Abdomen Search Results

How To: Perform a full abdomen exam on a patient

This video will teach doctor and medical students how to perform a full abdomen examination. John D. Gazewood, MD, MSPH, will show you the whole process, from the first steps of inspecting the abdomen, looking for abdominal contour and symmetry, to auscultation, percussion, and palpation of the abdomen. Some common findings during the inspection phase of the exam could be scars, striae, colors, jaundice, and prominent veins.

How To: Work out your abdomen with a Pilates arc routine

This clip offers up five fun but challenging abdominal exercise routines that can be done with a Pilates arc. With Pilates, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. Whether you're looking to slim down or merely tighten up your core, you're sure to be well served by this home fitness how-to from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For complete instructions, give t...

How To: Increase your lung capacity with full yogic breath

In this how to video, you will learn how to perform the full yogic breath with retention. Lengthen your spine and feel the back of the head extend towards the ceiling. Feel your shoulders move out towards the sides. Place your right hand on your abdomen and left on the chest to feel the movement of the body as you practice this. Inhale into the abdomen and feel it expand into the rib cage. Keep inhaling into the chest and collar bone. Exhale from the chest only and contract the rib cage. Last...

How To: Perform a general abdominal exam on a patient

Any patient with pain in the abdominal area will require you to perform an abdominal examination, and this video lesson outlines in great detail, how to perform a general abdomen exam. This is great for any medical student or up-and-coming doctor — even nursing students could benefit from this exam procedure. You'll learn about inspection of the abs, auscultation, percussion, palpation, the liver, the aorta, and the spleen. After watching the full procedure, you should be able to identify the...

How To: Use proper draping techniques during a gynecology exam

In Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), doctors deal specifically with the female reproductive organs, which means a lot of visual inspection of the vaginal area. Whether you're a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or nursing assistant, knowing how to properly drape a patient is detrimental to the patient feeling protected and secure with the hospital staff, along with having some privacy. This video will cover different types of draping techniques.

How To: Tie up or truss a chicken for roasting

First of all keep the chicken under the running water and then pad it dry. Then you have to remove the neck, inner portions and the fat from the abdominal cavity. Now season the inside of the chicken with salt and pepper by standing it up inside the bowl. You can now add the desired spices. In this case you can use garlic cloves and lemon pieces. Now close the abdomen cavity and lay the chicken on the cutting board. Wedge the wing tips under the wings. Close the neck cavity by wrapping the sk...

How To: Dissect a human to see the superficial layers of skin

Before you start dissecting the body of a human being, there are a few things you should probably learn first. This anatomical look at the human body will give you just what you need to delve into your human dissection. Just watch this video tutorial on a few bony landmarks you should be aware of by palpating, like the clavicles, the sternum and sternal notch, the rib cage, and the pelvic region.

How To: Perform a laparoscopic suture in surgery

This video is about Laparoscopic Suturing Techniques.The video begins with the narrator saying that the technique is widely used in major abdominal surgeries and mastering of the techniques would give great confidence in the surgical procedures.There are various types of laproscopic needle drivers are available which can be selected according to preference.Different types of 10 millimeter laproscopic ports are available,however the valves used in the ports are important for performing extra c...

How To: Do a Belly Roll

The belly roll is a great place to start for aspiring belly dancers. The belly roll can be mastered by first isolating the upper abdomen and the lower abdomen separately. Combine these two movements for a perfect belly roll with instruction from an expert: Yasmeen began dancing at the young age of 3 and studied ballet, flamenco, folkloric, hip-hop and modern dance styles, as well as tribal fusion belly dance and Oriental Classical Egyptian belly dance. Learn more belly dancing dance moves fro...

How To: Do a side plank to sculpt your body

Strengthen your core and tighten your abdomen from the comfort of your home with a simple side-plank routine. When doing a side plank, try to keep your body facing directly forward to really work the core and obliques. For more information, including a complete, step-by-step overview of the side-plank abdominal exercise, watch this free video fitness guide.

How To: Take a child's measurements in pediatric nursing

Studying to be a pediatric nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to take a child's measurements. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to measure the head, chest, abdomen and length in cm. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

How To: Tie the flashback pheasant-tail nymph when fly fishing

Frank Sawyer, river keeper on Englands' Wiltshire Avon, designed an elegantly simple nymph that sinks quickly and imitates various Baetis mayfly species. Sawyer's nymph had only two ingredients: pheasant tail fibers and copper wire. The wire was used as an underbody, to attach the pheasant tail fibers to the hook, and also as a rib over the abdomen.

How To: Eat spiders (tarantulas)

Spiders. They live around you, the sleep next to, and they hide in the corners of your room. They're considered pests by most people, but to some, then considered a delicacy. Believe or not, the strongest natural fiber known is from the silk of the Nephila spider, but that spider is nothing compared to a huge, hairy, hideous tarantula. Tarantulas have been a delicacy for years. Enjoy one of these recipes when they are hot and crispy.

How To: Scream (sing)

This video gives you instructions on how to scream. All singers want to develop a scream. Don't try to imitate anyone else's scream. Yours will be unique and belong to only you. Never scream from the throat. This can damage your throat and probably your vocal chords. Push the scream from the diaphragm and abdomen. The demonstrator suggests the feeling is like you push when you are constipated and trying to have a bowel movement. The pushing sensation is also like doing a sit-up. By pushing it...

How To: Do the Short Plank pilates exercise

Short Plank is derived from original pilates exercises in order to teach proper abdominal and torso support in the push up position. The exercise in this how to video will strengthen your core, strengthen your shoulder girdle stabilizers and target the deep muscles of the abdomen and spine to protect your lower back. Watch this fitness tutorial and you will be toning your body with the Short Plank pilates move.

