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How To: Open the shoulders and chest with prenatal yoga

During pregnancy the natural curves of the spine become exaggerated causing the lower back to sway as well as the upper back and shoulders to round. This rolling forward of the shoulders causes the ribcage to collapse down compressing the lungs and diaphragm which results in a breathless feeling along with feeling like there is very little space left for the baby. Another unfortunate result of the ribcage compressing the stomach area is the stomach acid gets pushed up the esophagus resulting ...

News: Whats Happen if You Mix Red Bull & Milk?

Casein is a protein that is found in milk. Groups of casein normally float around in milk without bonding. These groupings have a negative charge. The acidity of the Red Bull causes the negative charges on the casein groupings to become neutralized. Instead of pushing each other apart, the casein starts to clump together causing the milk to curdle and form solid matter.

How To: Use a humidifier during winter

It may not sound like an obvious solution, but using a humidifier during the cold winter months, can actually be more efficient and make your home more comfortable. Having low humidity levels inside your home cause several things to occur, but one being the use of your furnace. This can raise prices and cause you to waste more energy.

How To: Find the "Baby" Panay easter egg in Just Cause 2

The cool thing about Just Cause 2, is not only do you play a shoot first, ask questions later type of character, but the game is stocked with a lot of hidden secrets. Or as they are referred to, easter eggs. This video tutorial is presented by the guys at Achievement Hunter and they show you how to find the "Baby" Panay Moustache easter egg. It's easy to find and involves some interesting art. Enjoy!

How To: Get the beached whale easter egg in Just Cause 2

One of the great things about Just Cause 2 on the Xbox 360, is the main character is a butt-kicking, shoot first, ask questions later kinda guy. Not only does he have a parachute that he can just use at any given time, but he has an awesome grappling hook. A grappling hook! It can attach to moving vehicles and give you a free ride, if you shoot an enemy, you can then shoot another point and send him flying. It's awesome! So in this tutorial, you'll find out from the guys at Achievement Hunter...

How To: Do a sodium and water experiment

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a sodium and water experiment. Sodium is a silver metal that is very reactive. When exposed oxygen in the air, an outer coding of sodium oxide will form. Simply drop a piece of sodium into a cup of water. When dropped in water, sodium reacts to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The sodium will constant move around in the water. Sometimes the heated reaction will cause the nitrogen gas to ignite. Under the right condition, it may even cause...

How To: Reduce cold sores (herpes simplex)

This video shows you how to reduce cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus. You will see small blisters, or cold sores, on your lips. Most people are infected with this virus as children. It can recur at any point later in life. This is type one. There is a second type called type two, and this causes blisters in the genital area. The first symptoms come with in two or three weeks of first contact. The blisters usually last for seven to ten days and will subside on their own. Topical me...

How To: Give an excellent face massage

Georgia Koons demonstrates how to give a relaxing and holistic facial massage. A facial massage has many benefits. It can be anti-aging because it causes the blood to better circulate in your face. It can be relaxing by massaging in soft circular motions. Any type of massage is sure to relieve tension and a facial massage specializes in ridding the body of tension cause by squinting and straining the facial muscles. This type of massage is great for headaches or to help you fall asleep faster.

How To: Blow dry, flat iron, & protect long hair

Sick of damaging your hair with all the products and flat irons? Those products don't have to cause your hair damage if used correctly. In this two-part hair video tutorial, learn how to blow dry and flat iron long hair in a way that does not cause damage. Blow dry your hair and minimize the heat damage and breakage by following the tips in these two videos. Shampoos & conditioners are are also gone over, as well as how to use a flat iron minimally to get the results you want, with less damage.

How To: Enable or disable hibernation on a PC with Windows XP

The moment when your Windows XP PC begins hibernating is one of the most frustrating in many PC users lives, causing hands to be thrown up in frustration and preparations for a hard reset to begin. Do you wish that you computer didn't even have the option of hibernating? This video will show you how to turn off hibernation in Windows XP, allowing you to use your computer's entire battery without risking a sudden faux-shutdown.

How To: Fit a Helmet for a Youth Football Player

The helmet is the most important part of football padding and safety equipment, especially in light of recent research into the prevalence and lasting effects of concussions on football players. This video features an explanation of how to properly select and fit a helmet for young football player. As it says, the most important thing is proper tightness, as a loose helmet is a leading cause of concussions.

How To: Change your radiator fluid

Your radiator fluid is one of the many important aspects of your car. Neglecting your radiator fluid can cause expensive damage to your car and put it in the shop for much longer than you want to deal with! So listen up and find out how to properly change your car's radiator fluid. This video from Watch Mojo will show you how to change your car's radiator fluid.

How To: Install a Child Car Safety Seat

Car accidents are the leading cause of death of children in the United States. Follow the guidelines in this how-to video to give your child a safe ride. All you'll need is the kid's new car seat and the owner's manual to your vehicle. Proper installation is key, so check out this instructional video to learn where and how to put that car seat in safely and correctly.

How To: Diagnose and treat hemorrhoids

Around half the UK population will develop piles at some point in their life. In this exclusive guide, Dr Jessen explains the causes of hemorrhoids and dispels some myths along the way. He also discusses treatment options – from over-the-counter creams to surgery – and advises on the best way to prevent piles occurring in the first place. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to diagnose and treat hemorrhoids.

How To: Extract whiteheads and blackheads properly

In this how-to video, Kate Somerville shows us a tip on how to extract a whitehead or blackhead the proper way. Don't just go recklessly popping zits and pimples. It'll leave you with a red face and could cause permanent damage. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to extract whiteheads and blackheads like an esthetician.