Yellowing Teeth Search Results

How To: Use Bluetooth to connect your cell phone to your Mac

First open up system preferences, select Blue Tooth and click the plus at the bottom. Make sure that your phone has Blue Tooth on and wait for your phone to pop up. Click continue and enter the number 71057113 onto your phone in the space provided. Once your phone is connect to Blue Tooth, this space should be there. After clicking pair on your phone a Bluetooth set up assistant window should pop up. Click on the x, then click on the settings after selecting your phone. Even though it says no...

How To: Draw Boo from Mario 64

In this video he just draws a simple picture of boo. It maybe takes two or three minutes to make the sketch. First you just draw a circle roughly, and add ears to that. Next add tongue which is very long and outside of the mouth. You just have to give importance to the teeth in this drawing to make your sketch great. Next you just add teeth, which is wide. Next make the teeth highlight. Next draw two small circles like eyes and highlight it with the pencil. Next make the rough sketch into the...

How To: Make a sunset-inspired necklace

Catherine demonstrates how to create an eclectic, sunset-inspired necklace in this video. To create the necklace you must gather 40 yellow bugle beads, 18 orange chip beads, 3 mm red round beads, a barrel clasp, 2 crimp beads, 2 bead covers, about 20 inches of beading wire, clippers and pliers. The design is to start by threading a clap and a crimp bead onto the wire, leaving a 2 inch tail. Then thread on 15 yellow beads, remembering to cover the tail you left with the beads, 3 orange beads, ...

How To: Deal with yellow jackets

Nothing ruins a romantic fresh air picnic like the buzzing of angry yellow jackets—especially since, unlike the useful honey bee, they can use their stingers over and over again... Learn how to deal with bees without getting stung. This instructional video from Howcast offers tips on handling yellow jackets.

How To: Use & operate swivel clamps to String a Tennis racket

String a tennis racket. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to use and operate swivel clamps. The two main components of the swivel clamp are the tightening teeth and locking down the clamp. The clamp keeps it from moving along the side bar, some are spring assisted, some are not. The tightening teeth is used to keep the clamp attached to the string.

How To: Make a Tractor using Stampin' Up punches

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a Tractor using Stampin' Up punches. First, you will need to punch out a black scallop circle, another black circle, two yellow circles, a yellow square, and four green square shapes. After you have these cut out, you will glue the black scallop circle to the yellow circle so it's underneath. Then, take the green piece and glue it with the other yellows to create the shape of the tractor. Glue the circles at the bottom to make the wheels, then save this ...

How To: Play "Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles on guitar

TboneWilson shows how to play The Beatles' "Yellow Submarine" song on the acoustic guitar. Before beginning to play the song, you will need to tune your guitar down one semi-tone to D sharp. This video tutorial shows us how the combination of a D sharp, C, G, E minor, A minor, C, and D chords can be used to play the verses of the Yellow Submarine song by The Beatles. The chorus requires the following chords in this order: G, D, E, G, G, D, D, and G. Follow this tutorial from TboneWilson to le...

How To: Paint your nails blue with white stripes & yellow dots

Want a change from your boring manicure? Learn how to apply dark blue nail polish with white stripes and yellow dots with this tutorial. You will need a base coat, a blue black nail polish, white nail polish, yellow nail polish, and a clear top coat. This fun look takes a steady hand and a bit of practice. With this how to video you will be able to create these pretty dark blue nails with white stripes and yellow dot nail art.

How To: Make Thai yellow curry with veggies over pasta

This HowTo video is a cooking demonstration that is loaded with fresh veggies, mixed with a Thai yellow curry sauce and served over shell pasta. This recipe is ready in just 10 minutes with this easy to follow recipe. All the ingredients your need for this Thai dish are: cooking oil, red pepper, green pepper, zucchini, squash, onions, baby corn, asparagus and Gourmet Curry Simple Yellow Curry ( or your favorite yellow curry sauce).

How To: Draw a nerdy guy with glasses, braces and big ears

Portrait drawings are difficult for most artists, but one thing's for sure— drawing nerds is as easy as they come. Nerds are easier to draw because you can stray from the formality of portraits, putting your own spin on it, over-compensating the details, exaggerating the dorky features. It's a drawing class in its own, and Merrill shows you how to draw his version of the NERD!

How To: Apply pink, yellow & green couture-style eye shadow

This is a video tutorial showing its audience how to apply glam couture make up by using green, yellow, and pink tones. The first step is to apply your base over your eye lid. Next take one side of your brush and put some of your yellow eye shadow onto your brush. Then put this into the inner 1/3 of the eye and do this on both eyes. Next you need to flip your brush over and apply the green pigment to the brush. Next apply it to your eyelid and overlap the the green with the yellow just a litt...

How To: Prevent yellow jackets from nesting in your home walls

Rick Steinau with Ask the Exterminator demonstrates how to prevent yellow jackets from nesting in your home's walls. In mid to late summer yellow jacket populations increase. Yellow jackets can find spaces in the veneer or in cracks in bricks or siding. You can hear scratching noises in your walls as the wasps move. Observe wasp activity late in the day when they return to their nest for the night. Treat reachable holes with pesticide dust and a bellows. Leave the hole open to let the wasps f...

