Deceased Hate Search Results

How To: Make sloppy joes from scratch with Betty

Do you love Sloppy Joes but hate using those pre-made Joe packets from the supermarket? Well, you're in luck because in this tutorial, Betty offers up her from scratch Joe recipe. It's still just as messy as the store bought kind, and even more delicious. Kids and adults both love these messy, ooey, gooey sandwiches, so get them ready for your next dinner or BBQ!

How To: Party with celebrities

So you want to party with celebrities. Whatever you do, don’t cry. You won’t just look silly—you’ll look unstable. Follow these steps to get you one step closer to hanging with the stars.

How To: Bathe your pet cat

Joey Garr demonstrates how to give your cat a bath. For this operation you will need to have ready a towel, Q-Tips, shampoo, a cup and some treats.

How To: Avoid being a Kook while surfing

Basically, a "Kook" is the type of surfer everyone hates. Kooks put themselves and others in danger by their actions in the water. In this video, learn the rules of the ocean and avoid everyone staying far away from you at the beach.

How To: Get a free drink from a bartender

Everyone likes free things, and everyone likes drinking. Combine the two and you've got one happy hour. You will need no expectations, a smile on your face, basic common courtesy, and some money. Never ask for a freebie. It doesn’t work, and since most bartenders have good memories, you’ll always be known as the cheapskate. Be polite

How To: Fix a Warped Record for skratch djs by dj lemon chin

There are many ways to fix warped vinyl. Here's a ghetto version by using the power of the sun. Qbert experiments on a hot day to see if the double glass trick really works with 2 tables. By heating up the record under two flat surfaces, to where it's kinda bendable, you can reshape it yourself. Just don't get it too hot and melt the LP! It's another reason you need the glass... because with out it, if you leave the record in the sun by itself, it will bend all crazy and wavy.

How To: Take the Bite Out of Garlic

Garlic is magical. It fends off vampires (or so I hear), helps lower blood pressure, reduces the production of cholesterol in the body... oh, and it's also freaking delicious, of course. Garlic is a culinary staple in countries all over the world. That lovable stink and sharp bite of flavor are essential to many dishes we know and love today, from spaghetti to sesame chicken.

News: Can Google Flights Really Get You the Best Price Possible?

I hate flying for two reasons. Firstly, I'm afraid of heights and turbulence is absolutely hellish. Secondly, I hate overspending on airfare. Flying can be unnecessarily expensive, especially if you don't plan ahead or must deal with inclement weather. Nevertheless, the travel season is almost here and we're always looking for the cheapest, most convenient flight. But what service actually provides you with exactly that?

News: Post-TIFF Micro-Blurbs

Every year the fine folks at Row Three do a post-TIFF mega-wrap up, collecting the micro-blurbs of a bunch of attendees into a giant meta-analysis of what everyone liked, loved, hated, etc. etc.. We'll link to that post when it goes up on the weekend, but in the mean time, here's my contribution:

How To: Fix curling wallpaper seams

Some people hate wallpaper, but some people love it inside their homes. Those that do will eventually have to deal with wallpaper that will lose it's attachment. It will eventually bubble and curl. Curling wallpaper seams ruin the decorative effect of wallpaper. Eliminate the ugly signs of aging wallpaper with these steps.

How To: Multiply math fractions

Math is one of those subjects in school where you either love it or hate it or just don't get it. But math is nothing to fear, because it's a part of our everyday lives, and ifs something everyone should know the basics of. Don’t let math intimidate you. Whether you’re multiplying two fractions or a fraction and a whole number, solve the problem without a calculator in just a few steps.

News: Want to Make Your Own Live Broadcast? New Facebook App Aims to Help

Facebook, you either love it or you hate it ... or maybe you're indifferent. The point is, Facebook is everywhere, and the debate is still raging over whether or not it's actually, well, good. That debate may not exist for the various personalities of Facebook much longer, however, as Facebook announced a new app geared directly towards improving how they broadcast their content to their audiences.