Wordpress Differentiates Search Results

How To: Differentiate between restraining or protective orders

If someone violates a protective order, there are — the remedy would be the police would be involved. You'll get arrested. So, basically, a protective order is usually good for two years, and it has all the specific things you cannot do. For instance, you can't go by that person's — within 200 feet of them or their residence or their employer. So it has some very specific things. A restraining order is different. It's a standard thing that's given that's a mutual thing where it just says be n...

How To: Use differentiation equations to solve for position

This video teaches how to use calculus find the position, velocity and acceleration of an object. Imagine an object moving on a straight line. It's position at any time (t) is given as s(t) pronounced "s of t". It's velocity is v(t)= s'(t) which is the derivative of s(t). It's acceleration a(t) is the derivative of its velocity v'(t). If we look at it from a different perspective we are differentiating. The derivative of the position is its velocity, the derivative of its velocity is it accel...

How To: Manage WordPress admin access for different user roles

There's a cool plugin for your WordPress blog called Capability Manager. The Capability Manager plugin is mainly used for the blog which has number of users, each having a different role. In order to manage the WordPress Admin access for each user role, this will help you. With the help of this plugin, you can enable the particular part of the Admin access to fit a particular user role.

How To: Make a handmade gift bag

In this video, you will learn how to create a custom gift bag. Before you watch, you will want to download the pdf template for the bag, by visiting artycrafty.wordpress.com. First, you will print the template out onto decorative craft paper, which should be A4 letter-sized. Next, you will cut around the solid lines, as shown on the template, and cut out any additional decorative stencils, as you wish. While watching the video, you are free to decorate the pieces of paper any way you would li...

How To: Play "Another Day in Paradise" on the ukulele

This is my entry for the play it forward ukulele video contest: http://ukulelereview.com Play Phil Collin's "Another Day in Paradise" on the ukulele with this free video lesson, which demonstrates both the song's chords and the proper picking pattern. For more information, and to get started playing Phil Collins' "Another Day in Paradise" on your own ukulele, watch this video guide.

How To: Use differential equations to represent growth

This video shows the method to use differential equations to represent growth. Consider the function y=multiple of C & e raised to kx or Ce^(kx). Differentiating it with respect to x, we get dy/dx=kCe^(kx) or ky. So, the solution of the differential equation dy/dx=ky is Ce^(kx). There are two possibilities in the function y=e^(kx). It can be exponentially growth or decay function. This depends on the value of k. If k is greater than 0 or k>0, we get an exponential growth function. On the othe...

How To: Drag and drop objects in Flash

Tasktutorial.com shows us how to create drag and drop functionality into a flash program. Start off by making a few shapes in flash and then add color to each of them, a different one for each shape in order to differentiate between them. After doing this select all the shapes by dragging the cursor over them, once done distribute the shapes into layers by going into the 'modify' drop-down button at the top, then timeline and there will be the option to distribute. Now we have to turn the sha...

How To: Use the Spanish words "muy" and "mucho" properly

Learning to differentiate between common nearly synonymous words in a foreign language is one of the biggest challenges inherent in learning another language. Here, Spanish instructor Professor Jason breaks down the difference between the Spanish words "muy" and "mucho". While these both seem like they mean "more" to many English speakers, one is actually an adverb and the other an adjective, so using them interchangeably can be a major mistake. Many examples and a quiz are included in the vi...

How To: Antidifferentiate functions with radicals in calculus

This video demonstrates how to do anti-differentiate functions with radicals in calculus. To simply problems, try to substitute. For example, in the problem, the integral of x times the square root of x plus 2 dx. You can substitute w for everything underneath the radical: i.e. x + 2. When you simplify, it becomes: the integral of x times the square root of w dw. Now, you need to get rid of the x, which you can do with a substitution: w – 2 = x. Now, plug in the values and simplify it.

How To: Do a long layered hair cut step by step

This video illustrate how to do long layered hair cut step by step. Here are the following steps:Step 1: First of all clean your hair and then take all your hair and hold them through a clip.Step 2: Now release a inch of your hair from the lower bottom and cut it.step 3: Now release the upper inch layer and cut it slightly above the lower most layer.Step 4: Similarly take the next layers and cut them so that each layer has sharp cutting and is differentiated easily.Step 5: Release hair on the...

How To: Find the equation of a tangent line

This is the video about how to find the equation of a tangent line. As you may recall, a line which is tangent to a curve at a point a, must have the same slope as the curve. Therefore, the slope of the tangent is m = lim f(a + h) - f(a) h-->0 h Since the slope equation of the tangent line is exactly the same as the derivative definition, an easier way to find the tangent line is to differentiate using the rules on the function f. For example, Find the slope of a line tangent to the function ...

