Antioxidants Vitamin Search Results

How To: Make Brussels sprouts taste good

Brussels sprouts are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, making them a healthy addition to any meal. You can cook this recipe with just the sprouts, some olive oil and a vegetable steamer. These sprouts make a side dish that pairs well with beef, sharp cheeses and heavily seasoned entrees.

How To: Cook Indian spinach raita with yogurt

Spinach raita is yet another tasty way to prepare the ever popular green vegetable. Spinach is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, tocopherol, vitamin E, vitamin K and magnesium. It also contains several vital antioxidantS and folic acid. Watch this How-to video and try this spinach and yogurt combo with rice or chapattis. It’s a perfect accompaniment to any meal.

How To: 10 Reasons You Need to Add Cinnamon to Your Coffee

Creamer, milk (whole or skim), sugar, or even butter—you've probably added at least one of these to your coffee to improve its taste at some point. If you're looking for something different, though, try a new twist with a dash of cinnamon. This sweet, sharp spice can do so much more than improve coffee's taste, and I've got 10 examples for you to consider.

How To: Make fresh & raw pomegranate & orange juice

This video talks about juices and how you can make one without a juicer. Juices are a great way of getting vitamins and antioxidants. In order to make this juice, you should have a citrus press. You will also need five of six fresh oranges and one large pomegranate. Slice the oranges in half and put each half through the citrus press. Next, slice the pomegranate in half and put that through the citrus press. Mix the solution together and pour into a glass. If you find that the drink is to swe...

How To: Increase male fertility

Daddy Clay and Daddy Brad discuss how to increase male fertility. The best way to increase your fertility is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly and stay hydrated. Eat food high in antioxidants and take a multi vitamin. Refrain from heavy use of alcohol, marijuana and tobacco, which will reduce your sperm count. It is recommended that you have on ejaculation every 24-48 hours. Try to limit your time in the hot tub, sauna, steam bath, or hot bath, because it decreases your sper...

How To: Don't Buy Vitamin Water—Make Your Own Healthier Version at Home Without All That Sugar

How many of us actually drink enough water? It's one of the easiest ways to improve your health, but most people don't get nearly as much as they should. We've grown so accustomed to soda, coffee, and sugary juices that water just seems bland by comparison. That's why drinks like VitaminWater are so popular. They're marketed as being just like water, but better tasting and with even more vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants. Who wouldn't want all the benefits of drinking water a...

How To: Make your own all-natural face masks

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make your own all-natural face masks. Tired of spending a lot of money on facial products that don’t even work? Try on some masks made from items you already own—they’re all natural and good enough to eat!

How To: Ingest vitamin D and minerals to fight MS

It is argued that sun exposure and warm weather helps people cope with and fight multiple sclerosis. Sun is important to produce vitamin D. There are arguments that vitamin D deficiency is connected with cases of multiple sclerosis. Get a blood test to make sure your vitamin levels are optimum and you are suffering from no mineral or vitamin toxicity.

How To: Incorporate more Selenium into your diet

It is important to maintain a diet rich in selenium. Selenium is an essential trace mineral and antioxidant that protects your cells, boosts the immune system and helps fight infection. Check out this helpful video, and discover how to add more of this great mineral into your diet.

How To: Tea-tox

Feeling like you need to rid your body of a few toxins? A nice, hot cup of tea isn't just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you. Learn how to tea-tox with help from this video.

How To: Eat a pomegranate

If you try to eat a pomegranate fresh off the shelf, it's probably going to be a messy and difficult situation. This video shows you how to extract the seeds from the pomegranate, giving you options on how to eat them.

How to "Eat" Your Sunscreen: 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Will Increase Your Sun Tolerance

Even as someone with super pale skin that burns instead of tanning, I don't use sunscreen nearly as often as I should. Or, uh...ever. My skin cancer prevention routine mostly involves hiding from the sun as much as humanly possible. If you're like me and hate the greasy feeling of sunscreen, there are other ways you can protect your skin by increasing your sun tolerance. Your diet actually has a lot to do with how easily you burn, so by getting enough of a few key nutrients, you can decrease ...

How To: Make Glowing Green Candy

If there ever was a day to eat green candy, St. Patrick's Day would be it. But is there something better than the banality of green candy swarming the streets on St. Patty's Day? Yes—glowing green candy, and Instructables user BrittLiv wants us to show you how it's done.

How To: Make tasty collard greens in 4 minutes

Rebecca from OffWhiteLiving shows a quick, easy way to cook collard greens. First remove the ribs from the leaves and chop them into bite-size pieces. Heat some butter and olive oil in the skillet. The greens need to be cooked in some type of fat since they have a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin K, which is an important anti-clotting vitamin. Not to mention it makes them tastier. Put the greens into the pan and coat them with the butter and oil. Keep the heat low. A little know...

How To: Make your hair grow longer faster

This video discusses helping hair grow faster using daily maintenance ideas. The presenter relays that the most important part of growing out hair is keeping it healthy. To keep it healthy, use a heat protectant if any heat tools like hair dryers, straighteners or curling irons are used. She indicates that heat, when not used to excess, will push the hair follicles to work harder and grow a bit faster. Vitamins and supplements can also support hair growth. She recommends a standard daily vita...

How To: Get over a hangover by restoring your electrolytes

The video starts out with a man wearing sunglasses, stating that he has a hangover. He gives a dictionary definition of a hangover. He then presents an example of the alcohol he drank the night before, which was the cause of his hangover. He gives some tips on how to cure a hangover. Step 1. Drink a can of beer while taking a shower. Step 2. Drink a bottle of tropical citrus flavored vitamin water. His reason for the vitamin water is that it will rehydrate the body, replace vitamin B and has ...

How To: Overcome depression by increasing your intake of Vitamin D or UV light

Depression can come with physical symptoms - such as poor sleeping habits or aching joints. The theory explained in this video is that there is a relationship between the physical symptoms of an overactive immune system and depression. By supplementing a diet with Vitamin D and UV light, and thereby altering one's immune system, one can allieviate the symptoms of depression.

How To: Prevent chapped lips

Are you constantly battling chapped lips? The right prevention methods can restore lip moisture in no time. Watch this Howcast guide to learn how to prevent chapped lips. Nobody wants chapped lips - lips should be soft and kissable.

How To: Make ceremonial Japanese green tea at home

A very traditional tea in Japan is green tea. Japanese ceremonial green tea is prepared from a tea powder known as matcha. This tea is not difficult to make at home, and tastes delicious even without the ceremony. Check out this video and learn the steps and ingredients necessary for creating this yummy infusion.

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