Crucial Decision Search Results

How To: Use the Microsoft Windows Firewall

In order to keep your PC safe from annoying or potentially dangerous threats on the Internet, a properly-configured firewall is a crucial item in helping prevent your system from becoming compromised. The Windows Firewall in Windows Vista™ is the first line of defense in helping to keep your computer safe. By preventing your computer from being infected by malware, Windows Firewall is designed to be easy to use and is automatically enabled to protect your computer as soon as Windows starts. T...

How To: Build a sturdy Lego table with an added table cloth

When you're making a restaurant, or a house, or any other somewhat modern Lego model, one way to make the interior (or exterior for that matter) come to life is by making furniture, and what better way to start than with a table with a striped table cloth on it? In this great video you will find out what parts he uses and then go through the assembly process all the way to the final project! Pay close attention though as the placing of some of the bricks are absolutely crucial to the model co...

How To: Make minifigures of Star Wars Arc Troopers

If you are trying to make an accurate representation of a Star Wars battle out of Legos, completeness is crucial. Just because you've made a hundred Arc Trooopers doesn't mean you are done, you've got to make each one appropriate to their job on the battlefield! This video features instructions on how to make Arc Trooper gunner and heavy gunner custom minifigures. Pop them into their appropriate gun emplacements on your Lego battlefield and impress your friends with the accuracy of your repli...

How To: Cut and install SRAM Avid Juicy brakes on your bike

Being able to stop a mountain bike abruptly is crucial to your continued survival if you ride. SRAM Avid Juicy's are a popular type of high-performance mountain bike brakes. This video will teach you how to install and cut said brakes on your bike, as long as you have the proper tools. It features many safety tips for keeping your corrosive brake fluid from damaging all sorts of other things, from your bike's paint to your eyes.

How To: Use a Buddha Board and waterbrush pens for calligraphy

Whether you are just starting out doing Chinese calligraphy and painting or a have been doing it your whole life, practice is crucial. Rather than wasting ink, paint, and paper on practice pieces that you are going to discard or throw away afterwards, now you can use a Buddha Board! These devices allow you to use a waterbrush pen and water, no paper, ink, or paint, to create images that will disappear after the water dries! No mess, no waste, just an effective way to practice your art and sav...

How To: Do a cartoon line drawing of a reindeer

This video shows the viewer how to draw a cartoon reindeer. This is done by building up the character of the reindeer gradually -drawing different features in a set order to create the whole cartoon. The first stage is to draw the eyes and eyelids. The eyelids are crucial as they add character to the drawing. Next is the mouth and the nose, followed by the cheek and the eyes. The antlers complete the reindeers head. The body is very simple and simply compromises of four legs and a tail drawn ...

How To: Replace or sharpen lawnmower blades with Lowe's

Do you want to know what's the secret to a great looking lawn ? Then you have to watch this video in which Lowe's home improvement expert Mike Kraft explains how to sharpen or replace a Lawn Mower blade. Mike will share with you all the tips and the secrets of this simple and yet crucial operation. From the tools required to the safety measures, everything will be explained to you in this video with all the steps actually executed and filmed right in front of you.

How To: Execute a butterfly twist

Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to perform the impressive looking butterfly twist. You may have seen this move performed in various martial arts movies. This acrobatic technique is simple to perform. The first dip is crucial. After you dip, your head will be facing the other direction and as you jump, you essentially hug yourself and spin in the air before landing on your feet. Sounds complex? Check this tutorial out.

How To: Use Corel Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus

While we personally like to learn a new software program by playing around with its buttons and various functions, sometimes it's a nice primer to actually read the instruction manual. And when it comes to video editing, knowing the particularities of each and every function is crucial to producing professional-quality results.

How To: Make Healthier Food Choices by Clenching Your Fists

We've all walked into a restaurant with the best of intentions only to order something absurd, like a cheese-injected burger topped with bacon on a brioche bun. It's delicious for the few minutes it takes to eat the thing, and then you're left with a bellyful of regret and an inability to directly look at the numbers on your scale. Turns out that getting yourself to make healthy choices isn't as hard as one might think.

How To: Create an annotated bibliography

In this tutorial, we learn how to create an annotated bibliography. Make sure to highlight all your citation information, then type it into your bibliography page. After you have it written down, type it out again in the proper citation format, making sure you use the proper type. Make sure you have all the proper information, and you don't forget any of the crucial information. An annotated bibliography is different because it will give a summary underneath the citation. This is only about f...

How To: Multiply red fountain grass

In this video, Shirley shows her viewers an effective way to multiply your red fountain grass in order to create more grass from a single plant. After the growing season, find a large, overgrown patch of grass and use a shovel to dig out a section by the roots. After planting the grass in a pot, it is crucial that you shear the top of the plant so that the grass is only 4 to 5 inches tall. This will ensure that the plant focuses on growing roots rather than its blades at the moment. This meth...

