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How To: Make Tight Loops When Fly Casting

When casting a flyrod, in most cases, tight loops will allow the fly to travel farther, more accurately, and with less effort. To cast these tight loops, the tip of the rod must travel in a straight line path, slack must be eliminated, and there must be a constant acceleration to a sudden stop. The most common mistake is using the wrist to move the rod which causes the tip to travel in a half circle or windshield wiper type motion.

News: Playing an Electric Guitar With 100,000V

Video: . I made this Tesla Coil using the myRIO and LabVIEW. It uses electricity to play the music, which can be Star Wars, Harry Potter or even Hunger Games! The music is played by the spark heating the surrounding air (causing it to expand) then the spark turning off (causing the air to cool and contract). This expanding and contracting cause's longitudinal waves - or sound waves.

How To: Donate to Charity by Just Surfing the Web as Usual with Tab for a Cause

When we surf the web, we tend to do it for selfish reasons. Whether it's on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, or Wikipedia—we're trying to connect with people, voice our opinions, watch funny videos, or do research for that 12-page paper due tomorrow. Whatever it is, it's usually to benefit ourselves. Well, what if you could not only benefit yourself while surfing the web, but benefit others in need, without even having to alter your habits?

How To: Choose the right shot in World Golf Tour

In this tutorial, we learn how to choose the right shot in World Golf Tour. The game will automatically choose the shot for you. You can find the different shots by clicking on the current swing selection on the bottom left hand corner. A full swing is the most common type of shot that delivers the most power. A punch shot is a flatter and shorter swing that causes the ball to fly lower during high wind. A pitch shot is a controlled swing that is used around the greens. A chip shot is compact...

How To: Lose belly fat by avoiding junk food

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat by avoiding junk food. If you eat too many bad fats, they will store inside of your body and cause several health problems for you. The more you eat, the more your body will store and it will be harder for you to burn off, causing you to become overweight. To achieve a flat stomach, you will just need to make sure you are eating healthy foods. Make sure you are not eating foods with a lot of high sugar content or quick burning carbs. Once you s...

How To: Find the beached whale in Just Cause 2

This next tutorial will show you the location of a beached whale in the game Just Cause 2 for the Xbox 360 and PS3. It won't nab you an achievement or anything, but you'll be able to shoot the whale and eventually blow it up for some little goodies inside.

How To: Do the grapple barrier glitch in the Just Cause 2 demo

If you have played the demo for Just Cause 2, then you might want to try out this next little trick or glitch. In the video, you'll find out how to perform the grapple barrier glitch. It requires that you go to a certain area and use your grappling hook to get through the game's barrier. Check out the tutorial above to find out how to do it. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Find the bubble blaster easter egg on Just Cause 2

Just like the Pokemon saying, "gotta catch em all!" That quote is in reference to all the easter eggs that are available on the title Just Cause 2 on the Xbox 360. The guys at Achievement Hunter will be taking you on another trek to find another awesome easter egg. In this tutorial, you'll be finding the bubble blaster easter egg. It's a fun, cute little easter egg that will have you weilding a purple little bubble blaster. Enjoy!

How To: Make an easy fabric panel quilt for Project Linus

Project Linus is an organization that provides security blankets for seriously ill or traumatized children. In this tutorial, learn how to make an easy fabric panel quilt to donate to a child in need. Project Linus is a great organization that provides warmth to every child, no matter what the season. So, if you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause, follow along with this video and learn how to make an easy but comforting cover that any child will love.

How To: Get rid of fizzy hair now

In this video, we learn how to get rid of frizzy hair. First, when you wash your hair make sure you condition it well on the bottom half of your hair for 3-5 minutes. When you get out of the shower, apply leave-in conditioner to the bottom half of your hair. You can also use a small mixture of honey and olive oil on the ends of your hair, just make sure to rinse thoroughly. If you have naturally frizzy hair, don't run a towel through it or it causes more frizz. Don't blow dry your hair if you...

How To: Experiment with magnets and eddy currents

Eddy Currents are little circles of electricity created when metals are moved by magnets or even when magnets are moved by metals. To understand this practically take a regular piece of cardboard and drop it in between a horse shoe magnet. It drops normally with out being effected by the magnet. This is because the cardboard does not conduct electricity. Therefore it does not cause any eddy currents. But instead if you use an aluminum piece in the same way, it falls very slowly, because alumi...

How To: Root your T-Mobile G1

Rooting a cell phone can give you so many different perks and advantages that you wouldn't normally have. But at the same time it can also cause damage to the phone itself that it may even cease to function properly causing any money that you spent, to go down the drain. This tutorial shows you how to root your T-Mobile G1. Be careful and good luck!

How To: Light your own web show

In this how-to video, you will learn how to light your web show. This is important as it will make your web show look more professional. Proper lighting allows you to see your face, eyes, and the colors of your shirt. If there is not enough light, you cannot see yourself as well. You will also look dark and grainy. Too much light will cause your face to look too hot. Backlit lighting will cause your face to be too dark because the light is in the background. This is why background lighting is...

How To: Recover your PC if it freezes

Computers malfunction all the time in the form of freezing, crashing or by just not responding. This can happen due to various software reasons behind the comprehension of an average PC user. But by following some simple steps you can restore your computer some times. Your computer might not responding if there are lot of programs running simultaneously. This causes the available memory to be used up and there by causing your computer to not respond. In such case you can use you computer effe...

