Worried Search Results

How To: Make Your Own Hairspray from Basic Kitchen Ingredients and Choose Your Own Scent

Hair products can work wonders, but the good stuff is usually super expensive. Plus, most of the major brands use a ton of ingredients you can't even pronounce, so it's safe to say a lot of us have no idea what we're putting in our hair. The good side is that most products can be made at home using basic ingredients for a fraction of the cost of commercial brands. Hairspray is no exception, and actually one of the easier ones to make.

How To: Make the Ringtone on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S3, or Other Android Phone Auto Adjust to Your Surroundings

Having your phone ring loudly in a quiet environment could be potentially embarrassing for you, but also quite annoying for everyone else that didn't forget to put their smartphone on silent. Whether it's in class, at work during a meeting, at the library, or a movie screening—you can bet that someone's phone is going to ring loudly, pissing some people off. You don't really want to be that douchebag that interrupts a movie or the middle of a lecture with their annoying ringtone just because ...

How To: Dumping Your iPhone for a New Sony Xperia Z? Here's How You Seamlessly Transfer Your Data

With the Xperia Z release for most major U.S. carriers expected sometime very shortly, many are both excited and curious at Sony's new flagship device. Much of the hype surrounding the new smartphone has stemmed from several ads that Sony has released, touting their waterproof phone to be as innovative as their Trinitron, PlayStation, and Walkman brands. Your worries about dropping your phone in a tiny fishbowl are finally over.

How To: Lose Your Connection? This Add-On for Chrome and Firefox Helps You Recover Missing Text and Erased Forms

We've all had that awful, sinking feeling when something you've been typing away at is suddenly gone. Maybe you accidentally hit the Back button, lost your internet connection, or your computer crashed, but whatever the reason, losing your work totally sucks. A lot of word processing programs have a built-in auto-save feature to prevent you from losing everything, but most websites and blogs haven't gotten there yet. An extension for Chrome and Firefox called Lazarus: Form Recovery can help y...

How To: Code a Simple Java App to Kill Any Process After a Specified Time

I may be a bit weird, but I enjoy listening to music at night as I fall asleep. Sure, you could create a playlist of songs so that it stopped after all the songs finished playing, but I have a rather extensive database of music and I enjoy listening to them randomly. Also, I like to ensure it terminates after a specific amount of time (I don't want it playing all night). Or sometimes I use it when I am cooking so that when the music stops, I know I need to check on my food, etc.

How To: Download Any TikTok Video on Your Phone — Even if They're Blocked from Saving

Many apps, including Facebook, Twitter, and Facebook, do not let you download videos, even if they are living on your own account. Saving these videos usually requires a third-party app or screen recorder, which is inconvenient and can result in loss of quality. However, TikTok, the newish popular short-form video platform, makes it easy to download videos — even if they're not yours.

How To: Disable the 'Unlock iPhone to Use Accessories' Notification in iOS 11.4.1 & Higher

If you're on iOS 11.4.1 or iOS 12 and go more than an hour without unlocking your iPhone, an "Unlock iPhone to Use Accessories" message will appear whenever you connect your iPhone to a computer or other device that tries to use the Lightning cable's data lines. This is to protect you, but it can be annoying if you have no reason to believe that law enforcement or criminals will have access to your iPhone.

News: Google Play Music's New Release Radio Works for Everyone

Google Play's newest feature may have once been exclusive, but it's now available for everyone. New Release Radio — a feature that provides you with a personalized playlist of new songs compiled based on your listening history — was originally released a month ago for Samsung devices. Now, it's available for all smartphone users with the Google Play Music app.

Opinion: Gameloft Strikes Out with Asphalt Street Storm Racing

The Asphalt series has been a staple in the racing genre since its first incarnation all the way back in 2004 — I still remember buying it for my newly-obtained Nintendo DS. It warms my heart to see that, after all this time, Gameloft continues to produce mobile Asphalt games, releasing the latest for Android today. Unfortunately, that's about all Gameloft has taken from its previous efforts. To be frank, this game ain't good.

How To: Use the Emergency SOS Shortcut on Your iPhone in iOS 11

In recent years, Apple has been pushing health and safety as cornerstones of its technology, and iOS 11 is no exception. Apple's latest entry in its mobile operating system brings a new emergency feature called Emergency SOS, which gives you easy access to contact 911 if you press the sleep/wake button five times. It's a useful way to contact emergency services when you might otherwise not be able to.

News: From Dogs to Clothes, New Roadie App Helps You Move Your Stuff

A new app called Roadie now makes life a little easier by connecting users to people who can transport their stuff. The app allows users to transport anything from dogs to getting rid of your ex's things. Furthermore, anyone can register as a sender, or become a driver to make an extra buck. The app is very easy to use: simply download (the app is available on both iOS and Android) and register using an email address or with Facebook. Using the profile you've created, users then select whethe...