Dandruff Search Results

How To: Get rid of dandruff

Having problems with dandruff? Cant seem to get rid of it?? This instructional video shows you the "right way" of shampooing to get rid of that pesky dandruff. The right shampoo is the key, then comes the technique. Many people are incorrectly shampooing their hair causing large amounts of dandruff. With this video you will learn the correct way to wash your hair learning to keep it clean longer and getting rid of dandruff in an effective way that will keep it away.

How To: Make Your Own Dandruff Shampoo

Dandruff -- the embarrassing white flakes that end up like snowfall on your shoulders and clothing. There are plenty of dandruff shampoos on the market to choose from, unfortunately, they are all very expensive. If you have ever wondered what ingredients make them so expensive, the simple answer is there are no expensive ingredients that make them so effective. So, the next question might be, why are they so expensive? And the answer to that is dandruff shampoo companies know they can charge ...

How To: Treat dandruff

Dandruff is a common problem for many people and people can be embarrassed by their itchy, flaky scalp. This video has put together this guide to treat and prevent dandruff. Treat dandruff.

How To: Use mouthwash for more than bad breath

Find out how mouthwash can multitask for you. Use that mouthwash for more than bad breath. Uses include: clean cuts and burns, tone your face, make your own hand sanitizer, banish dandruff, extend flower life, sanitize your toilet, neutralize smelly hands, and prevent underarm odor.

How To: Make your curls last

In this tutorial, we learn how to make your curls last. The first step to making your curls last is to use a curling shampoo while you are in the shower. The next step in having long lasting curls is to use a mousse or gel when you get out of the shower, so your hair is more coarse. Also, using an air dry technique will help dry your hair while keeping the curl lasting. Make sure if you use hair spray, you use the kind that won't flake up, because this will just make it look like you have dan...

How To: 13 Cool and Clean Uses for Mouthwash

Mouthwash, the liquid concoction commonly used for giving the inside of your mouth a thorough cleaning after brushing, is also not surprisingly useful for making things clean and bacteria-free. Like minor cuts and wounds. Or your toilet bowl. Or your toothbrush. Or your garbage disposal. Or your super-smelly gym socks.

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