How To: Gain weight and stay healthy

With the world being obsessed with obesity; where does that leave the polar opposite? Malnutrition should be equally important. In this video from the Youth Health Alliance, the concerns of the under weight person are addressed. After watching, you'll have a basic understanding of what is required to gain weight in a healthy way. It addresses the consequences of being underweight. It also describes both diet and exercise for healthy weight gain. It explains which calories are healthy to consu...

FingerSense: The Future of Touch Input

Over the past decade, touch screens have changed the way we interact with our electronic devices. Gone are the days of clicking and pecking at keyboards, with these gestures replaced by swipes, taps, and long-presses on most of our newer devices. From the early years spent swapping out vaccuum tubes and reading light indicators, human interaction with computers has been constantly evolving. Can Qeexo's FingerSense usher in the next era in manual input?

How To: You've Been Unwrapping Hershey Kisses Wrong Your Entire Life

Removing the thin aluminum foil wrapping from a Hershey Kiss isn't necessarily a difficult thing, but even the easiest of things can be annoying sometimes. For instance, getting chocolate under your fingernail when you're trying to peel the wrapper off, or making a wrapper mess. To make this first-world problem go away, simply grab a Hershey Kiss in-between your index finger and thumb, then pull on the paper plume to yank the chocolate straight out of the wrapper. The plume was originally des...

How To: Perform a general neurological exam on a patient

As a doctor, sometimes it will be necessary to perform a neurological examination of your patient to rule out any neurological disorders. Your objective is to identify abnormalities in the nervous system, to differentiate peripheral from central nervous system lesions, and to establish internal consistency. This is a great video less that outlines the complete neurological exam procedure. It's great for medical students or doctors, and even nursing students can learn a thing or two.

How To: Think You Might Be Tone Deaf? This Online Musical Test Will Diagnose You in Minutes

If you've ever listened to your loved ones sing in the shower or watched a few minutes of American Idol, you would think that the majority of the population is tone deaf. In reality, only about 4 percent of the world's population suffers from tone deafness, or the inability to distinguish between different pitches. Che Guerava, Charles Darwin, and Ulysses S. Grant were all tone deaf.

How To: Treat strains and sprains [signed] (British Red Cross)

Everyone should be able to perform basic first aid, even those with hearing impairment. Deaf individuals are just as likely to save a life as anyone else, but they need to know how, just like everyone else. This video is signed to help those with hearing problems learn about strains and sprains treatments. Although strains and sprains are not a serious injury, they are still very painful for the sufferer, and the only way to make sure they heal properly is to make sure they get immediate atte...

How To: Grow blue corn

Blue corn is a special variety of corn which can be differentiated by the majority of the corn species by looking at the unusual top growth of the corn. It is a hybrid and grows very uniformly throughout. Now take a corn from the field and peel it off. You shall notice that it has a blue color corns. Blue color corns are hard from outside but they are very soft and tender in the middle. You can use these blue corns in making commercial products like blue corn chips, tortillas, and atole ’,‘ c...

How To: Differentiate tunable and non-tunable bodhrán drums

In this how to video, you will learn how to tell the difference between a tunable and non-tunable bodhran. A tunable bodhran has a tuning mechanism to allow you to adjust the skin tension. A non-tunable bodhran is actually tunable, but it just needs more time to do so. A tunable drum has the tuning mechanism in the inside. They are lugs pressing on an inner hoop. When the key is turned clockwise, this will make it tighter. Make sure to go crisscross rather than around the circle when tuning. ...

How To: Get Samsung Galaxy S10 Wallpapers on Your iPhone

Samsung isn't set to reveal its latest and greatest — the Galaxy S10 line — until February 20, but that hasn't stopped leaks from giving us an early taste. While we already know what the rumored devices will probably look like, we now have access to their wallpapers as well. Apple fans don't need to be left out of the fun — someone has already cropped these images to fit your iPhone's display.

How To: Customize Your Apple TV's Name

Your Apple TV is just that — your Apple TV, which means you probably want to personalize it a bit, to make yours stand out from everybody else's. And the easiest way to do this is by renaming it. If you live in an apartment building, this will help differentiate your Apple TV from your neighbors' when trying to use AirPlay.

How To: Make Your Dreams a Reality… In Your Dreams (By Lucid Dreaming)

Lucid dreaming, in which you're aware that you're dreaming, can be profoundly beneficial to us. It gives us freedom to do things we couldn't possibly do in the real world. It can show us the true potential of our brain power. You can even use lucid dreaming to question the nature of our own reality. For whatever reason, people everywhere are interested in this mysterious phenomenon...especially in achieving it. Whether it be visiting another planet or flying around, the possibilities in lucid...