Client Occupies Search Results

How To: Make a hospital bed while it is occupied

In this video, we learn how to make a hospital bed while it's occupied. First, take the top blanket off then take the linens off and make sure the patient is lying on their side. After this, roll the linens towards the patient, then replace new ones where the old linens were originally at. After this, put down a moisture sheet and place it under the clean sheet. Now, put the side table up and roll the patient over and let them know there will be a bump in the middle. Now, move to the other si...

How To: Make an occupied bed

In this tutorial, we learn how to make an occupied bed. First, gather the supplies from the linen closet. After you have all the sheets and blankets, put gloves on and walk into the room. Now, cover the patient with a bath blanket. After this, remove the top sheets, then roll the patient to the side of the bed. Next, tuck dirty linens close to the patient and then roll clean linens under the dirty ones. Then, fix the clean sheets up and roll the patient towards you and repeat the same as you ...

How To: Pull off the office bathroom prank

Make sure you use the facilities before you put this office bathroom trick into hilarious effect. You will need several pairs of shoes and slacks, as well as newspapers. Make everyone in the office think all the bathroom stalls are occupied. Check out this video practical joke tutorial and learn how to prank the office bathroom.

How To: Make simple seashell earrings

Looking for new activities to do with your kids? From Simple Kid's Crafts, a wonderful idea to keep your kid's hands and creative minds occupied this summer! Learn how to make a beautiful and easy-to-make pair of seashell earrings with your children to get them started in the world of crafting and building.

How To: Make a pom-pom spider with your kids

Keep your kids occupied and having fun with this simple kid craft for children ages kindergarden and up! In this Simple Kid's Crafts tutorial, learn how to make an adorable pom-pom spider perfect to create for Halloween! Get your kids in the Halloween spirit with help from this tutorial.

How To: Free up hard drive space using WinDirStat

Stan shows an easy way to see and clean the files that are hogging hard drive space in the computer using a free software called "windirtstat". Now enter the following address in the web browser "" and scroll down the page until you get the downloading and installing section. Click on the link "windirtstat1.1.2Setup(Ansi&Unicode)" which will be right after the "for all flavors of windows" this will direct you to "SOURCEFORGE.NET" download creations. This will ask you to save t...

How To: Fix Z fighting in SketchUp

Overlapping objects or surfaces (faces) can cause a flickering/flashing effect when you move around the object. This is a result of Z fighting. Z fighting is when two faces occupy the exact same space. This video from Chapter 16 of the book "Google SketchUp for Dummies" explains how to get around the problem.

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 2, M4: Jailbreak

This is a great playthrough of The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. In the fourth mission in Act 2: Jailbreak, you will need to do the obvious… jailbreak. Once you acquire the papers to enter Area 2, you'll be able to start this mission by visiting the resistance in the Western District. They will charge you with freeing a man named Bryman from a Nazi prison. Grab a car and follow the GPS to the destination. Here you'll find a heavily occupied Nazi area. Bryman's cell is within the courtyard surrou...

How To: Use the overworked defender tactic in a game of chess

Ever here of the "overworked" defender" chess move? Of course you have, but that doesn't mean you know how to pull it off. See how to do it, right here. A chess piece is overworked when it has more than one defensive job (guarding pieces or squares) to do. Typically, the overworked piece is exploited by capturing one of the pieces it's defending or occupying a square it's defending. This forces it to leave one of its defensive jobs usually resulting in material loss or checkmate.

How To: Make a Three Dollar Origami Flower

Despite being bombarded with so many things to do each day, we still somehow find ourselves in a mid-afternoon lull where there's nothing better to do than stare at the adventures of a piece of lint darting across our computer screen.

How To: Teach preschool level ballet

Interested in taking your ballet skills to the classroom? In this video, learn how to go about teaching preschoolers how to dance and how to get your youngsters excited about this new form of exercise and skill in their life! Get some great tips on games to teach your preschool students to keep them occupied and keep that smile on their face!

How To: Communicate with a graphic design client

In this tutorial, we learn how to communicate with a graphic design client. When you are dealing with a graphic design client, you will want to ask them a ton of questions to try to get into their head. If they are hard to deal with, then drop them as a client and don't do business with them. When dealing with other clients, make sure you communicate with them clearly so you both see the same vision and you are working in the right direction. Ask the client what type of budget they have first...

How To: Make a spinning paper helicopter

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a spinning paper helicopter. Begin by cutting a piece of paper into a long, thin strip. Then make a vertical cut halfway down the paper strip and 2 semi cuts horizontally above the vertical cut. Now make a 3 way fold on the top square shape of the strip. Then fold one long flap of the strip forward and the other strip backwards. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in folding origami, and would like to learn how to make a s...

How To: Uninstall software in Windows with Revo Uninstaller

The Windows uninstallers work okay, but they do not remove all the files associated with a program. Over time, this will leave excess of unneeded files on the computer which will occupy valuable hard drive space that you could be using for something else. Luckily, the program called Revo Uninstaller can uninstall the entire program without leaving anything behind. This how-to instructional video will show you how to get Revo Uninstaller and most importantly, how to use it correctly when unins...

How To: Assemble Classifiers

Even if your business is mostly online and computer related you will need paper, which in other hand will need classifier to be sorted out and easily accessed. The paperless office is as much of a myth as the paperless toilet, so accept it, if you are serious about business, you need paper. Important contracts between customers signed on papers, leaflets, reminders, advert previews, drafts for preview at the table. The paper is always used even in today highly computerized epoch.

How To: Give a Swedish massage

In this tutorial, we learn how to give a Swedish massage. First, you want to start off by making sure your client is comfortable. Next, you will start to gently rub the body, starting circulation. After this, put cream on your hands and rub them together so it gets warm. Now, rub the client's body with the cream, pushing in the body in the middle of the back. Use smooth strokes, because these will warm the client up. Now, use your elbows and place them along the spine, pushing your body weigh...

How To: Update a website with an FTP client (à la FileZilla)

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to update a website with an FTP client (v† la FileZilla). Download FileZilla client from Find your server IP address from your web host, which will be found in the hosting control center. In the video, it is Open your filezilla client and put in the IP address of your web host and your username and password for your hosting account. Then click ‚Äòquickconnect‚Äô. This will connect you to ...

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