Cell Killers Search Results

News: A Double Punch of Viruses & Immunotherapy Could Improve Outcomes for Cancer Patients

Activating the body's own immune system to fight cancer is the goal of immunotherapy. It's less toxic than chemotherapy and works with our body's natural defenses. The trouble is, it doesn't work for most patients — only about 40% of cancer patients get a good response from immunotherapy. But coupling it with another type of cancer therapy just might deliver the punch that's needed to knock out cancer.

How To: Get better battery life on DROID smartphones

Battery life is a constant problem with cell phones today, and the Droid smartphones running Android software are no exception. If you want to learn how to get the most out of your Droid battery, then check out this helpful video that provides 8 tips on cutting battery-eating apps and features. If you want more battery life and are willing to sacrifice the cool features of the Droid cell phones, then you have to do these things. Don't let you Droid battery get drained!

How To: Make your own non-toxic flea killer

Educational Specialist, Jennifer Taggard shows her viewers a very easy and accurate process to making non-toxic flea killer. This flea killer will not harm children in a household or any dog being treated. To make the flea killer, 1/2 of a cup of baking soda and half of a teaspoon of orange essential oil was used. The two ingredients were mixed together and simply applied and rubbed into the dog.

News: Researchers Look to Cows to Create Vaccine for HIV

A vaccine against HIV might prevent the disease that we can't seem to cure. Some HIV patients make antibodies that can take down the virus, much the way a vaccine might. But, scientists haven't been able to provoke that type of response in other people. However, in a process that might work in humans, a group of researchers has successfully generated antibodies in cows that neutralize multiple strains of HIV.

How To: Play Mission 2 in Splinter Cell: Conviction co-op mode

The co-op story mode in the new Splinter Cell: Conviction game has plenty of missions, which allow you and a buddy to play next to each other in front of one Xbox 360. Achievement Hunter presents this three-part video which gives a walkthrough on the 2nd mission in the co-op story mode: Russian Embassy. Jack and Geoff walk you through the Consular Offices, Public Building, and Rooftop until you finally tag team the helicopter ride home.

How To: Wire a solar cell into an electrical circuit

The Solar Schoolhouse presents this video tutorial on how to use the Solar Cell Classroom Set. The purpose of this set is to give students hands on experience making electricity using sunlight. See what's inside the set, and then see how to wire three different types of electrical circuits: a simple circuit, a series circuit, and finally a parallel circuit.

How To: Understand the structure/parts of the cell

In this video the author shows about the different parts of a biological cell. He intends to explain the parts of a cell by using a diagram and incrementally building different parts of the cell explaining them along the way. he starts with drawing the cellular membrane which is the boundary or outer cover of the cell. Now he starts with drawing the DNA which are also called as he genes of the cell. Now he draws and shows other parts of cell called eukaryotes, chromatin and also nucleus which...

How To: Use Swype to text on your Omnia II cell phone

In this tutorial, learn all about Swype. Swype is an app that you can add to your cell phone to make texting and e-mailing lightening fast. Say goodbye to tap texting - with Swype you just let your finger glide on the keyboard until it creates your desired word. Check out this clip and learn how to install and use Swype on your Samsung Omnia II cell phone (that is running Windows Mobile).

How To: Lock & unlock cells in Excel

In this tutorial, we learn how to lock and unlock cells in Excel. First, right click one cell and click on format cells. Go to the protection cell, and then un-check the locked category. Click ok, then go to protect sheet, inside of tools. Now, do now allow locked cells to be checked. Now, you will not be able to select cells in the worksheet except cells that are unlocked. This is a great way to protect your information, so it won't accidentally get deleted or ruined. You can do this for ent...

How To: Merge & unmerge cells in Excel

In this software video tutorial you will learn how to merge and unmerge cells in Excel. A cell in an Excel spread sheet is assigned a row and a column number. You will mostly need to merge cells when you are trying to create headers that span across two or more cells. For this select the cells that you want to merge by clicking and holding down the left mouse key on the first cell and then dragging it across the other cells that you want to merge. Then go to the 'home' tab, click on 'alignmen...

How To: Remember the parts of the cell

Are you much for science? Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Endoplasmic reticulum. Organelle. These words might sound alien, but breaking down the parts of a cell and their functions will help you remember. This is one of the best ways for cell identification, and it's perfect for science class studying.

How To: Use Excel spreadsheet setup & cell references

In this Excel basic video the instructor shows how to setup a spreadsheet and use cell references. Cell references are used in Excel to refer to other cells in a formula. When a formula contains data based on the cell reference the formula auto generates the result each time the value in the cell changes as the formula contains only the reference to the cell and not the actual data present in it. In this video the tutor goes on and shows how to write a few basic formulas using cell references...

How To: Make a dye-sensitized solar cell with titanium dioxide and anthocyanin

Discover the power of raspberries! Literally. In this NurdRage science video, learn how some crushed raspberries and some titanium dioxide (TiO2) can create a powered dye-sensitized solar cell. Inside a raspberry is something called anthocyanin, which is a flavonoid pigment. Commercially purchased solar cells are way more powerful than this DIY solar cell, but with a little improvement, who knows. Nurd Rage also lets you know how this works.

How To: Name cell ranges with relative references in MS Excel

Looking for a primer on how to create and work with names in Microsoft Office Excel? You've come to the right place. In this free video tutorial from everyone's favorite MS Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 8th installment in his series of Excel name tricks, you'll learn how to name cell ranges with relative cell references instead of the default absolute cell references.

How To: Name a Microsoft Excel cell after its content

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 138th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to name individual cells after their cell content (i.e., the name of the cell is in the cell).

How To: Identify and control common lawn weeds

With rainfall comes unwanted plant growth in the form of weeds. Here's how to identify and control them. First is Nutsage which has a glossy green leaf, triangular stem and the rhizome sends up new plants whenever you cut away at it. Next is jungle rice which is an aquatic weed, from areas where there is a lot of moisture. It can be identified by it red/purple chevrons. Use herbicide to take them out before they get too large. Next is pigweeds, to get rid of it you can use weed killer or a ho...

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