How To: Do yoga exercises to flatten the stomach

Cindy Mastry, Yoga instructor from YogaEtcStudio shows us how to do the yoga exercises to flatten the stomach. She considers the best exercise to flatten the stomach is the cleansing practice called as Agnisaar kriya which actually means Fire wash where you are washing the fire in the stomach. it not only flattens your abdomen but also improves the digestive and eliminatory system. For this you need to do is to inhale and reach your arms up to the sky and then you need to exhale and bend your...

How To: Do the Bakasana pose in yoga

In this tutorial, we learn how to do the Bakasana pose in yoga. First, take a deep breath and crouch down on your feet. Now, keep deep breathing and bring your arms out in front of you. Lean forward, and place all of your weight on your hands. After this, lift your feet up off the floor while they are still crouched inwards towards the abdomen. Take several deep breaths while you are in this position. Make sure you aren't placing your weight on your feet, or you won't be able to lift them up ...

How To: Draw the Incredible Hulk

This video illustrate us how to draw the incredible hulk. Here are the following steps:Step 1: First of all take a sheet of paper, pencil and pencil color.Step 2: Now draw a square with round edges representing the face of the hulk. Within the face draw eyes and a big mouth and hairy eyebrows.Step 3: Now from the bottom of the circle draw an oval with wavy structure on it showing the six-pack abs of the hulk.Step 4: Now from the down side of the abdomen extend two legs with muscular legs and ...

How To: Massage through the colon to relieve constipation

The man in the video teaches a very helpful massage routine to help relieve constipation. He explains where and how hard to put pressure on the area. He even goes to explain that where the fecal matter is pushed through the abdomen. The video also shows a very good demonstration by using a patient. What you want to do, is start with very easy low pressure. You then gradually increase in pressure. He explains that you want to start with the sigmoud part of the colon, just around the hip bone. ...

How To: Lose your love handles and body fat

This video gives you a detailed description on body fat. The first point made is that there is NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCTION. The video goes on to tell you that some body shapes are determined genetically and that you yourself may exhibit a body like that of your parents. The video describes different body shapes as well, such as the apple, pear, etc. The video ends in saying that hormones may also cause weight gain in specific area such as the hips and abdomen. Overall, this video mainly t...

How To: Get hard abs

This is one of the coolest videos about fitness. This video tells the viewer how to get a flat and rock hard abs. This video has nine workouts especially for the abs and back. This video gives a clear view of how to perform the workouts and how effective the work outs can be. Every man and woman wants to have perfect abs, because a perfect abdomen means a perfect body. This video gives the viewer a clear of what should they do in order to get a perfect shape for their body. Finally, the video...

How To: Draw Xena the Warrior Princess

You will need a sketch book and various pens. Start by roughly sketching the head. Next draw a center line that will become the center of Xena's torso. Sketch the arms, legs, breasts, and the ring that she is holding. Remember, this is the first draft and it doesn't need to be perfect. Next, flip another page down on top of your first draft. On this draft begin to add more details and proportions. Start with the head forming the shape of the jaw and the size of the head. Work your way down to...

How To: Do ab exercises on the BOSU ball

This video shows the method to do ab exercises on the BOSU ball. The video features five exercises. The first exercise involves push ups. The BOSU ball is put upside down and push ups are started. The legs rise as we go down and come forward as we go up. In the next exercise we lie on the ball and make a 'L' shape of the legs to the rest of the body. A right angle is formed at the knees. The right leg comes up as the left hand comes up and vice versa. The third exercise involves putting your ...

How To: Do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack

CobraWorkout teaches you how to do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack. For the first exercise lay down on your back, heels on the floor, take a medicine ball between your hands. Then angle your body at 45 degrees from the ground and twist it to the left and to the back. Do this 15 times and go straight to the next exercise. This involves getting on the side and having your feet in the air, while moving your upper body up and down. Do 25 repetitions on each side. For the third exercis...

How To: Practice chest lifts for pilates

Chest Lift is a basic ab exercise that focuses on the rectus abdominus, the long "6 pack abs" muscle that runs down the front of the abdomen. This pilates how-to video will show you the proper way to do pilates chest lifts. Keep doing these chest lifts to sculpt and tone your abdominals.

How To: Warm up and workout the core with yoga abdominal lifts

Abdominal lifts give a great core workout while developing breathing muscles in your abdomen. They tone your abdominals, strengthen your lower back, and boost your metabolism. They're a great way to start any workout. Some dieters use them to help them loose weight. Watch this this how to video to learn how to properly incorporate abdominal lifts into your yoga routines.

How To: Tie your karate or martial arts belt perfectly

This video demonstrates how to tie a karate belt in a proper manner. Take the belt and fold it in half. Place the fold in the middle part of your abdomen where you need the knot. Cross the ends of the belt behind your back. The end in your right hand should be on the top and tuck in the end in the left hand underneath till the front. Take the end on the top and tuck beneath the belt, bottom to top on the other side. Pull the ends tightly, the two ends should be of almost equal length. Cross t...

How To: Make a custom dress form

Kick up your look by adding dresses you make yourself to your wardrobe. It's simple to create a patter and sew a dress that will fit your exact measurements. You'll be amazed at the differene of having a drees you made yourself makes.

How To: Draw the human figure

The video shows us a how to draw a human figure in a very simple manner. It is done using a pencil. First, you draw the axis lines both horizontal and vertical with a very light shade. Now start drawing the upper right part and lower left part simultaneously so that you can get a rough shape of both the top and the bottom of the human figure. Then start drawing the face of the figure very lightly and then darken the shades of the figure which you had done previously. The shades are made darke...

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