Delicate Pores Search Results

How To: Shrink your large pores

Dr. Steven Jepson explains what you can do to shrink your pores. Pores are small openings in your skin that can become infected or get clogged with makeup or dirt if they are too large. In order to shrink the visible appearance of skin pores you need to clean the dirt and gunk out of the pore. First you need to cleans and exfoliate your face twice a day using a cleanser designed for the face. Exfoliators are mildly acidic and help to dissolve the dirt so that it can be removed. Dr. Jepson war...

How To: Shrink an enlarged skin pore

Robert Scot, from ModernMom, shows viewers how to shrink an enlarged skin pore. Scott reminds us that genetics and aging do contribute to enlarged pores and skin condition, but there is still a way to deal with this. There is no way to permanently shrink enlarged pores but you can handle them with time. You can use cleansers and exfoliation to do the trick. Your cleanser should be for oily skin that will naturally purify your skin. You really want to focus on exfoliation and use exfoliates wi...

How To: Make DIY pore strips

The video demonstrates how to make DIY pore strips. Take one egg white and beat well until fluffy now apply over the black head affected area and cover with a toilet paper apply over the toilet paper until they are wet and sticks on to the affected area. Now let it dry for a few minutes and finally peel them off. For better results steam your face before the whole process. Rinse your face and clean it with a deep cleanser to clean the pores. You are now done and have got ridden of all the dir...

How To: Make a DIY ice facial to constrict pores and brighten

Dermatologists and aestheticians looking to make a quick buck (or several hundred of them) will tell you that the best facial exoliation and brightening treatments can only be done via the doctor's office with specialty (read: pricey) enzymes, but the truth is that for short term skin bliss, you already have all the tools you need in your kitchen.

How To: Clear and cover up acne scars

In this tutorial, we learn how to clear and cover up acne scars. First, you want to treat the pimple with your favorite kind of toner and cleanser. Make sure you don't squeeze your pimples, which will cause your skin to become red and broken out even more. After this, you need to apply a cream to your face that will moisturize your skin and not clog up your pores. To help cover up your acne scars, apply makeup that doesn't clog your pores as well. Make sure to remove your makeup at the end of...

How To: Evade talking with a close talker

Close talkers suck. While having an intimate, one-on-one conversation with someone is nice, being able to see every pore on his face is not. Plus, there are the inevitable spit sprinkles that shoot out of his mouth at every interjection.

How To: Fight acne and clear up skin

In this tutorial, we learn how to fight acne and clear up skin. First, you need to make sure you are extra cautious with your foundation, to make sure it's not clogging up your pores. To help you fight acne, you need to make sure you wipe off all your makeup at the end of the day. Use acne wipes and normal wipes to use on your back, chest, and face. This will unclog your pores and rid it of acne as well. You must also use toner on your skin and put moisturizer on it as well. Use clay face mas...

How To: Create a delicate rose updo with Reiberry

Whatever your favorite flower may be, you can't deny that roses are the most romantic and alluring flowers around. In this tutorial, Reiberry bases a delicate hairstyle on the robust beauty of a rose. This pinned-up side bun is unlike any chignon you've ever seen, and though a bit difficult, the results will be well worth the effort.

How To: Kiss like you're tasting a delicate fruit

A fan who recently got "depruded" by his girlfriend (his first kiss) wrote in asking for advice on how to become a better kisser. Kiss like you're tasting a delicate fruit! Step one: Brush your teeth. Step two: GUM! Step three: Stay away from onions and garlic. Generally make your breath smell and taste good, you do NOT want your breath to smell like living death! Step four: Now practice on that delicious delicate fruit. Lips, tongue, and teeth, can all get into the action.

How To: Extract a blackhead properly

This how-to video demonstrates the stretch and squeeze technique professional estheticians use to get rid of blackheads. Extractions will get the pores pure and clean. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to extract a blackhead properly.

How To: Prepare a traditional absinthe drink with a slow-drip fountain

If you want to serve some absinthe at home, you'll be surprised at how delicate the process is! It involves a specially slotted spoon, a sugar cube and a slow-drip absinthe fountain. It's a mysterious process which clouds the alcoholic drink, resulting in a milky opalescence which is referred to as the louche. Watch the video for the full bartending secret to serving absinthe traditionally.

How To: Do long exposure photography of rivers

Have you ever been camping, sitting by a peaceful brook or stream, and wanted to capture the beauty of that delicate flowing mass of water? For most photographers, capturing a river or stream is not hard, but the river often comes out stagnant, frozen in place rather than alive and vital as it is in real life.

How To: Do a front flip

In this video, one of the gentlemen from the London stunt team 3Run shows us how to do a front flip. This is a very impressive trick that sends the performer spinning forward over the ground. Common sense would lead you to think that this trick requires a lot of strong, fast movements, but as the performer demonstrates, it's all about a light, delicate touch.

How To: Make a beaded wire ring

Create a simply beautiful beaded wire ring in minutes with this step by step guide. This delicate ring design will look simply lovely with any style of bead. Be creative. Learn how to craft this beaded wire ring by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial. Get beading!

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