Extremely Risky Search Results

How To: Make a slap tag

Slap tags, or sticker tags, are faster, and less risky, than freestyle graffiti or stencil tags. You can design your slap tag, and put them up inconspicuously wherever you go. This how-to video shows an easy method for designing your slap tag, and even offers a tip on getting stickers on the cheap.

How To: Insert a proper PICC line into your patient

PICC stands for a peripherally inserted central catheter, and is usually inserted somewhere in your patient's uppper arm, giving access to the larger veins in the chest region. PICC lines are often desirable because they are the least risky way of giving central access to the veins near the heart, especially when your patient will need to have one for an extended period of time. This tutorial shows you everything you'll need to know about how to properly and safely insert a PICC line into you...

How To: Trick your chess opponent with a bishop sack

This match has me playing against the Alekhine's Defense. As my opponent was rated significantly higher than me, I tried something a little risky in the beginning with a bishop sack. My opponent probably should have been able to win, but I think the sack through him off guard and probably made him feel like this would be an easy win, which caused him to make some positional mistakes that I was able to capitalize on. Watch and store it in your own arsenal.

How To: Make an animation with a batch file

CtrlFormula teaches you how to make an animation with a batch file. Before you begin you must know that sending batch files over the internet is risky, so keep that in mind. You create a new .txt file and type in: @echo off. Hit Enter twice and type in: echo loading. Then hit Enter once and type: ping localhost -n 2 >null. Hit Enter once and type in: cls. Copy and paste this structure three times. For each loading you see you have to add another dot at the end, so the animation will slowly go...

How To: Make maganese heptoxide (permanganic acid)

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to make manganese heptoxide (permanganic acid). This procedure is extremely dangerous. Manganese heptoxide is an extremely powerful oxidizing agent. It has the ability to set fuels on fire from mere contact. Get an old dish and put a spatula full of potassium permanganate on it. Add a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. A green liquid is formed which is the manganese heptoxide. Now you can add any fuel like butanol...

How To: Get gil extremely fast in Final Fantasy VII

Saving the world an be costly and in Final Fantasy VII, a part of leveling up is to get the funds you need to buy weapons, potions, and materia in your quest to defeat the villain Sephiroth. In this now classic Final Fantasy game, selling mastered materia can be extremely lucrative, particularly All materia. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to get quick gil by defeating rare Magic Pots in a specific area of the game.

How To: Open a variety of coconuts

In this tutorial, we learn how to open a variety of coconuts. These fruits can be extremely difficult to open up, but it can be done. First, you will need to have a very large and sharp knife and all of your types of coconuts. To open them up, you will need to first crack the skin of the coconut with the sharp knife. On other coconuts, you can simply use the knife to cut the outer skin off to get to the milk that is in the middle. Whichever way you choose, just make sure you have a very sharp...

How To: Use an angle grinder safely in home construction projects

Angle grinders are very powerful and useful tools, but like many such power tools they are extremely dangerous if you don't know how to use them. This video goes over a variety of must-know safety precautions that you should take before using an angle grinder to grind for your own construction projects. It covers proper eyewear, fire protection, and setting up the device for use.

How To: Make linear tracks on the Technik Skater

Watch this professional cinematography video to learn how to make linear tracks on the P+S Technik SKATER Mini dolly to better utilize and maximize its performance. It's actually extremely fast to get the Skater ready to shoot. Learn how to make straight tracks inward as well as a typical linear tracking shot. View final footage of the Skater used on professional film sets.

How To: Understand depth of field while focusing a camcorder

Depth of Field (DoF) is easy to understand, but it is often extremely poorly explained. It's all about selective focus. For consumers with conveniently small camcorders, you only have two options: get your subject away from the background and then (1) zoom in or (2) get the subject close to the camera. No 35mm lens adapters, no secret techniques, no complex math: That's it!

How To: Prank wrap a gift

The Slighty Mad Scientist teaches you how to prank someone by making their gift extremely difficult to open. All you need is some styrofoam and a little chemistry. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Share other people's Playstation store downloads

In this video tutorial the maker of the video teaches us how to setup an account for a friend in order for that friend to be able to download whatever they would like from the Playstation store for absolutely free. The video is extremely detailed and even offers a word of caution as the maker begins the process of creating an account for an anonymous friend. This video is extremely informative and very quick to the point. Its not long and drug out and it is a useful video tutorial to watch. O...

How To: Make extremely simple scales with a 9v battery and cap

Watch this video tutorial to see how to make extremely simple scales. This scale is useful when you want to weigh small portions of a substance (like a few grams of powder). It is difficult to get real weight using these scales though. To make this homemade scale, you'll need a plastic bottle cap, a plastic bottle or box, a 9v battery, clear sticky tape, glue for the plastic (epoxy or fast-hardeneing), scissors and a screwdriver.

How To: Shake to undo typing errors on your Apple iPhone

Shaking your cell phone is no longer a bad thing with the iPhone. Now, shaking is an actual feature, rather than a risky move. It really comes in handy when you're typing and you misspell a word. So how does shaking your iPhone work? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to shake to undo typing errors on your Apple iPhone.

How To: Get an FHA loan

Looking to get an FHA loan? The Federal Housing Administration, FHA for short, provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders throughout the U.S. Here's how to get your FHA-insured loan. Learn how to get one with help from this video.

How To: Do a stretching massage to improve flexibility

If you have a partner or spouse who loves you then wrangle them in to doing this extremely relaxing stretching massage. As the name implies, this massage involves another person helping to stretch out your muscles so the tension pent up inside disappears as quickly as a Stephanie Meyer vampire.

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