Building Model Search Results

How To: Create a realistic 3D model of a human head in Blender

In this four-part tutorial, you'll learn how to create a full human head with Blender's 3D modeling tools. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started modeling your own 3D heads in Blender, take a look!

How To: Learn the Maya modeling basics by making a toy

Mastering the intricacies of 3D modeling in Maya can take a lifetime, or as close to a lifetime as anyone has had since Maya came out in. This video for Maya beginners will teach you the basics of modeling by walking you through modeling a toy rooster. The model doesn't look that great by the end, but you have to start somewhere, and we have more advanced tutorials available on the site if this seemed too easy for you, you Maya magnate you.

How To: Model a guitar using 3DS Max

For beginners, learning the intricacies of modeling 3D art can seem insurmountable. This video for 3D beginners is here to help you through it. Its four parts are a detailed and slow walkthrough for making low poly BC Rich guitar with splines using 3D Studio Max, a popular 3D modeling program.

How To: Build your K'NEX Vertical Vengeance Roller Coaster

K'NEX is one of the most popular construction toys on the market, right next to Lincoln Logs and LEGOs, but what makes K'NEX stand out is the fact that children can build mechanically derived toys. Instead of blocks or little logs, kids use interconnecting plastic rods and connectors, which give them tons of contraptions to build and play with. Today, K NEX has even more possibilities with wheels, pulleys, panels and flexi-rods to make amusement park roller coasters, airplanes, animals, bikes...

How To: Build a sturdy Lego table with an added table cloth

When you're making a restaurant, or a house, or any other somewhat modern Lego model, one way to make the interior (or exterior for that matter) come to life is by making furniture, and what better way to start than with a table with a striped table cloth on it? In this great video you will find out what parts he uses and then go through the assembly process all the way to the final project! Pay close attention though as the placing of some of the bricks are absolutely crucial to the model co...

How To: Model with curve, sweep & skin nodes in Houdini

See how to build a simple coil spring using the curve, sweep, and skin nodes in Houdini. Whether you're new to Side Effects Software's popular 3D production program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look.

How To: Make a Halo Warthog out of Legos

Do you love both Halo and Legos? You aren't alone. This video features a Halo / Lego enthusiast showing off his completed model of a Warthog jeep from the popular Halo series of video games, then taking it apart in order to show you, the viewer, how to build it yourself. It is a little harder to follow than some Lego videos that show the whole construction process, but if you are Lego-proficient enough to have all of the pieces that you need to complete this model, you probably don't need tha...

How To: Set up a basic animation rig in Maya

In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a basic rig in Maya. Animation rigs are the bone and muscle structures used to animate and move characters and objects made in Maya. If you plan to make anything you model in Maya come to life, you will need to learn the basics of rigging. So watch this tutorial and get started building basic animation rigs in Maya.

How To: Snap things in Maya 8.5

If you are building 3D characters using Autodesk Maya 8.5, but are still having trouble, maybe you forgot about snapping? Well, check out this beginning tutorial video on snapping in Maya, to make your animation much, much easier. 3D modeling is just the beginning folks.

How To: Model a human body in Maya

This tutorial series shows you how to model anatomy of the human body in Maya and gives specific tips on how to eventually be able to do it from memory. Part one starts with the head, part two the torso, part 3 the legs, part four the foot, part 5 the arm, part 6 attaching the parts and part 7 modeling hands.

How To: Present Zbrush work in a portfolio

This video uses a skull modeled in other Zbrush lessons by Jason Walsh to discuss ideas and ways to think about presenting compositions, render passes and posting work for others to see, and for job applications. You don't need to have the skull built to follow this video. This theories should be applied to each sculpt after you've finished modeling.

How To: Buy a massage chair

Are you interested in buying a massage chair for your home or office?Massage chairs have built-in electric rollers, nodes, and air bags, all designed to emulate the fingers and hands of a massage therapist.

How To: Make a realistic 3D model of a head in 3ds Max

If you want to create really good 3D models on your computer, you need to be able to use more than just 3DS MAX or whatever other modeling program you have. It takes a whole family of specialized programs to handle the diverse tasks involved in creating really good models. This video will teach you how to create a male human head model using a combination of Faceworx, Mudbox, 3DS MAX with plugins, and Sony Vegas. By using all of these different programs, you can play to their individual stren...

