, decadent dressing. So, if you are looking for a fun veggie to introduce to your family, or a new way to prepare your favorite - check out this clip and get started!

How To: Make pav bhaji

Pav Bhaji is a wonderful one-pot meal. It’s also a great way to get the kids to eat their veggies since it is all mashed up and they won't know they're eating veggies! Try this Indian party favorite today.

How To: Carve a watermelon baby stroller filled with fruit

This watermelon baby carriage is just waiting to get rolled into a baby shower! When traditional gifts like baby bibs and ginormous baskets of diapers and pacifiers won't cut it, this stroller is all that and then some. Carved out of a single piece of watermelon, the stroller comes equipped with wheels, a sun shade, and a handle for pushing.

How To: The Only 'Recipe' You'll Ever Need for Roasting Veggies

I've never had a problem with veggies—we've always been the best of friends—but I do have a lot of other people in my life that have been less than enamored with this basic food group in the past. Some cite the bitter flavor associated with veggies like Brussels sprouts, while others dislike the various consistencies that come with boiling or steaming vegetables such as broccoli or eggplant.

How To: Determine whether cantaloupes are ripe or not ripe

The cantaloupe is a troublesome fruit for some melon shoppers, because it's a really hard fruit to tell the ripeness of, like most hard-shelled melons. If you've been riddled with how to bring home the ripest and freshest cantaloupe melon, then YourProduceGuy has answers for you. See how to determine the ripeness of this delicious melon.

How To: Determine whether watermelons are ripe or not ripe

One of the hardest fruits to determine the freshness of is the watermelon. It's the biggest question in the produce department of grocery stores, so you're not the only one having problems. This video from YourProduceGuy gives you the tips to finding out what to do when picking out a fresh and perfectly ripe watermelon and the local store. There's a sweet spot for every fruit.