How To: Identify and treat snow mold

snow mold occurs in round patches of grass in the lawn. The patches contain a fussy substance (the mold), that appears in grey or pink; the most dangerous of the two. Mold is formed whenever a lot of snow is left on the lawn for a long period of time, this causes the mold to grow underneath. Late fertilization with a lot of nitrogen promotes mold. Dead grass or thatch can cause mold to develop. Gently raking allows airflow into the grass and promotes new grass growth. The putting down of gras...

How To: Get instant color highlights with hair extensions

Hairtalk TV demonstrates how to instantly get color highlights with hair extensions. Put On Pieces offers Clip In Color which is a very thin, nine inch wide, sixteen inches long weft of hair that clips into your hair to give you highlights, low lights or bright, fun colors. The weft contains three pressure sensitive clips which slide into your own hair without causing damage. Unlike permanent coloring, Clip in Color causes no damage to your hair, does not fade over time and provides the versa...

How To: Know if you have the overpronation gait pattern

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about overproduction and if they have a overproduction gait pattern. Overproduction is when, after heel-strike, the foot rolls more than 15 degrees inward to meet the ground. Overproduction is more typical in runners with low arches. To check if you have a overproduction pattern, check the wear marks on the bottom of your shoes. Overproduction causes heavy wear along the heel and inside of the forefoot. Overproduction is natural and can cause injuries. Vi...

How To: Rejuvenate and repair damaged hair

This video shows the viewer how to rejuvenate damaged hair with a few simple techniques. The first stage is to not let the hair get damaged in the first place. One of the most common causes of damaged hair is excess use of heat on the hair – either through a blow drier, straightening iron or a curling iron. Another cause of damaged hair is allowing the hair to become matted. This can be sorted out by simply combing the hair. If the hair has become damaged the recommended approach is to get it...

How To: Get a barbershop shave on your own

This video explains how to get a barbershop shave on your own, using an easy method without causing skin to harden, smoothening the hair and skin, providing a deeper shave. Then, "Back shave" can also be done and that too in different directions. Cream will allow hair to come out smoothly. Now, take the razor and slice the hair down, if skin is not smooth, go back and slice the hair down again and clean it by applying water in dry areas or places where not shaved otherwise it will cause skin ...

How To: Fix strecthed or wrinkled earlobes

In this video Dr. Schultz will show you how to fix stretched or wrinkled earlobes. Here are a few things you can do to remedy stretched or wrinkled earlobes: Laser treatments, especially carbon dioxide treatments, a specified amount of heat is delivered to the skin, and it causes a contraction, which causes a plumping of the earlobe, removing the wrinkles. The results will last for years. With injectable filler treatments like collagen, you will also find a plumping of the skin, but they will...

How To: Remove calluses for bodybuilders

Calluses can become a big problem for weightlifters, which is caused by not wearing gloves when you're lifting weights. The friction between the hand and the bar caused by the movement and weight is the factor for getting a callus. Easy way to remove them is using a product called Calluses and scab remover. Apply liberally to spots making sure not to miss any spots. Allow to sit for one to two days and then presto you should see that your calluses have regressed or disappeared completely.

How To: Clean your roof of black algae streaks

The most common culprit causing the black streaks on roofs is a blue-green algae called Gloeocapsa magma. Over the past 25 years this strain of algae has become more hardy and has migrated to less humid environments. It has now become a common sight on asphalt roofs across 80% of the United States. This Home & Garden how to video series shows how to clean your roof and get rid of the black streaks caused by algae. Learn how to inspect and use a cleaning system to get your roof looking brighter.

How To: Install Joomla 1.5 on Windows Server 2003 with IIS6

Installing Joomla on a Windows server can be tricky, on Windows running IIS even more so. Installing Joomla 1.5 in this scenario has caused many frustrations.In this video, we take the process step by step and jump over the hurdles that cause some people to wind up pulling their hair out. If you follow along closely, you will be up and running in no time, and if you haven't already tried to do this, you will wonder why people find it so difficult. There are some prerequisites to the steps in ...

How To: Identify if you have aphids and webworms on mesquites

The video shows how to effectively be aware and get rid of possible webworms or aphids on your mesquites so they won't get damaged later. Here, John White invited Annete Peterson to show how to do so. She starts by informing from what she saw that many mesquites from her neighborhood have deformed leaves and mainly several of them have stripped branches at the tips of the trees. He explains that one of the problems is a webworm on the leaf of the mesquite, and it eats the leaves of the plant ...

News: A Bacteria Could Stop Citrus Greening Disease from Killing Orange Trees

Citrus greening disease — caused by a bacteria spread by psyllid insects — is threatening to wipe out Florida's citrus crop. Researchers have identified a small protein found in a second bacteria living in the insects that helps bacteria causing citrus greening disease survive and spread. They believe the discovery could result in a spray that could potentially help save the trees from the bacterial invasion.

News: A Common Cancer-Causing Mono Virus Has a Special Trick to Hide from the Body's Defenses

Most of us have already had an encounter with the Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, for short. As part of the herpes family, it's one of the most common disease-causing viruses in humans. We get the disease with (or without) some nasty symptoms, then we recover. However, EBV stays in our body after the illness has ended, and it's one of the few viruses known to cause cancer.

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.