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How To: Ride a bike in traffic

This video is a tutorial on how to ride a bike in traffic. The first rule is to obey the law. You would need to follow the laws of traffic as though you were driving a car. If there is a bike lane, use it. It is not a good idea to use the sidewalk as that is reserved for walkers and runners. Ride predictably by signaling your turns. The video tells the viewer which side of the road to ride on, and also provides tips. He also discusses how to ride with another cyclist. This is a very informati...

How To: Store food to prepare for a disaster

This short three-part video tutorial series shows how to store food in buckets for long term storage. From peak oil to survival and basic disaster preparation, this is the way to do it. Watch these survival training videos and learn how to store up and save a food reserve for an emergency or disaster situation.

How To: "Preserve Your Herbs"

Whilst drying herbs is a well known method they do suit certain types of dishes but with this method of using olive oil to infuse before freezing, you get the best results many weeks after you've cut them and it allows you to continue enjoying those summer flavours well into winter.

How To: Make Bacon Onion Rings

This is a really fun dish that brings together the wonderful flavors of bacon and onions. Bacon onion rings is a really tasty BBQ snack that's simple and easy to make. Just replace the batter of an onion ring with bacon! (Cooking temps were approximately 140ºC / 285ºF.)

How To: Make beef short ribs braised w/wild mushrooms & tomato

These lovely beef short ribs with wild mushrooms and tomato are just made for a cool fall or winter night. The succulent beef short ribs are slowly stewed in the earthy mushroom and tomato sauce until fork-tender, ready to then be piled on some mashed potatoes. Dried mushrooms are easy to find in any large grocery store, and just a small amount adds tons of flavor to this short ribs recipe.

How To: Make an asparagus, mushroom & fontina quiche

To really appreciate quiche, you need to like the versatility of the dish, and if done right, a quiche can be the prefect breakfast, lunch or dinner meal for the entire family. Even a Sunday brunch. This quiche will please any crowd. Check out the recipe for this delicious asparagus, mushroom and fontina quiche from Chef Hubert Keller.

How To: Prepare leeks for soups

Leek's are related to the onion family. They are sweet like onions when they are cooked, but unlike onions make your eyes water when you cut them, they have long straight white stalks with tough green leaves. Select white fresh stalks with bright looking green leaves, and avoid damage. To prepare the soup cut the stalk of the green leaf and reserve them to make stock and trim the surface of the base.Under running water cut the leek for two halves and wash thorughly between the layers. Slice t...

How To: Make cottage cheese at home

In order to prepare cottage cheese at home, you will need the following ingredients: milk and curd (or lemon). Pour the skim milk into a pan. Heat to a boil. Watch it carefully and stir frequently. You can use lowfat (skim) milk or whole milk. Whisk 4 tsp of curd. Add the curd to the milk, when it starts to boil. It is important that you wait until the milk has started to boil first.

How To: Understand car battery basics

For most automotive applications a battery needs to supply a lot of current for a short period of time to turn over the engine and get the car started. With the engine running, the car's alternator produces all the power the car needs. Thin plates inside a starting battery increase the surface area and produce this relative burst of energy. Thicker plates in a deep cycle battery provide a steady amount of current over a long period of time. Deep cycle batteries excel in reserve capacity (RC),...

How To: Make Your Own Propane-Fueled Cotton Candy Machine at Home

Cotton candy is a treat generally reserved for carnivals, fairs, and other events that don't come around often enough. Through some clever construction and about $45 in materials though, you can have all the sugary substance you could ever want with this awesome DIY cotton candy machine. All you'll need to construct your own are two dollar store stainless steel bowls, a fan motor, a few odd screws and bolts, a drill, and a propane torch. Check out the tutorial video below. As an added bonus, ...

How To: Make pecorino cheese & pancetta spaghetti carbonara

Rick Stein teaches you how to open a packet of pasta in a true Italian style whilst talking through a delicious spaghetti carbonara with pecorino cheese and pancetta. Great recipe clip from BBC cookery show 'Rick Stein's Mediterranean Escape'. Garlic, parsley, pancetta, eggs, pecorino and spaghetti. Quick and simple to make!

How To: Make American chicken & dumplings

Learn Grandma's secret recipe for delicious American Chicken and Dumplings, from a traditional family recipe Add chicken, celery and carrots to a pot and boil for 30 minutes. Allow the above to sit for 30 minutes then drain off the broth into a separate dish and place it in the refrigerator. Remove the meat from the bones of the chicken and set aside. Add 2 and a half cups of flour, a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar to a bowl. Remove broth from fridge skim off 3 tablespoons of fat,...

How To: Tie a tie - Expert instructions

One of the hardest things you'll ever have to do in adulthood as a male is tie a tie. Neckties are one of the hardest things to teach and hardest things to learn. Tying a tie is so hard that the majority of men are picking up clip-on ties instead, despite their lack of maturity. If you want to learn how to tie a tie, this video tutorial might finally show you the ways. See what you've been doing wrong all of these years.

How To: Cook Jamaican Jerk pork

We are sure you've heard and maybe even had Jamaican jerk chicken, well here is a recipe for jerk pork. The funny thing about Jamaican jerk seasoning is that it goes great with almost any kind of meat. In this cooking how-to video Tracy cooks some authentic Jamaican jerk pork. Follow along and learn how to prepare jerk pork.

How To: Cook Jamaican callaloo and codfish

Watch this cooking how-to video as Tracy cooks some authentic Jamaican callaloo and codfish. In this cooking how to video Tracy shows you how to make a traditional Jamaican seafood dish. Follow along with the Jamaican cooking video lesson to learn how to make callaloo and codfish.

Real Scenarios #1: The New MacBook

You're at your friend's house. All you've heard about all day is his new laptop. He's got a brand new top-specced MacBook Pro, and he won't stop going on about it. It particularly annoys you as all you've got is a 4 year old cheap laptop, even if it is running Linux.