Wounded Sufferer's Search Results

How To: Make a blood burst machine for film

Alright, so you have some fake blood, and you want to use it in your movie. Unless you are showing a wound after it has happened, and if you want to do anything depicting people getting shot, you are going to have to find a way to make the blood "shoot" out of the wound when it happens. This video features instructions for making a homemade blood burst machine that you can use to make your actors spurt blood when they get shot, sliced, or whatever else you plan on making happen to them.

How To: Stop bleeding

The human body contains nine units of blood—but in matters of a traumatic cut or injury, it's always better to be safe than sorry. If you're unsure whether you're in an emergency situation, get to an emergency room and let them decide.

How To: Make pneumatic dust system for blood and dust hits in film

Have you ever wondered how all of the blood and dust that flies from wounds and bullet holes in Hollywood films gets shot through the air so convincingly? The answer is a pneumatic dust system. This video will show you how to make one yourself for almost no money, allowing you to achieve all sorts of cool special effects without any expensive digital technology.

How To: Make a fake cut with theatrical makeup

Finally, the professionals are weighing in on how to create fake wounds! This video features a makeup artist from the BBC demonstrating how to make a really realistic fake cut on the hand of an actor using theatrical makeup. The plastic pieces from a CD jewel case that resemble broken glass really set this cut apart from the other fake cuts on the site, along with the professionalism of the presenter.

How To: Make a latex facial prosthetic for Halloween

If you want to create the type of makeup look where the makeup IS the costume for Halloween, then look no further than this video. You'll be guided step by step through creating a facial prosthetic from latex. This prosthetic can be shaped any way you want to form rotting flesh for a zombie costume, scars and wounds, even bullet holes.

How To: Treat a child's cut, scrape, or bruise

Kids will be kids, which means they'll always be getting into trouble and they'll always be getting hurt. But that's just a part of growing up. Don't worry about preventing these mishaps, just be prepared for when they happen. Children are so active that there’s always a chance they will get cuts, scrapes and bruises. Stay calm and follow these tips to get your child back on their feet.

How To: Make fake bruises for film or Halloween

Bruises may not be as gory or extreme as the gashes and slashes from some of the other fake-wound videos on the site, but they are an important part of the fake-injury world. I a brick falls on you, what you are going to have isn't a cut, but a very nasty bruise! This video will teach you how to make a realistic fake bruise on your arm out of makeup, which should be handy for you next film.

How To: Perform a horizontal mattress suture on a patient

The horizontal mattress suture allows the doctor or nurse performing them to minimize the tension being applied to a patient's wound by the stitch, which facilitates healing. This video features a doctor demonstrating how to perform such a suture on a pig's leg, teaching you one of the techniques that will help make you a more successful medical professional.

How To: Insert and remove staples

An important part of surgery is knowing the various types of closures to perform. This medical how-to video is a demonstration of a staple insertion and removal technique. The use of staples is used for laceration repair or wound closure in the operating room. Follow along and learn how to insert and remove stables. This is a two person procedure.

How To: Stop severe bleeding (British Red Cross)

Everyone gets cut every once in a while, but sometimes those cuts can be more serious than expected. It could turn into severe bleeding, and there's a certain way to deal with this type of bleeding in a victim. How would you treat someone who was bleeding severely?