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How To: Crush velvet

This crushing process brings out color variations by flattening the pile or nap of the velvet, and adds surface texture by pleating the fabric. One benefit to this method is that a simple wash and tumble dry will restore the fabric to its original condition, so watch this video and see just how to create crushed velvet.

How To: Do straight leg bridge on a swiss ball

The Swiss ball brings an element of instability to basic exercises like the straight leg bridge. This stimulates and conditions your deep core muscles improving spinalstability. In addition to these small but important joint stabilizer muscles the Straight Leg Bridge also targets larger prime movers in your back, glutes and hamstrings.

How To: Suture a wound with a first aid kit in austere conditions

In a wilderness survival situation, someone in your group suffering a major laceration is a catastrophe. Achieving sterility and suturing the wound closed will both be very difficult to achieve. This four-part video series features a detailed explanation and demonstration of how to use a basic first aid kit to suture a wound closed in an austere situation, such as out in the wilderness. Suturing a wound closed in an austere setting is a last resort, but knowing how to do it could keep you or ...

How To: Make USB air conditioning

Wondering how to most effectively combine ice cubes and a simple USB-powered computer fan into a fully functioning air conditioning system? In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack a coffee can and USB-powered fan into a simple, but effective, air conditioning unit. For detailed instructions on hacking together your own tin-can AC unit, watch this über-short how-to.

How To: Fix an overexposed sky in an image using Photoshop

Depending on lighting conditions, you may need to overexpose the background to get a good shot of your subject. See how you can use Photoshop to bring the overexposed backgrounds back to life. This trick will work if you took a photo of the object and the sky, or if you just have another image of a background you want to use.

How To: Car camp

Whether you're at a concert or on a road trip, sometimes you need to camp out. Check out this video if you are planning a car trip where you will be camping along the way. Car camping requires plenty of preplanning and patience but will be totally worth it in the end when you have one sweet road trip!

How To: Raise your metablism with yoga power poses

In this video, we learn how to raise your metabolism with yoga power poses. The style and level that you do while doing yoga poses can help you burn a lot of calories and sweat. You will work the larger muscles of your body, which will speed up your metabolism and help you burn calories all day long. You can start off with a downward facing dog position, then raising your back foot into the air and bringing it into the chest, switching between each leg. Doing these different yoga exercises ca...

How To: Do trigger point massage

Trigger point massage is a good technique to bring immediate relief to conditions like frozen shoulder, stiff neck, tennis elbow and headaches. Trigger points form whenever a muscle or joint is stressed beyond its capacity to recover. They are usually believed to be the result of an accumulation of toxic waste around a nerve ending. Active trigger points will create pain and discomfort.

How To: Exterminate & prevent bed bugs

A bedbug is a small brownish, blood-sucking insect. Usually, infestation brings emotional trauma. So, the problem is greater than the physical problem, since the bugs bite at night, while the victim sleeps. Often, the bites are mistaken for dermatological conditions, until the bugs are found. Typically, bedbugs are going to be within 10-15 feet of your bed. They will usually be along the rim. They will also be underneath the box spring. There will be in the nightstands. There will also be blo...

How To: Make cold process soap

Brought to you by this video shows you how to make a cold process to make soap. By measuring accurately and using proper equipment such as a container that won't break under more extreme conditions. Lye and other ingredients are used in this so it's important to mix properly and to have a well ventilated area. By following the steps in this video will show you exactly how to make your own soap that can be scented or have an added moisturizer if you choose for it to.

How To: Make a homemade eco-friendly air conditioning

Fans do a pretty good job of cooling you down in the summer but sometimes only an air conditioning can do the job right. In this tutorial, SuChin Pak and Daniel Sieberg demonstrate how to make a homemade air conditioning system with a fan, coil and ice water. Save the environment while staying cool in the summer with this DIY air conditioning.

How To: Condition or knead polymer clay before molding jewelry

Art Jewelry Magazine associate editor Jill Erickson shows you a couple of ways to condition polymer clay. Conditioning, or kneading, is essential to drive out air bubbles and to better prepare clay for molding. Learn how to condition or knead polymer clay before molding or sculpting by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial.

How To: Clean the A/C drain on your car with a ballpoint pen

Does your car A/C make a horrible smell when it's on? The most likely culprit is a clogged air conditioning drain. Fortunately for you, all you need to fix the problem are jackstands and a ballpoint pen. This video will show you how to combine the two to clean your drain and get your air conditioning back to cooling well and smelling good.

How To: Perform a standard non-precision approach and landing procedure in an aircraft

A pilot that earns an instrument rating is a pilot that's mastered his or her flight skills to a level or precision and accuracy needed to safely fly an airplane through clouds, fog, and other adverse weather conditions. While flying in these weather conditions, known as IMC, or instrument meteorological conditions, a pilot is tasked with flying an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments. The pilot needs to be able to go from takeoff to landing, without having any outside visual re...

How To: Plan for a backpacking trip

Backpacking sounds like the most basic way to travel but it is actually quite a large undertaking. In this tutorial, learn all you need to know to plan for a backpacking trip, no matter where you're traveling to. This will help you stay safe and prepared for anything. Of course, before arranging backpacking gear for a trip, it's important to make a plan of the trip in order to determine which items are necessary. Learn about bringing backpacking gear that fits the climate and conditions of a ...

How To: Hack an HTC Evo 4G phone to record video in the dark

Want to shoot video in low-light conditions with a HTC Evo 4G smartphone? Whether you're the owner of an HTC Evo 4G Android phone or just covet one, you're sure to enjoy this Evo owner's guide from HTC Evo Hacks, which presents a complete, step-by-step walkthrough of how to turn on the camera's built-in LEDs to illuminate subjects in less-than-ideal lighting conditions. For complete details, take a look!

How To: Apply formatting to Excel cells that meet a condition

See how to apply condition formatting when working in Microsoft Excel 2007. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word processing application application or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Word 2007 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started using the useful formatting feature in your own Excel documents, watch this free video guide.

How To: Use the County Fair workout to improve football teams

Training young athletes to improve their conditioning is vitally important to improving their performance and preventing injuries. This video spotlights one schools inseason conditioning program, called the County Fair workout. It includes such drills as flipping tires, pulling tires, and ladder drills, which improve your athletes physical abilities as well as their team cohesion.

How To: Clicker train your dog to take a bow

Clicker training tutorial on teaching your dog to take a bow. This tutorial utilizes BF Skinner's methods of operant conditioning. This will create a well regulated training schedule between you and your dog or other pet. Operant conditioning is great to get an animal to do bizarre tricks.

How to Speak English: Reported speech with conditionals

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak English with conditionals. Conditional statements need special attention and usually start with the word "if". An example of a conditional statement is "if you want, we'll go out to dinner". This has two parts, a condition, and a result. The condition is expressed by "if". To report them, don't change the verbs unless you're dealing with a real condition. Look and see if verb tenses can change depending on how the sentence is structured. Try to remember...

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