How To: Model & animate a realistic 3D planet in Blender 2.5

This video guide presents detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to create a realistic 3D model of a planet within Blender. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, as well as to get started modeling your own planets, take a look!

How To: Make a model of a space comet

Are you an active or aspiring scientist? In this free educational video from National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, learn how to make a model of a comet, and why models are important to scientists. Get started on a scientific road to discovery with help from this excellent video on how to make a model of a space comet.

How To: Hold a Building in Your Hand

Aaron Betsky, director of the Cincinnati Art Museum and previous director of the Netherlands Institute of Architecture, reports on the world's first postage stamp to employ augmented reality. Dutch advertising agency Gummo, the NIA and the Dutch postal service teamed up to present five unbuilt models by different Dutch architecture studios in 3D form. When held in front of a webcam, the illusion of a 3D building is projected in your hand. By slowly moving the stamp, you can experience the vir...

How To: Model a basic character in 3D Studio MAX

So you finally shelled out for 3D Studio MAX. Congratulations. Now you need to make something with it! This video for beginners will walk you through the basics of modeling a character in 3D Studio MAX. It covers setting up a reference image (the one from the video is here), creating a rough body, connecting body parts, head modeling, and paint deformation. After you watch these three videos you should have all the tools you need to model a basic character in 3D Studio MAX. Now then, on to th...

How To: 3D model a suspension rig using Maya

Pretty much every efficient type of modern vehicle features some sort of suspension to cushion its landings and smooth its ride. This means that modeling a suspension accurately is an important part of creating 3D models of vehicles. This four-part video will teach you how to create a 3D model of a suspension rig using Maya. Specifically, you will be creating a piston with an automated damping spring from an airplane's landing gear.

How To: Master Maya's basics by 3D modeling a hand

If you've found this video, chances are that you are looking to improve your skills using Maya, the 3D modeling software. You've come to the right place. This video will teach you how to create a polygonal model of a hand, one of the most challenging and important parts of the body to model correctly. Watch and learn!

How To: Create your own ring light for lighting and more

Ring Lights can create a specific lighting that brings out warmer hues from your actors/models, as well as giving you a cool effect for the eyes. If you're not looking to spend a fortune on buying an already made one, you can make one with items from around the house on the cheap, if you have to buy everything you need, you're looking to spend around $100 which is much cheaper than buying one brand new! Check out this video for a full tutorial on how to build your very own Ring Light!

How To: 3D model a mushroom cloud in 3D Studio MAX

The mushroom cloud is one of the iconic images of the 20th century, calling to mind destruction, progress, and arguably the single most important event of the century. This video will show you how to create a 3D model of one using 3D Studio MAX 4 or higher. This can then be used in all kinds of video games and movies that you might be making.

How To: Use procedural modeling to create a rock in 3DS MAX 9

The noble rock may not seem like the most fun thing to create a 3D model of. They are a useful example though because their basic shape and lack of movement make them manageable for beginners to work with while their many facets and textures present fun areas to work with. This video will teach you how to use procedural modeling and texturing to Create a 3D model of a rock using 3D Studio MAX 9. The end result looks positively stony, and the lessons you learn here will help you with all your ...

How To: Model particle dispersion in 3D Studio MAX

The teapot dispersion method is a standard technique for teaching particle dispersion in 3D Studio MAX. This three-part video seeks to use the infamous example to explain particle dispersion as effectively as possible. It explains basic particle systems and material animation properties, and by the end you should be able to model a 3D teapot turning into a million little teapot particles.

How To: Build a potato gun launcher w/ interchangeable barrels

Ooooo. Step back, Jack. This one has the taser ignition. Not only that, this dude give you desert decal instructions and ways to camo your potato gun. This potato gun tutorial is pure instruction, in two parts. Kudos. Watch this nifty weapon hack to learn how to build a potato gun launcher with interchangeable barrels. This potato gun "spudzooka" with interchangeable barrels is powered by taser ignition. It also resembles those bazookas and RPGs causing so much havoc on the world today.