Jill Kennedy is the famous UK author of several books on her favorite art - silk painting. In this video, she demonstrates how wax is often preferential to gutta or other resists for it's ability to contain or hold colors. It can be used in larger areas while providing similar effects to gutta's ability to contain dye within regions. Here she emphasizes the ability to work with dyes immediately after application and demonstrates how fun it is to use traditional Indonesian tjantings and Japane...
If you're struggling to find all the hidden spiders on Hobgoblins level, you're in luck! Some can be pretty tricky due to specific circumstances that you will need to meet and some are harder to find if someone doesn't tell you about them. In this video you will get a full walkthrough of each spider location as well as commentary explaining each location and the circumstances you will need to put yourself in to get them.
How to make sparks without matches or a lighter
Paper is not known for it's strength as a building material. It is really amazing what paper can do in the right circumstance though. This video will show you how to use a piece of paper to hold the water in an upside-down glass. It's easy, the effect is very cool and sure to impress, and all you need are a glass of water and a piece of copy paper.
If you are planning on jailbreaking your iPod or need an emergency restore, you will need to put your iPhone into DFU mode. DFU mode is only used in these dire circumstances, however, and can harm your device. If you need to use DFU mode for any reason, check out this tutorial first and make sure you have mastered the step by step.
Depending on your space and circumstances, you will need a water tank to suit your needs. There are different tools that will work better with your home. Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to choose a water tank for the space at hand.
Active Expert Gale Bernhardt provides helpful tips on cornering techniques for cyclists in this instructional cycling video. Depending on the particular situation you're faced with when turning the corner, you may have to turn a corner with a tight radius or a wide radius. See how fast you can go in each situation and learn how to turn the corner the fastest way around a corner in various circumstances with this cycling tutorial video.
Now more than ever, people everywhere are suffering from bad credit. Credit is important. You need it to take out loans, buy a house, rent an apartment, get a car, almost anything! Check out this two part video, presented by Daniel Medina from United Credit Education Services, and listen along as he offers you tips on how to improve your credit - even in a recession. This helpful and informative video can start you on the right track to financial stability, no matter what the circumstances.
You see someone doing something illegal and there are no police officers around. Do you have the right to play cop? Here’s the lowdown.
In this video, we're instructed in the art of a Valentine sushi roll, a perfect little gift that's easy to prepare, and sweet even in non-Valentine's Day circumstances.
Though image maps have fallen out of favor in recent years, they can nevertheless be very convenient given the right set of circumstances. Learn how to create image map hot spots when working in Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular WISYWIG HTML editor or a seasoned web development professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the CS4 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including a step-by-step overview, wat...
Apple has been aggressively smashing bugs with its last few updates to iOS 10, so it seems like all of the major work is done. With the iPhone 7 release date approaching fast, it's a good sign that the only remaining hurdles are relatively minor and cosmetic tweaks (though they still need to add the song lyrics they showed off a few months ago).
It's simple: if you've got a brushed motor, you'll want to break it in under controlled circumstances before taking it out into the world. Why break in your engine? The main idea of breaking in your engine is to wear down your engine's brush so as to maximize surface contact with the commutator, reducing resistance (and therefore waste energy) and thereby increasing power. For detailed instructions on breaking in your remote control vehicle's engine, watch this RC hobbyest how-to.
Dogs have to learn bowel etiquette much quicker than humans, and these helpful steps will make sure your paper-trained pooch becomes man's best friend, not your carpet's worst nightmare.
Alright, NB community! Here we go... Bubble Sort. What Is Bubble Sort?
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said it is still investigating the circumstances of a fatal Tesla crash last year to determine if the car or Tesla's Autopilot driverless system was at fault, but revealed more details about the circumstances of the crash.
If you've ever had a little trouble trying to program your calculator, you may find a little relief with this four-part video tutorial. Here, a Texas Instruments (TI-84 Plus) calculator will be used to explain the programming process. The four parts include:
This video shows the method to take apart a paintball marker and to oil it. You need a placemat which is optional, paintball marker oil and Q-Tip. Remove the quick-strip pin. Be careful while removing the pin. Hold the striker bolt plug to prevent it from flying off during this procedure. The next step involves taking out the bolt, the striker and the washer which will come along with the rest. Do not oil the delrin bolts under any circumstance. Oil the stock bolt. Always remember to oil the ...
There are a lot of things that a flash can do for you when you are taking pictures. It can be used to fill shadows, light up subjects, and much more. The video demonstrates the various tilt and pan settings that the flash can be used in for bouncing light in various circumstances. Ceiling bounce tends to add unwanted shadows under the chin and eye brows when doing portraits. The side bounce from a pan adds light from a specific direction. Flashes have different modes to offer including pre-fl...