How To: Paint nails in a neon yellow and orange art design

This video will illustrate us how to paint our nails in neon yellow and orange art design. Here are the following steps:Step 1: first off all take nail paint remover and rub your nails with it to remove any previous application .Step 2: Now take the neon yellow paint and apply a very thin coat of this paint on all the nails. Now let it dry.Step 3: Again take the yellow paint and apply the second coat.Step 4: Now take the orange paint and apply polka dots of ths pain t on all the nails. Let it...

How To: Draw a smiling graffiti style face

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a smiling graffiti style face. First, start off by drawing the nose, eyes, and eyebrows. Then, draw the large open mouth and hair at the top of the head. Make sure to add in ears and large teeth when you draw the character. Then, shade around the individual teeth so it looks like gums. Then, fill in the eyebrows and hair individually. After this, make two lines underneath the nose so it looks more realistic, then sign your name next to your graffiti face...

How To: Create a fun yellow and purple smokey eye look

Most of us wouldn't even think to wear bright yellow and royal purple together unless we happen to be at Staples Center cheeering the Laker's on through the NBA Finals Tournament. But these two colors, which happen to be complementary hues on the color wheel, actually make for gorgeous makeup looks.

How To: Keep your kids healthy & avoid Lunchables

Do you feed your kids the yellow box lunch? Sure, it's easier than making a sandwich from scratch - but what's easy is usually not healthy. Check out this clip and learn all about the dangers lurking inside the iconic yellow box. Lunchables are full of chemicals, fats, sodium and calories.. watch this Food Facts clip and keep your family healthy.

How To: Correct white balance in Photoshop

This informative video tells you how to use the variations panel in Adobe Photoshop to correct color issues in your photo. Too much yellow in your picture? Learn how to use the variations setting to instantly fix this with the corresponding opposite color. With simple clicks and easy preview-able pictures, you can correct color over-exposures with a click of the mouse. First go to the Images drop down and select the variations option. The original photo on the top can be clicked to revert you...

How To: Repair the Yellow (Or Red) Light of Death on Your PS3

Blinking red (or yellow) light of death got your gaming on hold? Feeling particularly DIY? Save your games (and your money) by watching this video to learn how to repair a blinking red or yellow light of death. This in-depth tutorial will tell you which tools you need and demonstrate how to disassemble, repair, and reassemble your PlayStation 3 so it's like new again. It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!!!

How To: Apply yellow eye shadow with a crystal clear look

Man Woman Film demonstrates how to apply yellow eyeshadow to achieve a crystal clear look. First, define and extend the eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. Then, use a white makeup stick to highlight under the brow arch. Next, use a liquid yellow eyeshadow to paint on yellow eyeshadow to the lids. Use scotch tape to mask off a defining slant on the outer edge of the eye. Apply powdered makeup over the liquid eyeshadow above and below the eye. Apply silver eyeshadow underneath the brow arch. Outl...

How To: Help stretch marks, teeth, cellulite, and scars

Simple but effective tips for a better and beautiful you. For a whiter teeth use a toothpaste with a high fluoride content such as Sensodyne. Brush teeth as usual but avoid rinsing your mouth and do not spit off all the fluoride and let it stay in your mouth. Do this every night. For scars, stretch marks, cellulite, anti-aging, dry skin, use bio-oil. It is pure saline oil and a non greasy formula that has healing properties. Just spray a little bit of bio-oil to the affected area. for underar...

How To: Master your tennis backhand step

Welcome to a tennis lesson from FuzzyYellowBalls, the the best place to learn how to play tennis online. Our free video tennis lessons teach you how to play the game in a new way that combines technical analysis, visual learning, and step-by-step progressions.

How To: Employ the tennis footwork ready position

The ready position is the position you want to be in when you're waiting for your opponent to hit you the tennis ball. It's the foundation for tennis movement in general. From this position you can employ the various footwork patterns that let you move around the tennis court correctly. The ready position is very similar to an athletic stance in basketball. Your feet are a little bit wider than shoulder-width apart, your knees are slightly bent and the weight should be on the balls of your feet.

How To: Use proper footwork in tennis

Footwork is probably the most important part of tennis. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most underrated areas of the sport. Learning to move around the tennis court correctly is EXTREMELY important. Correct footwork lets you use correct stroke mechanics when you hit. Correct footwork is what typically sets advanced tennis players apart from everyone else.

Use tennis footwork move: back foot up

Bringing your back foot up after you hit the tennis ball puts you in position to recover back to the middle of the tennis court. The key, as we explain in this video, is to get your body facing the net after you hit (similar to the ready position). This will let you side shuffle back to the middle of the tennis court.

How To: Use shoulder rotation on a windshield wiper forehand

This video explains how the amount of shoulder rotation you get during a windshield wiper forehand can differ from a classic forehand. After you hit the tennis ball, you typically have to rotate a little bit more than you otherwise would on the windshield wiper. There are a number of reasons for this, but in this video we keep our focus relatively narrow.

Do tennis forehand stances: the Open, Neutral & Closed

Every time you hit a tennis forehand you choose how you position your feet -- what stance you will use. You can hit a forehand with an open, neutral, or closed stance, but you should stay away from the closed stance if possible. This last stance makes it difficult to rotate your upper body through contact, making it difficult for you to use correct forehand mechanics.