Deceased Hate Search Results

How To: Tailor your resume to the job

In this video, we learn how to tailor your resume to the job you want. Whether you love this or hate it, you need to do this correctly to help land the job you want. Don't give a general resume for a job, tailor it to the exact job you are applying for. The more you can cater to the job, the better your chances will be to get the job. Change the descriptions and information you list on your resume so you have the correct skills for that job and you will stick out in the crowd. Just by doing t...

How To: Solve an algebraic equation

Math can be tricky, especially when you're trying to decipher algebra. It's a love-hate thing; if you don't love math, then you hate it, and there's no in-between. But it doesn't have to be a pain to solve a few problems. It's actually quite simple once you figure it out. An algebraic equation is an equation that includes one or more variables. These equations can be solved as long as the number of variables does not exceed the number of equations.

How To: Build the perfect village in Black and White 2

What video gamer doesn't want to play a god? Okay well there are a few people out there, but for those who have a need to control others, Black and White 2 for the PC is the game you need. In this tutorial, brought to you by the people at cnet, you'll find out how to build the perfect villages if you're a good god, or bad. It's so easy to that the little people below will love you, or really hate you. Now bow down before your GOD!!! Hahaha!

How To: Make a compressed air spit ball launcher

Ever had one of those days you were super bored at work? Love to tease your co-workers? Check out this awesome tutorial video on how to make a compressed air, spit ball launcher. Spend a few minutes following the instructions of this how-to video and you will become the coolest person in the office, and probably the most hated. All you'll need is a ball point pen and one of those compressed air cans for spraying the gunk out of your keyboard. A little bit of immaturity doesn't hurt either. Us...

How To: Get Back the Old YouTube Player if You Hate the New Transparent Design

YouTube has officially rolled out their new video player design, featuring transparent controls floating above the video, replacing the opaque ones. While you've been able to enable this player for a while now, YouTube finally flipped the switch and enabled it site-wide. Problem is, there's no way to turn it off, and that has quite a few people miffed. While the redesign is sleeker, it isn't everyone's cup of tea. Many users are complaining about everything from the idle progress being remove...

How To: Draw a cartoon skull

In this tutorial we learn how to draw a cartoon skull. To start, you will draw the eyes of the skull using two triangles that are facing each other. Next, draw the nose of the skull and shade it in with black. Then, draw in the teeth and color in the inside of the mouth. From here, you will draw a hate on top of the skull and then draw in a body from the bottom of it. Add on baggy pants and large feet. Then, draw in hands and a large cape to finish up this cartoon skull drawing!

How To: Peel, Clean, and Devein Shrimp with a Knife

Generally, we hate putting in extra effort to prepare a food (waiting four hours for a stew to finally marinate and for all the beef to soak in the garlic, onions, and spices we tossed in? Boring). But we're willing to make that extra effort when it comes to shrimp because we love our shrimp recipes.

How To: Customize an XBox 360 Avatar to look like Kanye West

Kanye West might be the most popular and most hated rapper in America right now. It's funny how those two go along right? Whether you like him or want to make fun oh him, making an XBox 360 Avatar in his likeness is a good place to start. This video will show you exactly how to make a pretty good one. Now make him say funny, self-obsessed Kanye quotes!

How To: Clean a bike chain off the bike

Having a clean bike chain is vital to the proper performance of you bike, mountain, road, or BMX. This video features a professional bike mechanic walking you through the process of cleaning your chain when you have it taken off of the bike. He recommends a modern biodegreaser, but if you want to give your work some old-school flair you can use diesel fuel like the old European pro teams. The environment will hate you for it, but it works.

How To: Get six pack abs without a single crunch

Do you hate doing crunches but desire six pack abs? Well, most would say "good luck!" but this video from Turbulence Training Secrets is here to tell you different. Learn how to do ab-working core circuit training without laying on the ground and doing endless reps of crunches and sit-ups that can hurt your lower back. Learn how to get rid of that buldge on your belly with help from this video!

How To: Get rid of spiders and cobwebs

Are cobwebs taking over the lesser used areas of your home? Do you hate bumping into a big, uninvited spider guest in your doorways? Well, look no further. Springtime brings pollen, dust and pests, all of which contribute to those annoying webs, and this tutorial will provide you with professional tips for eliminating them from your space. Not only will you learn how to get rid of the webs, you will also learn how to prevent them so hopefully you won't have to worry anymore. So, check out thi...

How To: Start a conversation with a stranger in an elevator

Do you hate that awkward silence in an elevator? Everyone is thinking the same thing.. "How long until my floor comes up so I can get out of this awkward small box I'm trapped in with a stranger?" Well, this tutorial offers advice on how to strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger. Kiss those quiet rides goodbye and maybe make a few new friends! Try these techniques and topics next time you are on your way up to the office, or wherever you are headed in that little metal box.

How To: Make a neat paper hat

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a paper hat easily with only one piece of paper. First, take a piece of paper and fold it in half. Once you've done this, fold two triangles on both sides of the paper. Now, flip the bottom flap up. Next, flip over the hat and flip the back flap of the hat up. Now, pick up the hate and open up both sides of the hat! You can now decorate your hat and draw on it as you wish. This is a great project for kids to do with parents or with other children!

How To: Perform the cell phone mentalism card trick

This video teaches us how to perform a magic trick with a deck of cards and a cell phone. The presenter starts by talking about a man named Eddie Carrol, who apparently hates the presenter for revealing these card tricks on YouTube. The presenter leaves his cell phone and a deck of cards and leaves the room. A spectator is chosen to pick one card out of the deck. When the card has been picked the magician's assistant calls the magician and says that the card has been picked. The trick is how ...

How To: Back up Cydia apps on iPhone/3g/iPod Touch

Overtime while using Cydia on your iPhone or iPod touch you may discover that you've collected tons of applications that you'd hate to lose. Well, no need to worry! Check out this video for instructions on how to download an application from Cydia which backs up your Cydia applications. (Ironic, we know)

How To: Get on a site that's been blocked by your employer

Don’t you just hate it when you try to go on a website while you’re at work—and find out your boss has blocked it? Here’s how to thwart The Man. With these tips, you'll be able to check your facebook or myspace at work (or whatever sites your employer may be blocked). All you need is access to google. Did you know? According to one survey, 78% of employers block employee access to pornography, 47% block gambling sites, 20% block shopping and auction sites, and 4% block news sites.

How To: Freeze ginger

Love the taste of fresh ginger, but hate throwing out dry, moldy roots? Solve the problem by storing it in the freezer. Whenever you have a hankering for fresh ginger, just grate the still-frozen root into your favorite recipes. Ginger will lose some of its potency in the freezer, but not enough to make a significant difference. When previously frozen ginger thaws completely it develops a sodden texture, so once frozen it's best to keep it that way. Frozen ginger is also a little bit easier t...

How To: Make a cat-ear fleece hat

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a cat-ear fleece hat. First, take fleece and combine two edges together to make two cat ears. Sew these together and then turn them inside out so you have the ears you like. Next, take a piece of fleece and sew it together so it becomes a hat. Turn it inside out so you can't see the marks on it. When you are finished, you will have a cute fleece hate perfect for anyone in the winter! You can jazz this up by using any type of material you would like and p...