This is an electronic travel authorization system used to gain travel authorization to the United States. There are certain countries that fall under a visa waiver program, meaning that you do not need a visa to enter the US to visit. In that case you use the ESTA system. The countries that qualify in the VISA waiver program include Andora, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lich...
A judge just handed down a ruling that will make the U.S. government's quest to unlock the work iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters much more difficult.
Ever feel like you're receiving notifications way too late on your Android device? Many Android apps use Google's Cloud Messaging service to send and receive notifications, including Hangouts, Gmail, Pushbullet, Facebook, and even WhatsApp to an extent.
Snapchat began rolling out a massive update on March 29th, dubbed Chat 2.0, that gives users a plethora of new features, basically transforming Snapchat into an all-purpose messaging app.
It's almost impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times under normal circumstances. Sure, the guys on MythBusters managed to fold a piece of paper eleven times, but they used a sheet of paper the size of a football field and needed the help of a forklift and steamroller to get the job done.
Before you head to class, work, or sleep, you're probably doing the same thing over and over again—toggling off system settings like Wi-Fi, sound, data, or brightness, depending on the circumstances. Schedules and routines can help increase efficiency, so while you abide to a particular schedule, so should your Android.
I can certainly say that I don't like be ignored, and you're probably right there with me on that. Also, if you're like me, you don't like being blocked on an instant messenger, either. There's something about being shafted like that that can really cramp your style.
Hello! This post will be about the special care your dwarf rabbit needs during hot weather. There are many ways to keep your pet happy. Step 1: Choose the Environment
In order to play the game Risk, begin by setting up. Name a banker. Players choose a color. The number of players determines the number of armies. Remove the jokers from the country card packs. Shuffle the cards. Deal them face down. Players may not get an equal number.
With this two-part painting lesson, you'll learn how to paint "Three Friends of Winter," a traditional Chinese motif depicting pine, plum and bamboo — three plants admired for their beauty and, in Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, said to be representative of good virtue.
Beer, glorious beer! It can stop grilled meats from producing carcinogens, can make fried foods super crunchy, and it even saved civilization from total annihilation. Is there anything it can't do? Sadly, yes.
A continuation of my earlier science testing in Minecraft, I worked on a few things requested and retouched on TNT as there was suggestion of possible (and confirmed) altered circumstances.
When stories are told about people in need, the ones with happy endings include the details of someone that produced an action that caused the people in need to be better off than before. Do we have to wait for the identification of a need? Could we on purpose just plan to present products and services that cause our customers and client to see an improvement in their circumstances just because of the business interchange with an owner manager of purpose? The fair exchange of products or serv...
As first reported by Next Reality last year, game developer Preloaded, in partnership with BBC Studios, has finally launched BBC Earth - Micro Kingdoms: Senses.
Google's MVNO carrier, Project Fi, can save you a ton of money in the right circumstances, but it's always had a limited selection of supported phones. Because the service uses Sprint, T-Mobile, and US Cellular towers as its backbone, you could only use Project Fi with a Pixel, Nexus, or the Android One Moto X4 until now.
If you have yet to receive your invitation to next weekend's royal wedding in the UK, then you can still experience part of the pomp and circumstance in augmented reality courtesy of ABC News.
Say you're on a train to work, but you forgot your headphones. You'd normally listen to music to pass the time, but given the circumstances, your choices are to sit silently like a considerate adult, or to blare songs out of your phone's main speaker like a jerk. Thankfully, there's now a third option.
We've highlighted the projects of Wavelength Studios a few times over recent months for their work in the augmented and mixed reality space. Since receiving their HoloLens headsets, they've been hard at work on both development community projects as well as efforts for clients. This brings us to their latest work—a way to control holograms on the HoloLens with our pocket-based modern miracles, also know as smartphones.
My all-time top songs are the ones that speak to me on a deeper level, and it's through the lyrics that artists are able to make that connection. It's a feeling unlike any other when it seems that an artist or song is speaking exclusively to you or your current circumstance.
With audible alerts and subtle vibrations, the Apple Watch makes it difficult to miss incoming notifications. But soon enough you'll realize that not every notification is worth receiving on your Watch and can ultimately render the experience annoying under particular circumstances—like when your popular Instagram post floods in notification after notification.
"We all want to escape our circumstances, don't we?" Benedict Cumberbatch may have been talking about acting, but the sentiment rings true for all of us at some point or another. Whether it's work, school, or just boredom at home—we all wish for an escape sometimes. If only.