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How To: Turn JavaScript on in Internet Explorer

In this video, you will learn the steps to take to enable JavaScript in Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) web browser. Although JavaScript support is typically enabled by default in most modern browsers and many web applications depend on JavaScript being enabled to function properly, some persons and organizations may occasionally disable JavaScript to negate the effects of annoying or insecure implementation of JavaScripts on some web pages (such as pop-ups, hidden tracking links, unwanted...

How To: Target your triceps when doing push-ups or press-ups

In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn a popular variant on the push-up, one designed to target your triceps. With pushups, as with any body-sculpting exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.

How To: Do ab exercises on the BOSU ball

This video shows the method to do ab exercises on the BOSU ball. The video features five exercises. The first exercise involves push ups. The BOSU ball is put upside down and push ups are started. The legs rise as we go down and come forward as we go up. In the next exercise we lie on the ball and make a 'L' shape of the legs to the rest of the body. A right angle is formed at the knees. The right leg comes up as the left hand comes up and vice versa. The third exercise involves putting your ...

How To: Make a realistic Fallout 3 dart gun prop

One of the many reasons for the Fallout series enduring popularity is the wide variety of creative and retro-futuristic weapons available for the player to lay waste with. Most of them are not real, but by gumption this girl has made one of them so! This video will show you how to make something like, but probably not as good-looking as, this amazing replica of the dart gun from Fallout 3. It's made of pretty much the same materials you make it out of in the game, and might be the single best...

How To: Do a freestyle soccer Flick Up

Learn freestyle football with Mariusz Chorazy, also known as freestyle soccer. Freestyle football is the art of juggling a football (aka soccer ball) using multiple body parts while performing skillful moves at the same time (and never dropping the ball of course). Freestyle football consists of dribbling moves, fakes and tricks. Master your freestyle football moves with these instructional tutorials. This video demonstrates: Flick ups.

How To: Do a workout for teens

In this video, we learn how to do a teen workout for ages 10-17. The first exercise you can do to warm up is lift a barbell on both arms while leaning down. Then, do sets of twenty push-ups and go back to dumbbell arm raises. After this, use push-up stands to do more push-ups, going slowly and keeping the body stiff. Next, lay down flat on the ground and raise up two dumbbells with each hand above you, going slowly and keeping arms straight. Next, using a wide grip, do pull ups on a bar for a...

How To: Create a free website with uCoz

In this tutorial, we learn how to create a free website with uCoz. First, register an account at uCoz. After this, log into the site and add your page to the website by clicking "page editor" on the side toolbar. Next, click "add new page", then use the HTML editor and type in the page name at the top. After this, your page will be brought to the site and you can save it. Then, you use the website to edit your page and change different things on it. Add friends and links to your site to get y...

How To: Create a simple rollover menu in Dreamweaver

This video shows how to create a menu with rollover images in Dreamweaver. Open a new document and create a table with one row and one column. To add your rollover images, go to the "Image" tab and select “Rollover Image”. In the “Insert Rollover Image” box, give the image a name, then click “Browse” under “Original Image” to find your images. You can select your rollover images in the same window. Then enter your alternate text and click OK.

How To: Do sit ups with proper form

The full sit up is the second event of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) or Physical Readiness Test (PRT). Use this clip to better understand the rules, breathing techniques, and overall strategies to achieve best results. In this fitness tutorial, SSG Ken Weichert, Army Master fitness trainer, teaches you how to do sit ups properly.

How To: Do an uneven push-up

The uneven push-up targets the pectorals, triceps, deltoids and core muscles. In this fitness tutorial, SSG Ken Weichert, Army Master fitness trainer, teaches you the proper way to do the uneven push-up exercise. Try to do regular push ups after performing this exercise. You will notice your form for the regular push ups are much better.

How To: Practice a proper up-right push up

Up-right push ups are an important part of working out. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do them on a bar or on the wall. Begin the up-right push up by placing your hands should width apart in front of you, feet back and on your toes, keep the body straight and lower yourself keeping your elbows out. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing up right push ups.

How To: Do three fast upper-body warm-ups

In this video, we learn how to do three fast upper-body warm-ups. The first warm up is jumping rope for three minutes, then doing 30 seconds on a foam roller. After this, use the foam roller against a wall and then again on the ground, working both sides of your body. Now do 10 reps of push ups, followed by five kneeling reaches on both sides of the body. After this, you will use exercise bands to pull weights and do these on both arms. After doing this for as many reps possible, you will be ...

How To: Start doing pull-ups

In this video, we learn how to start doing pull-ups. First, stand up while you pull down on the machine at a weight you can handle. After this, do wide lat pulls using a weight that is heavy for you, but you can still handle. Next, do seated row exercises in sets to where you can't do anymore of them. Low cable rows are your next exercise, making sure you have the right form while doing them. Start to do W's next, while sitting down on your knees and using control with your arms. After this, ...

How To: Build your upper body with standard push-ups

In this tutorial, we learn how to build your upper body with standard push-ups. Start off on the ground with your hands down directly underneath your shoulders and your feet drawn back without the knees bending. Keep this position for several seconds if you are new to working out and then bend down if you feel you can do controlled push ups. Push up and down slowly, because this won't use momentum to lift you back up. Make sure your body doesn't touch the ground, this can hurt your hands if y...

How To: Do push-ups on a Pilates Reformer exercise machine

See the proper method for doing push-ups and press-ups on a Pilates Reformer exercise machine. With pilates, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. Whether you're looking to slim down or merely tighten up your core, you're sure to be well served by this home fitness how-to from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For complete instructions, give this free exerci...

How To: Get ripped abs at home

In this Fitness video tutorial you will learn how to get ripped triceps and ripped abs at home by doing some really simple exercises. Start with push-ups. There will be two different hand positions for push-ups. First, keep the hands shoulder length apart, elbows in and basic push-up movements. Do as many as you can. Then rest for a minute and switch hands to triangle position. Elbows close the body, hands close to each other forming a triangle and basic push up movements. When you are doing ...

How To: Make lasagna roll-ups

The Food Corner brings us this twist on traditional lasagna - roll ups instead of layered. The ingredients for this dish are: cooked lasagna noodles, ground beef that has been cooked and seasoned, prepared spaghetti sauce, a lightly beaten egg, ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, and mozzarella cheese.

How To: Calculate Shipping Costs with UPS

This video demonstrates how to calculate shipping costs with UPS. UPS provides an easy-to-use online calculator to help customers accurately estimate shipping costs. By following a few simple steps, this tool can help customers control their shipping costs and avoid confusion during the billing process.

How To: Find useful keywords for your web page with the Google Keyword tool

Need some help coming up with keywords to drive traffic to your website or blog? With the Google Keyword tool, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home computing how-to from the folks at Easily can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just under five minutes' time. For the specifics, and to get started using Google's Keywords tool yourself, just watch this handy how-to.