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How To: Uninstall video card drivers on Windows XP

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to uninstall the video card drivers on a Windows computer. Begin by clicking on the Start menu. Then right-click on My Computer and select Properties. Now click on the Hardware tab and click on Device Manager. In the list, click on Display Doctors and select the desired video card. Now double-click on the video card and select the Driver tab. Finally, click on Uninstall and follow the process to remove the drive. This video will benefit those viewers ...

News: Human Dissection Illustrated in Anatomical Pop-Up Books

Before there was Gray's Anatomy, physicians and medical students used anatomical flap books to explore the inner workings of the human body—a scientific illustrated guide that takes its name from the moveable paper flaps that can be "dissected" to reveal hidden anatomy underneath. Similar to pop-up books, these instructional tools mimic the act of human dissection, allowing doctors and students to study the intricacies of the body normally concealed by flesh.

How To: Walkthrough the flash game Foreign Creature 2

In this video, you will be walked through the game Foreign Creature. There are human characters in this one, with word clouds, in an office setting with bulletin board, desks, rolling shelves, and tack boards. In another scene of the game, you will see a hospital setting with nurses, surgery table, patient, medical equipment, and doctors. In this setting, the patient is a foreign creature who blacks out the medical staff and proceeds to stalk the hospital. Police try to capture the humanoid-l...

News: Replacement Joints with Antibiotics on Board Mean Lower Chance of Infection & Fewer Surgeries

For about a million Americans each year, a joint replacement brings relief from pain and restored mobility. But, 5–10% of those people have to endure another surgery within seven years, and most of those are due to an infection in their new joint. If doctors could treat infections more effectively, patients could avoid a second surgery, more pain, and another rehabilitation.

News: Watch Out Amateur Mushroom Hunters — Death Caps Are Nothing to Mess With

There is a reason the Amanita phalloides mushroom is called the "Death Cap." It can kill you. Mushrooms are a type of fungi, an organism that produces thread-like mycelia that often produce spores. Spores allow the fungi to reproduce. Molds, lichens, and yeast are all fungi, but the most visible fungi are mushrooms. Some fungi are delicious, but others can cause disease or, and still others, like Penicillium, can cure it.

News: HoloLens Will Be Your AR Piano Teacher in the Future

You've likely seen light-up musical keyboards that teach you how to play a song with visual cues, but few of those devices exist and have a limited number of songs you can actually learn. But Karl Baumann and his HoloLens Hackathon team figured out that in mixed reality, you can learn music with visual cues with any piano.

News: This App Shows How HoloLens Can Make Healthcare Safer

If you've been to the doctor enough, you know that the medical staff can make a variety of mistakes from time to time. They're human and that's normal, but errors in the medical field can often have significant negative impacts. At Boston's 2016 HoloHacks event, a team of developers created HoloHealth to mitigate human error in common healthcare tasks.

News: Use Decentralized Cloud Storage to Keep the NSA from Tracking You

There has been much talk about how unsecure the cloud is because of PRISM’s newfound ability to demand all of your data without any resistance. This has spin doctors in the Cloud Storage industry losing their mind. They suddenly went from a central hub for 10GB of your files, to an easy window for Big Brother to track you through. Centralized cloud storage is no longer a safe way to keep your files, but we still need a way to access our files anywhere we go.