Wool Socks Search Results

How To: Crochet baby socks

This video is one of a series of steps involved in crocheting cute woolen baby socks. In the beginning of this step, which is in fact step number seven, the shape of the baby socks can already be seen quite clearly. Use yarn or woolen thread of the thickness and color of your preference. Also prepare the hook you are going to use to make the stitches. Start by applying a chaining up twice. Then you have to apply half double crochet in each step around, always going round and round the circumf...

How To: Knit pick up stitches

Cyberseams explains here how to knit pick up stitches. It is actually about joining sections together. You can use a knitting needle or stick for joining sections together. Take a piece of wool section which is already done. Now you are thinking to join it with new one. Insert the stick with one hole. Turn the new wool part and stick it together. Then do it again. Get the wool from back and bring it to the front. Be sure your seam is correct. After watching this video you can easily join part...

How To: Turn a tube sock into a cheap iPod or phone holder

If you want to save some money on an iPod holder, you might want to watch this video tutorial. You will learn how to make a cool iPod holder out of a sock. It's very easy to do and more importantly... it will save you money. You can even use that dirty, raunchy, gym sock to protect your iPhone or other cell phone too! Really though, make sure you wash your socks before making this iPod protector. You may not be protecting the ingenious mp3 player is you don't.

How To: Use probability of dependent events

In this video you will learn how to use probability of dependent events. The video starts with a small advertisement to there website http://www.yourteacher.com. Then its followed up by a math instructor taking you through a example problem to help you understand how you can begin solving problems of your own. The problem used in the example is: Andrea has 4 red socks and 8 blue socks in her drawer, she chooses one sock at random and puts it on, she then chooses another sock without looking, ...

How To: Ignite a Brillo pad

Check out this instructional science video to learn how to make a steel wool soap pad ignite. Using a 9v battery, touch the Brillo pad to make the steel wool ignite. This is a simple science experiment following step by step the instructions in this video tutorial, trying out for yourself. This is a great experiment to perform with the kids.

How To: Make a shirt out of a wool blanket

In this video, we learn how to make a shirt out of a wool blanket. This is great if you need something really warm to sleep in or wear out around. First, design the shirt so it's longer on the back than it is in the front. That way, when you sit down you will have extra wool to help keep you warm. You don't need to sew a collar on it,, because it will just take too much work. Make the arms extra long, depending on how large your blanket is. If it's too long, you can fold the ends over, or cov...

How To: Make an amazing lamp out of strings

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make an amazing lamp. The materials required for this project are a balloon, wool string and liquid glue. Begin by blowing up the balloon and wind it with wool string. Wrap all around to cover the surface of the balloon. Then cover the entire balloon with some liquid glue and let it dry for 24 hours. Once it's dried, carefully let out the air of the balloon and remove it from the dried yarn string. Now add a light source. This video will benefit th...

How To: Spin wool

In this episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave Epstein and fiber sculptor Susan Barrett Merrill discuss how to spin wool. Barrett Merrill demonstrates the spinning wheel and explains how wool is transformed into yarn. She also shows some of her own work and explains her artistic process.

How To: Create a Light Painting Vortex Using a DIY Reusable Steel Wool Cage

There's no shortage of uses for steel wool, but the majority of them tend to be on the pyromaniacal side, like DIY fireworks. This trick by Mike Mikkelson is no different—it uses a homemade reusable "wool cage" to create a spinning vortex of light, like in the photo below. You can do this with just a piece of steel wool on a cable, but Michael wanted something he could easily reuse no matter how many shots he took, so he built a small cage to house the steel wool out of chicken wire, a small ...

How To: Knit socks

Socks may be one of the lamest gifts you could get someone, especially a child… or a boyfriend or girlfriend. But there is one exception… homemade knitted socks. Make these super simple, handcrafted socks for everyone in your family.

How To: Insert a heel when knitting a sock

Stay tuned for this knitting instructional video on inserting a heel for a knitted sock. This is a very large scale knitted sock. It's going to be a felted Christmas stocking. The knitting is finished except for inserting the heel. The knitting technique demonstrated is exactly the same for a more normal, human-size knitted sock. It's also the same technique used to insert a pocket in a sweater.

How To: Make a heating pad

At a loss for what to do with that unmatched sock? Apparently you fill it with rice and zap it in the microwave and presto chango you have a heating pad. Learn how to make this sock heating pad by watching this crafty video.

How To: Make Naruto gloves

In this video, we learn how to make Naruto gloves. First, you will need to take an old black sock, thread, needle, and scissors. After this, you will cut the top off the sock and then put it on your hand. After this, you will need to use the needle and thread to sew in between the fingers on the sock. When all of these are patched, up you will add a fake metal plate to the top of it. You can glue this on with a hot glue gun. When finished drying, you will be able to wear this out, enjoy!

How To: Make a bench shooting bag

In this Outdoor Recreation video tutorial Dave from 'journey the outdoors' explains how to make a bench shooting bag. This is used by bench or week-end shooters for recreation purposes. For this you will need an old sock. Take one that you don't use anymore and preferably a tight knit sock. Then fill it with rice and tie the open end of the sock. You can also fill it with beans or some other such substance. Rice and beans being bigger than sand, there will be more air in the bag and it will a...

How To: Wear a full formal kilt outfit with accessories

In this tutorial, we learn how to wear a full formal kilt outfit with accessories. You will need: socks, garters, shoes, kilt, sporran, kilt pin, jacket, vest, and knife. First, put your socks on, then wear the garter around the sock, folding the top of the sock over the top of the garter. After this, put your shoes on, by lacing them up to the top of the socks. Next, open your kilt and wrap it around your wait. The strap should go through the buckle, then through the hole in the strap. Secur...

How To: Make a handcrafted snowman ornament

In this how-to video, you will learn how to make your own hand-crafted snowman. You will need two Styrofoam balls, tooth picks, a white sock, plaid fabric, orange pipe cleaner, black fabric paint, pins, hot glue or tacky glue, twigs, buttons, red baby socks, and any other decorations you want. Place a tooth pick to connect the two balls. Insert the balls into the sock and cut the excess. Next, pin the sock to the balls. Cut the scarf from the plaid fabric and wrap around the snowman. Now, cut...

How To: Avoid sock puppet marketing and the associated law suits on your website

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...