Easy Steps Search Results

How To: 4 Easy Steps to Keep Malware Off Your Android Phone

Because of the way Google Play works, Android has a "bad app" problem. Google allows any developer to upload an app to the Play Store, regardless of if it works, how it looks, or whether or not it can harm users. Malware scanning happens primarily after apps are uploaded, and though Google has recently taken steps to safeguard users with its Play Protect program, you don't have to depend on them.

How To: Solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded & in five easy steps

NOTE: Chapter One is a demonstration, click on chapter two to learn how to solve the cube. This cool and very smart video teaches you how to solve the popular (and annoying) Rubik's Cube in just five steps. Sounds easy, doesn't it? First, check out this video of Leyan Lo as he achieves the world record for the fastest blindfolded solve. He beat Tyson Mao's record by about 30 seconds, they are both friends.

How To: Make paper look antique in 5 easy steps

This video gives tips on how to make paper look antique in 5 easy steps. Step one is to smear the paper with the oil of olives. Step two is to place the paper in the microwave for more than 2 minutes. The video demonstration set the microwave at 2 minutes 30 seconds. Step 3 is to pull the paper out of the microwave after cooking for more than 2 minutes. Step 4 is to roll the paper. The video demonstration used a rolling pin to roll the paper on a counter top. Step 5 is to make the paper dry. ...

How To: Maintain your Rubik's Cube in six easy steps

If you are so good at solving Rubik's Cubes that your cube is starting to show signs of wear and tear for your excessive, fast solving, give yourself a pat on the back. You are really smart. But not your cube is sticky and the stickers are falling off! Don't let your pride and joy fall into disrepair. This video will show you six easy steps for cleaning and maintaining your Rubik's Cube, making it work even better than it did out of the box. This may take you longer than solving the puzzle, b...

How To: Divide fractions in two easy steps

Want to finally get on top of those icky fraction questions? Learn how to multiply and divide fractions the easy way. In this particular video, you will receive some very useful tips on how to solve most types of fractions. It will teach you exactly how to multiply and divide fractions by multiplying the numerators and the denominators, whether the fraction has like denominators or not. After watching this tutorial, you will be able to solve those dreaded fractions more quickly and a lot easi...

How To: Cook Chinese spare ribs in a few easy steps

To cook Chinese spare ribs you will need water, vinegar, soy sauce, rice wine, sugar and one pound of spare ribs. First, put the spare ribs in boiling water for three minutes. When it boils, drain the water. In a mixing bowl add one tablespoon of cooking wine, two tablespoons of black vinegar, four tablespoons of soy sauce and five tablespoons of water. Turn the stove top to low and pour the mixture over the spare ribs. The ribs will boil in the juice. You will know the ribs are ready when th...

How To: Glue latex in 4 easy steps

This video tutorial belongs to the Arts & Crafts category which is going to show you how to glue latex in 4 easy steps. This is really easy and very fast to do. First you clean the surfaces using mineral spirit and a piece of cloth. Next you apply a thin layer of latex glue using a cotton bud or a brush. In the third step, you let the glue dry for about five minutes and then put the two surfaces together. And finally you apply pressure to the seam with a seam roller. That's it! The latex shee...

How To: Tie a tie in 10 easy steps

In this video, we learn how to tie a tie in ten easy steps. First, you will need to put the tie on and put the wide end in your right hand and the thin end in your left hand. After this, place the wide end over the top of the narrow, then put the wide end back over top the narrow end. Next, put the wide end through the loop made with the tie and your neck. After this, put the wide side through the front loop of the knot and pull the wide end down tightly. After this, hold the knot and pull th...

How To: Get rid of acne with 5 easy steps

Acne is a problem for many individuals and by following these 5 simple steps, you can be on your way to nice, acne-free skin. First, cleanse your face gently and not more than twice a day. Do not pop your pimples, which could spread the bacteria and allow them to get deeper into your skin. Avoid using too much acne medication, which could cause your skin to become too dry and irritated. Also make sure that you use noncomedogenic products. Finally, a healthy diet that has the correct blend of ...

How To: Do the Jerk in 10 easy steps

This video demonstrates different types of jerking techniques and styles. The first style is The New Jerk, where you push your legs with your arms and get low. Step 2 is the New Reject where you put your feet outwards as you step. Step 3 is threading, where you grab your foot and jump over your leg. Step 4 is the slide back, where you put your foot up and swing back to slide back. Step 5 is the Head Bang, where you jump in the air and headbutt the air. Step 6 is the mini dip, where you jump s...

How To: Make your lawn tractor faster in three easy steps

In this tutorial, we learn how to make your lawn tractor faster. First, add an exhaust to your lawn tractor with a one inch pipe out the back. Make sure it's secured so it doesn't fall down onto the ground while you're driving the tractor. Also, add on a 51" belt instead of a 52" belt to make the tractor run faster. The last thing you can do to make your tractor faster is to place a spring and wire around the throttle to start the machine faster. This could make your tractor go up to at least...

How To: Hack a Vending Machine in 3 Easy Steps

How to get a vending machine to pay you for its goodies, instead of you paying for them. First off, find a older vending machine, and insert your dollar bill as you normally would. Once you have entered it, you can select which ever item you want. Then quickly, before the item dispenses, hold up on the gate to prevent the item from falling. When it falls, it should rest on the back of the gate you're holding up—don't let go yet. After a long wait, the vending machine will think nothing dispen...

How To: Flip turn in three easy steps

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do flip turns in three easy steps. The first step is to be able to do a regular somersault. Begin by standing on the black line away from the wall and execute a flip. The second step is to stand at arms-length away from the wall and execute a flip without touching the wall. The third step is to execute a flip that is arms-length away from the wall. Land the feet on the wall and pause with hands above the head. This video will benefit those viewers ...

How To: Install a chair rail in 3 easy steps

Traditionally installing a chair rail is intended to protect the wall from the chair. Chair rails can also create a dramatic accent to your room. This project has three steps. First mark your walls. Second measure and make our cuts. The third step is to set your molding to make a flush connection. Install a chair rail in 3 easy steps.

News: Secure Your Wireless Network from Pillage and Plunder in 8 Easy Steps

Wireless networks. Nowadays, everyone uses 'em, but most don't secure 'em. On average, I can drive up and down any block in my city and find at least one or two open or semi-open networks on any given day. With some changed MAC addresses for good measure, an attacker can use your network as a spring board for who knows what. When the police come a few days after, they are coming to your door—and not to talk about how nice your lawn is. Don't be that guy.

Quick Start Guide: How to Set Up Your Canon 5D Mark II in 10 Easy Steps

Before jumping right into becoming the next James Neely or Moose Peterson, you're going to have get situated with your new digital SLR. No matter if you purchased the Canon EOS 5D Mark II body and lens separately or together, you've got everything you need to get started except the CompactFlash (CF) card. If you plan on shooting in RAW or capturing HD video, I suggest getting an 8GB or larger CF card. If you can afford it, maybe even opt for a high-speed UDMA card.

How To: Jerk (dance) - Ten easy steps

Smash Bros LA, also known as SBLA, is a Jerk dance crew from Los Angeles, consisting of six members who have taken their jerkin' skills to the Interweb with this tutorial on Jerk dancing. Within the video, SBLA go over how they perform ten jerk moves, and how you can do it the easy way. Moves include: The Reject, Dip, Pin-Drop, Spongebob, and Berries & Cream.

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