How To: Warm up arms for throwing in softball

In this sports how-to video, Farmington (MN) HS head softball coach Heather Ballstadt demonstrates two parts of a drill to warmup for throwing. It is crucial to properly warm up the arms before any softball game. Proper warm up helps to relax the arm muscles and loosen the rotator cuffs. Watch these this two part video sequence to learn a quick arm warm up drill for throwing in softball.

How To: Set up and tune up your tablesaw

Our tools are no good to us unless they are tuned up properly. As the heart of the workshop, its crucial that our tablesaws are configured to perform their best. So whether you are setting up a new saw, or tuning up your current one, this two part how to video guide will get you where you need to be. Part 1 covers three different methods for aligning the miter slot to the blade as well as a simple technique for attaching and leveling the extension wings. In the second part of our tablesaw set...

How To: Create an Entryway Using Ikea Billy Bookcases

Small studio apartment decorating can be challenging, especially when it comes to creating separate zones and keeping clutter at bay. In this video, you'll see how to create an entryway using Ikea Billy bookcases and natural jute grasscloth. This bookcase room divider serves many functions, including separating the bedroom from the rest of the space, and providing extra storage, crucial to organizing small spaces. And best of all, you can take your bookcase wall with you when you move out!

How To: Avoid common strategic planning pitfalls

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid common strategic planning pitfalls. First, you will need to look at all the common pitfalls. You want to have ownership for the planning process. Everyone that is involved needs to have the tools to get the goals accomplished. Lack of communication is a big problem, so have everyone on the same page with how to talk and communicate what's going on. Decision making should be scattered with different managers and they should be guiding the rest of the sta...

How To: Draw with basic concepts and techniques

In this video, we learn how to draw with basic concepts and techniques. To shade with different pencils, you will start out by doing a light touch on the pencil and then push down harder to create a darker shade. Use different pencils to get long and wider lines from the shading. A 4B and a 6B pencil will have lines that look the same, but they are different in the way they apply graphite to the paper. Practice using all of your pencils to get an idea of how they write, then you can choose wh...

How To: Palm read and interpret your right hand

In this video, Peter John teaches us how to palm read the right hand and changes. The square hand is usually the practical side of the person. Where the thumb comes out from the side of the hand shows a person of extravagance. When the thumb is closer to the hand it shows a person who clings or holds onto their money. A line underneath the pointer finger means the person is going to go into business. A line coming out from underneath that means someone who controls their emotions and can make...

How To: Lower cholesterol naturally

In this video, we learn how to lower cholesterol naturally. If you want to accomplish the task of lowering your cholesterol without the use of drugs, it can be done! First, you need to make sure you are eating a diet that has healthy carbohydrates and starches, legumes and beans are both great for this. Also, make sure you avoid foods that have a lot of saturated fat or trans fats, because these will raise cholesterol substantially. Fruits, oats, soy foods, and vegetables will also help lower...

How To: Make a lantern from folded paper

YouTube contributor, Sommerwetter, demonstrates how to make a paper lantern (also known as a luminaria or farolito) using only scissors, a glue stick and a standard sheet of paper (and a candle or the recommended tea light, of course.) Multiple symmetrical folds in origami-like construction and some well-placed slices in the paper create decorative cube or accordion style lantern. She notes that the process is very easy but you must follow it exactly. The author notes that the last several se...

How To: Know when to call, raise, or fold in Texas Hold'em

This segment of this ongoing video series gives you a bit more strategy into the decisions you have to make during Texas Hold 'em. They display a situation that is known as "pot odds". This is when the money you have to put in to see the next card is significantly less then the money in the pot. While majority of people see this as a good time to make the call, in the video they suggest you take a look at your hand and gauge how far behind you are in the hand, and if it is really worth making...

How To: Make waffle or pancake batter

Nothing is better in the morning than homemade pancakes or waffles. Hoffman kitchen shares a family recipe, tried and true, for making pancake or waffle batter. Ingredients are given verbally as well as written in caption so there is no confusion. However, the viewer watches the chef use his own estimates and make decisions as he goes along, so it is clear exact amounts are not really necessary. The base of this waffle or pancake batter is Bisquick mix, which speeds up the process. Instructio...

How To: Quit smoking cigarettes with simple advice

Allan Carr shows you how to quit smoking using simple and easy advice. He quit smoking after 30 years using his technique. He says smokers believe they need willpower to quit. Others concentrate on reasons why they need to quit but they also look at why they do smoke such as relieving stress. If you turn that around and believe it is not doing these things it can help. Smokers believe they smoke because they want to and they think they will have terrible withdrawals. Gums and patches just pro...

How To: Create and start a group on Facebook

This video is about creating a group on Facebook. Groups on Facebook join friends and people with similar interests. Go to the dialog box and choose groups, create new. You then bring up the form. Choose a name and describe the name. Scroll down and choose the group type. Click create group. You can also add a photo of the group. Scroll down and choose enable photo, video or links. Then you decide who has the responsibility for making changes to the group-members or an administrator. Decide w...