Escape Video Search Results

How To: Escape from a straitjacket

With the help of magician Dan Martin, you'll learn the steps to escape from a straitjacket! Hopefully you won't find yourself in a serious situation where you need to escape from a straitjacket, but if you want to simply impress your friends or put on a magic show, this video is a great tutorial for you.

How To: Get yourself out of thumbcuffs

Daniel Martin, a magician and escape artist, explains his technique for getting out of thumbcuffs. Disclaimer: We're pretty sure it's not illegal to know HOW to escape from thumbcuffs... but we're 100% sure it's illegal to actually escape when detained by law enforcement (just sayin').

How To: Escape from a zip tie and open locked doors

If for some strange reason you find your hands bound together by a zip tie, check out this video to learn how to escape from one! Using a little bit of slight of hand, you'll learn how to break free from a tight zip tie, and as an added bonus, how to open up a locked door using a zip tie. Remember: Don't cut off your circulation by tightening it too much.

How To: Escape vault 101 as a baby in Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is one of the first, if not the first, game to allow yourself to play your character when they are but a 1-year-old infant. The player is meant to be confined in a small area for this portion of the game, but need not be! This two-part video with instructions will show you how to escape the confines of your father's apartment and wander the games entire world map while still a baby! You will not be able to do many of the game's essential functions (you are a baby) but this is still ...

How To: Escape from zip ties

Zip ties are stronger than they look, and escaping from them is tricky. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to quickly escape from zip ties. If you should ever find yourself kidnapped by terrorists, held for ransom or kept prisoner in a serial killer's basement, you'll be very glad you watched this video!

How To: Escape from a coffin

Buried alive? Don't worry, I'll show you how to escape from a locked coffin. This was the creepiest video I have ever made...I will show you the one important object to always carry around with you...just in case...

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